From Wed Dec 11 00:11:00 2024 From: "Mark Andrew Blitz" To: CCL Subject: CCL:G: MESMER (Master Equation Solver for Multi-Energy Well Reactions) 7.1 Message-Id: <-55281-241210041716-6759-bll2bULoSeCpQ3Wc1lTwag(0)> X-Original-From: "Mark Andrew Blitz" Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 04:17:13 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Mark Andrew Blitz" [] Dear Colleague, On behalf of the MESMER team, we are delighted to announce that MESMER 7.1 (Master Equation Solver for Multi Energy-well Reactions) is now available for download. MESMER is designed to analyze and simulate reactions in the gas phase that take place on a potential energy surface that is characterized by having one or more potential wells, and which are typically described by rate coefficients that depend on pressure (or concentration) as well as temperature. MESMER allows you to simulate systems over a wide range of pressures and temperatures, extract rate coefficients, analyze experimental data, fit model parameters and represent rate coefficients in formats that can be used directly in large scale simulations (e.g. Cantera or Chemkin). The Windows installer and Linux tar file are located at: The source can also be viewed and downloaded from this site. There are also bug and feature request tracking facilities which we encourage you to use. MESMER 7.1 includes the following new features: New features: A beta release of a new browser-based MESMER input file editor MXG. MESMER for Windows is now built at 64-bit. Support for radiation transitions has been extended to allow for a radiation field that is at different temperature from that of the bath gas. Support for an n-dimensional torsion potential. Gaussian based fragmentation distribution. Output for the XSLT based potential energy surface schematic has been improved. The rate coefficient table in the XSLT output has been updated with a new section showing second-order rate coefficients in units of cm3/molecule/s. We thank Timo Pekkanen of the University of Helsinki and Prof. Tin of Phm Hanoi University of Science and Technology for suggesting this change. Bug fixes: An issue with the parsing of the secondary activation energy has been rectified. We thank Timo Pekkanen of the University of Helsinki, for bringing the issue to our attention. An issue with the units of pre-exponential factor used in the ILT method has been addressed, this quantity can now be quoted in units of cm3/mol/s as well as cm3/molecule/s. Also, some of the implementation details of MESMER are described in Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 95459560, 116 (2012). As indicated above, a major new feature in the development of MESMER is the beta release of MXG a browser-based editor for MESMER input files. MXG can be used via GitHub pages and installed onto devices as a Progressive Web Application (PWA). The latest stable version is served from the GitHub page: - Latest stable version > From where they can be installed as a PWA. A PWA is a type of application software delivered via the Web and built using common Web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WebAssembly. It should work on any platform with a standards-compliant browser. More details about PWA can be found at: Wikipedia Progressive Web App Article PWA installation varies by Web browser/device: General instructions We would be particularly interested in receiving feedback about MXG, but also any other suggestions regarding MESMER. If you have any comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to let us know, either through the above site or by email (Mark Blitz (M.Blitz| and Struan Robertson (struanhrobertson| Regards, Mark Blitz and Struan Robertson