From Fri Oct 16 17:17:46 1992 Date: Sat, 17 Oct 92 11:52:46-1795 From: (Dr. James Stewart) To: Subject: Slater-Condon Parameters, Reference to >The original papers do not publish the Slater-Condon constants that come >into the one-centre two-electron integrals for the second row transition elements. > Yufei Guo Slater-Condon parameters can be found on P 437 of "The Theory of Transition Metal Ions", by J.S. Griffith, Cambridge University Press, 1961. James J. P. Stewart From Fri Oct 16 12:12:00 1992 Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1992 15:12 -0300 From: Subject: address of PDB. To: Dear Folks: I need the E-mail of Protein Databank and of Cambridge Cristallographic Databank. Has anyone the crystalline atomic coordinates and the unit cell dimensions of Deoxylapachol and 1,4-Naphthoquinone? Thanks Sergio Emanuel Galembeck Asistant Professor in Theoretical Chemistry Departamento de Quimica Fundamental Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Recife-PE Brasil