From Tue Apr 28 07:59:42 1992 From: Jan Lundell Subject: SCEP/CEPA To: Date: Tue, 28 Apr 92 11:34:17 EET Status: RO Dear netters, I was here wondering about SCEP/CEPA calculations and programs. The question is now that is there any way for me to get my hands on these packages? FTP, commercial, author - I'm interested in everything... Thank you for your attention for these few seconds. Jan Lundell Department of Physical Chemistry University of Helsinki Helsinki, FINLAND -- From Tue Apr 28 14:54:07 1992 Date: 28 Apr 92 11:54:00 EDT From: "STEPHEN R. HELLER" Subject: Information on CSEARCH To: "chemistry" Status: R 28 April, 1992 I am trying to track down information on users (industry and/or university) who have tested or who have purchased the new Sadtler CSEARCH CNMR workstation-based NMR search and analysis system. Can anyone help me? Thanx Steve Heller SRHELLER@ASRR.ARSUSDA.GOV Phone: 301-504-6055 FAX: 301-504-6055 From Tue Apr 28 15:36:43 1992 Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1992 09:38 CST From: Subject: Help with QCPE program To: Status: RO I need to know a little more about the QCPE program, 3JHH2, than the QCPE catalog includes. Specifically, I need to know if it will accept *all* of the coupling constants from a 5-membered ring compound and output the most likely conformation. Does anyone know if the program does this? Keith Brown University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan BROWNK@SASK.USASK.CA