From m10!frisch@uunet.UU.NET Thu Dec 24 11:42:44 1992 Message-Id: <9212242144.AA10317@relay1.UU.NET> Date: Thu, 24 Dec 92 16:42:44 EST From: m10!frisch@uunet.UU.NET (Michael Frisch) Subject: Re: Newzmat: from xyz to z-matrix To: uunet!!rafapa@uunet.UU.NET, >X-Envelope-to: I am trying to convert from cartesian coordinates to z-matrix format suitable for Gaussian92 using the newzmat program. I want to have a few dummy atoms in the final z-matrix so I have been trying to use the -tzmat option to give a template z-matrix. Whatever I try the program always finish with an Link1 error message. Somebody knows if the use of dummy atoms is not possible in the template z-matrix? thanks in advance Dr. Rafael R. Pappalardo Dept. Physical Chemistry Univ. de Sevilla (SPAIN) Template z-matrices don't work very well in NewZMat. The usual trick for adding dummy atoms is: 1. Add the dummy atoms to the cartesian coordinates as some type of atom that isn't in your molecule -- U is usually a good choice. These should be placed so as not to break any symmetry the molecule has, but this is normally what is needed with dummy atoms, anyway. Of course, if your cartesian coordinates come from some graphics program, you'll just draw the dummy (U) atoms in (after any mechanics minimization, of course). 2. Run NewZMat with the -allbonded keyword so that the "dummy" atoms can be used (i.e., the z-matrix connectivity can be defined) however NewZMat sees fit. 3. Edit the resulting z-matrix and changed the U's to X's. Be careful to move variables defining the dummy atom positions to the constants section of the z-matrix, and then use the FOPT keyword on the route card to double-check that you have arrived at the correct number of variables are left. -------