From Tue Feb 11 12:43:01 2025 From: "Susi Lehtola" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Registration to Reusable Libraries in Quantum Chemistry WATOC satellite meeting now open Message-Id: <-55289-250211105055-27372-5z/> X-Original-From: Susi Lehtola Content-Language: en-US Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 17:50:41 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: Susi Lehtola [susi.lehtola*] Dear colleague, This email is to inform you that the registration for our WATOC satellite meeting on Reusable Libraries in Quantum Chemistry is open. The registration form is online at the conference web page The purpose of the meeting is to catalyze discussions within the quantum chemistry community on the potential of new reusable libraries, following one of the main organizers’ recent call to arms in J. Chem. Phys. 159, 180901 (2023). Reusable libraries exhibit great promise in reducing maintenance costs of quantum chemical software, and accelerate the development of science. The meeting thus has an explicit focus on enabling discussions and networking between various projects, which can result in the development of new reusable libraries for novel topics. We welcome anyone interested in quantum chemistry software development to participate. We hope to attract both seasoned senior developers of established open source and commercial packages, as well as advanced graduate students and postdocs in the meeting to talk about best practices in quantum chemical software development. Following the example of computer science meetings, the main focus of the conference is on poster sessions in order to maximize the number of presentations at the meeting and to enable in-person discussions between the participants. In addition, the meeting will feature a limited number of keynote talks to introduce various key issues in quantum chemistry software. The target audience are people working on quantum chemistry software development; please feel free to forward this email to collaborators and coworkers who might be interested to attend the meeting. While we especially hope to attract developers of existing program packages or open source libraries, our aim is also to enable the networking necessary to form novel initiatives that have the potential to revolutionize how quantum chemistry software is developed. Developers working in commercial or closed-source packages are also welcome to attend the meeting, especially if they are open to developing with or relying on novel open source libraries in their projects. The meeting will be held *after WATOC* on June 29 - July 3 2025 at the Majvik Conference Center, which is situated in beautiful nature a half hour's distance > from the Helsinki International Airport. Note that the two other satellite meetings in Berlin and Copenhagen are held *before* WATOC, and you can therefore attend our meeting even if you attend another satellite. The meeting can fit around 100 participants, and the isolated setting with full room and board will allow excellent opportunities to network with colleagues working within quantum chemistry software development. *The seats will be offered on a first come, first served basis*. The conference fee is 625 €, including catered coffees, lunches and dinners. Participants need to book and pay for housing at Majvik (which includes breakfast) separately; please mention ReLibQC in the booking. The rooms at Majvik cost 115 €/night for single rooms, and 140 €/night for double rooms. Please contact Susi Lehtola, susi.lehtola,, if you require a formal invitation letter for visa or funding purposes. Best wishes from the local organizing committee, Susi Lehtola, academy research fellow, University of Helsinki Dage Sundholm, professor, University of Helsinki Antti Karttunen, professor, Aalto University Stefan Taubert, university lecturer, University of Helsinki -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Susi Lehtola, PhD Academy of Finland research fellow susi.lehtola, Associate professor, computational chemistry University of Helsinki, Finland ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Susi Lehtola, FT akatemiatutkija susi.lehtola, dosentti, laskennallinen kemia Helsingin yliopisto ------------------------------------------------------------------------------