From Sat Sep 12 03:12:01 1992 Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1992 16:40:03 +1000 From: (Alan P Arnold) To:, wipke@SECS.UCSC.EDU Subject: Re: bibtex style files for chemistry journals Todd, now that TCM is dead, how does one obtain old "issues"? eg. the one that contains REFFORM ;-) ---- Alan Arnold | e-mail: Chem. Department,University College | voice : +61 6 268 8080 Australian Defence Force Academy | fax : +61 6 268 8002 CANBERRA ACT 2600 Australia | From Sat Sep 12 05:12:01 1992 Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1992 16:46 +0800 From: Subject: Does a Transition Structure (TS) have to connect 2 minimum? To: I have a question that I hope someone can give me a definitive answer: Does a Transition Structure (TS) have to connect 2 minimum? Say I have 3 structure on the potential energy surface, 1, 2, and 3. 1 and 2 are TS and 3 is a minimum, with energy of 1 > energy of 2 > energy of 3. If the transition vector of 1 is *not* pointing in the same direction as that of 2, can 1 be the TS for 2 and 3 i.e. a TS connecting a minimum and another TS? Ida N. L. Ma From Wed Sep 12 02:24:10 1992 Date: 12 Sep 92 06:24:10 EDT From: "" <100012.1163@CompuServe.COM> To: Subject: MOPAC for 386/486 To: > Dear Readers, I am excited! Within a single day I received valuable information on my question about MOPAC and DOS. Since it might be of wider interest, I attach the response messages (the QCPE address from Allan Smith, Chemistry Department, Drexel University was posted earlier as response to another question). Thanks to all who responded. Rainer Stumpe < To: Subject: RE:TS connections Dear Netters, There is an excellent discussion of TS connections in "Quantum Chemistry of Organic Compounds: Mechanisms of Reactions" by V.I. Minkin, B.Ya. Simkin, and R.M. Minyaev, Springer-Verlag, New York etc., 1990. Sincerely, KRF