From Sat Jan 11 11:25:41 1992 From: (Ross W. Wetmore) Subject: Re: C++ Version of Linpack To: Date: Sat, 11 Jan 92 10:53:55 EST Status: R This posting appeared recently on comp.newprod. In light of some of the recent discussion of trends in the development of computational languages I thought it of interest to pass it on to the readership, not as a commercial plug, but as an example of some of newly emerging technologies that were alluded to in the discussions. My apologies in advance for 1) a commercial posting - I repeat, it is the contained ideas rather than this particular example that I believe are worth dissemination. 2) a commercial reposting - the original had to come from somewhere. 3) the poor quality of the salesmanship which is based as much on negative comments of the competition, as the positive aspects of the product. Flames or personal comments should be forwarded by email to avoid further clutter of the mailing list. ---- Ross W. Wetmore | Waterloo, Ontario | {backbone}!watmath!rwwetmor ---- Newsgroups: comp.newprod > > N E W P R O D U C T R E L E A S E > > C++ Version of Linpack Announced > >Rogue Wave Software, Inc., November 1, 1991. Rogue Wave Software, >Inc. announces today that it has started shipping two new C++ class >libraries, Matrix.h++ and Linpack.h++. These new C++ class libraries >extend the C++ language to include numerical algorithms that were >previously available only in Fortran. > >Linpack.h++ is an object-oriented C++ version of the widely used Fortran >library. Linpack.h++ includes 100% of the functionality of the Fortran >version, plus much more. Because Linpack.h++ is written in C++ it has >capabilities that far exceed the Fortran version. > >C++'s unique position as an extensible object-oriented language that is >extremely efficient makes it one of the best languages for solving >complex numerical problems. Rogue Wave's new libraries take full >advantage of C++'s strengths: operator overloading, object-orientation, >and speed. Programmer productivity is boosted because you work with >whole objects that represent numerical data rather than low-level "DO" >loops. The result is fewer, but more expressive, lines of code. But, >because these libraries are based on highly-optimized low-level assembly >routines, they are extremely fast, frequently faster than the equivalent >Fortran. > >Dr. Thomas Keffer, President of Rogue Wave Software, Inc. says >"Matrix.h++ and Linpack.h++ both represent major milestones for the >C++ and numerical communities. Engineers, scientists, and financial >analysts now have the C++ tools needed to make their job easy. The lack >of these tools has kept them chained to Fortran." > >Charlie Finan of CRAY Research had this to say of Linpack.h++: >"Looks like you wrote the classes just the way I would...and my job is to >write fast code! You did it right!" > >Both Matrix.h++ and Linpack.h++ are completely compatible with Rogue >Wave's other C++ class libraries, Tools.h++ and Math.h++, which are >accepted standards in the industry. Matrix.h++ and Linpack.h++ are >available for most machines, from MS-DOS to UNIX, including a >vectorized version for the CRAY. > >Matrix.h++ includes all the funtionality of Math.h++. For example: >general matrices, vectors, statistics, complex numbers, Fast Forier >Transformation (FFT's), etc. Matrix.h++ adds specialized matrix classes >such as banded, symmetric, positive-definite, Hermitian, tridiagonal, etc. >Because Matrix.h++ includes Math.h++, it can take advantage of >Math.h++'s highly optimized low-level assembly routines, making it fast >as well as graceful. > >Linpack.h++ is the jewel of C++ math classes. Linpack.h++ includes all >of Matrix.h++, plus all of the functionality in the original and well- >established Fortran version; including solutions of systems of equations >for a variety of matrix types, solutions of over- and under-determined >systems of equations, incremental least squares solvers, etc. But, >Linpack.h++ is a tru object-oriented library, not just a C version that >compiles under C++: the traditional messiness of the Fortran version has >been replaced with high-level, yet efficient, objects that make code far >easier to write and maintain. > >The classes are available now. Prices range from $199 to $995 for >Matrix.h++ and $299 to $1195 for Linpack.h++. > >Rogue Wave Software Inc. is a software company that develops and sells >high quality C++ class libraries. Its customers include end users and C++ >compiler manufacturers such as Borland, JPI, Oregon Software, Liant >Software, and others. Rogue Wave Software Inc. is located at 1325 NW >9th Street, Corvallis, OR, 97330, (503) 754-2311. From Sat Jan 11 12:31:15 1992 Date: Sat, 11 Jan 92 11:07:03 CST From: "Dr. Dennis Gerson" To: Subject: Symposim on Chemistry and Networking at the August 1992 ACS Meeting Status: R I am organizing the Symposium on Networks and Chemistry at the August 1992 American Chemical Society Meeting in Washington DC. The focus of the Symposium with be how Chemists are using Networks today to do work, What the Future holds and Where the NSF/Govt is heading. If you are interested in participating, please contact me by email at or by FAX (214) 406-7226. Regards, Dennis Gerson Dennis Gerson IBM Technical Computing Systems Dallas TX USA From Sat Jan 11 22:41:00 1992 Date: Sat, 11 Jan 92 21:10:32 CST From: "Dr. Dennis Gerson" To: Subject: Further Clearification on ACS Symposium on Networks and Chemistry Status: R This Symposium is on the use of COMPUTER NETWORKS (not neural or other) in Chemistry. In particular we are interested in presentations on how Networking is being used to do remote simulations, work-group computing, data base or library searching. Networks, both LAN (local area) and WAN (wide area) are appropriate. This Symposium will have representative speakers >from NSF, Industry and Academia. Current speakers include Dr. Becker of ANS/ Merit (NSFnet), Susan Gaines of IBM (primer on Network Terminology and History) and representatives from NCSA. If you are interested in participating, please email a short abstract to me by 3/1/92. Final abstracts are not due until April 1992. >Subject: Symposim on Chemistry and Networking at the August 1992 ACS Meeting > >I am organizing the Symposium on Networks and Chemistry at the August 1992 >American Chemical Society Meeting in Washington DC. The focus of the >Symposium with be how Chemists are using Networks today to do work, What >the Future holds and Where the NSF/Govt is heading. > >If you are interested in participating, please contact me by email at > or by FAX (214) 406-7226. Regards, Dennis Gerson Dennis Gerson IBM Technical Computing Systems Dallas TX USA