From Mon May 31 09:06:41 1993 Message-Id: <> Date: Mon, 31 May 1993 09:06:41 +0000 To: From: (Henry Rzepa) (Henry Rzepa) Subject: Faraday Symposium/U. Oxford, UK 15-17 Dec 1993 The Faraday division of the Royal Society of Chemistry will be holding a 3-day symposium (No. 29) on Potential Energy Surface and Organic Reaction Paths, to be held at the University of Oxford on 15-17 December 1993. The list of speakers includes; P Schleyer, H B Schlegel, I Hillier, K N Houk, F Bernardi, M A Robb, S Shaik, J Gerratt, D Cooper, M Raimondi, A J Stone, L J Butler, W T Borden, G D Purvis, B F Minaev, S Lunell, J Michl, F Williams, I H Williams, M T Nguyen, T Clark, W L Jorgensen, J Tomasi, O N Ventura, J Bertran, M Karplus, K Morokuma, D G Truhlar, The registration fees are 70 pounds (members of RSC) or 120 (non-members). Accomodation approximately 115.00 for two nights. Registration enquiries should be to Mrs Y A Fish, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 0BN. Tel +44 71 437 8656, Fax +44 71 734 1227 Dr Henry Rzepa, Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College, LONDON SW7 2AY; via Eudora 1.3.1, Tel:+44 71 225 8339, Fax:+44 71 589 3869.