From Fri Apr 24 15:36:17 1992 Date: Fri, 24 Apr 92 16:20 N From: NMRGENT%LOS.RUG.AC.BE@OHSTVMA.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU Subject: how to define and calculate a helix axis To: Status: RO Hi, I have calculated a number of n.m.r structures for a 31 residue polypeptide toxin, using the variable target function program DIANA.One of it's structural features is an alfa helix that spans 10 residues(2 1/2 turns).However from average phi psi values it is clear that the helix is distorted from standard geometry.This causes the helix to appear 'bananashaped'.I guess the best way to describe this shape would be to compare the axis of the helix with that one of a helix with standard geometry So here it comes.What is the definition of a helix axis, and how can it be calculated from for instance cartesian coordinates of the backbone atoms? I use Insight/Discover software from biosym to visualise my results,so a program using car files or pdb type files would be welcome if available. Hope somebody out there likes me!!! Jose Martins, NMR Dept. Lab. Org. Chem University Gent Belgium NMRGENT@LOS.RUG.AC.BE Belgium, a french,german and dutch speaking country, where scientist have to speak englisch to understand each other!!! From Fri Apr 24 16:30:45 1992 Date: 24 Apr 92 14:13:48 GMT From: To: Status: RO I developed a program, which might be of interest for those who prefer to write there Z-matrices by hand. One of the mayor disadvantages of using a conventional Z-matrix as an input for Mopac-calculations is the necessity to keep track of the numbering of the used atoms. This can get quite tricky in case of very large molecules. Another problem frequently encountered is if one wants to substitute parts of a molecule by other substituents. The program enables the user to split a molecule into fragments, defining the Z-matrix for each fragment separately and putting fragments together by defining postions of a fragment relative to another fragment. (Hope everyone understands what I mean) Also it is possible to use an archive of fragments, so that frequently used groups (e.g. methyl of phenyl) can be incorporated easily. Another application would be the study of a complex of two molecules or a molecule surrounded by a solvent. The benefits of the program are: o The construction of a Z-matrix even for larger molecules is much easier, without recoursing to computer programs like PC-model. o Substituting fragments of a molecule by different fragments, does not require a recalculation of the referenced atomsnumbers. Also the atoms of a fragment are not spread over the whole input-file. o By using an archive of fragments, it is not necessary to reconstruct frequently needed fragments again and again. (e.g. Methyl- or phenylgroups) The program is written in C and was tested on a PC an a workstation. Whoever is interested in this program can get it from me. Just send a letter and I will post the source-code. Peter Gedeck Peter Gedeck Inst.f.Phys.Chem. 1 Egerlandstr. 3 8520 Erlangen FAX 09131 - 858307 E-mail :