From nobody@Kodak.COM Mon Nov 23 04:31:48 1992 Date: Mon, 23 Nov 92 09:31:48 -0500 Message-Id: <9211231431.AA16950@Kodak.COM> From: nobody@Kodak.COM To: ""@Kodak.COM Subject: RE: Quoting postings. >From: NAME: Adi M. Treasurywala FUNC: Biophys. & Compu. Chem. TEL: (518)445-7042 To: ""@kodakr@mrgate@wpc Folks, There is somethig that those in industry may be thinking about in regard to the recent discussions about quoting what appears on the list. Most companies that I am aware of have a high level of sensitivity to what is formally presented or published. It has legal ramifications for patents etc. Sometimes the public disclosure of facts can hurt the disclosing party as much as the competition. Thus most companies have publication review committees in place (with good numbers of lawyer types on these commitees) which have to approve any and all formal presentation material before it can be presented. If it is felt that participation on the net (by voicing opinions even!!) falls under the category of formal presentation or disclosure and may at some time endanger a company's ability to secure protection for its inventions then this could hurt the ability of those of us in industry to participate in this WONDERFUL discussion forum. So far its a new thing and we have been able to convince the powers that be that this DOES NOT COUNT as a formal disclosure. I would suggest that if the protocol of contacting the poster of any note before quoting it was established this would go a long way to help keep us in industry involved in this forum to the mutual benefit of everyone. Thoughts from others should be directed to the net directly or to me at and NOT to NOBODY@KODAK.COM (that's my status not my address!) Adi T.