From Wed Dec 27 06:01:01 2023 From: "Mark Nicholas Jones mark{=}" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Quantum Computing for Chemistry Course Message-Id: <-55074-231227055831-12446-Zs/aepM/SUo5bBveJDO+Dw|a|> X-Original-From: "Mark Nicholas Jones" Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2023 05:58:28 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Mark Nicholas Jones" [] Dear CCL subscribers, We have integrated our quantum computing course material into our dashboard and also offer a high performance computing (HPC) development environment for your research. Have a look at our blog post: We want to offer a low cost infrastructure platform for running advanced hybrid classical-quantum computing algorithms for quantum chemistry applications in combination with machine learning. JupyterLab and Kubeflow included. We can adapt the platform to your needs (Intel or Arm processors, GPUs and QPUs). No valuable data is being analyzed (code or scientific data) on our end except user interaction (UX/UI) data with the front-end to improve the course and the dashboard. Feedback is very welcome which we will be thankful for to improve. Kind regards, mark