From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 13 13:53:22 2007
Subject: 08.07.12 ADCHEM 2009 International Symposium on Advanced Controll of Chemical Processes, Instanbul, Turkey
ADCHEM 2009 International Symposium on Advanced Controll of Chemical Processes
July 12-15, 2009, Koc University, Instanbul, Turkey

First Announcement

ADCHEM 2009 will be held on the campus of Ko University in Istanbul. It
is co-sponsored by the Chemical Process Control, Non-linear Control
Systems and SAFEPROCESS Technical Committees of the International
Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).

 Following the tradition of the previous ADCHEM symposia held in
Toulouse(1991), Kyoto (1994), Banff (1997), Pisa (2000), Hong Kong
(2003) and Gramado (2006), ADCHEM 2009 will bring together researchers
and practitioners to discuss the recent developments in control of
chemical, biochemical and closely related process systems. Both theory
and applications will be covered.

Tentative Meeting Topics

 Process Modeling and Identification
 Advanced Process Control Strategies
 Process and Control Monitoring
 Plantwide Control
 Process Control Applications
 Emerging Methods and Technologies

Technical sessions, plenaries and tutorial workshops will focus on
different methods and application areas within the general scope
outlined above. The program will be flexible enough to accommodate
contributions on different application areas and methodologies. Papers
on new approaches and on applications outside the classical chemical
process control area are most welcome.  Specific session topics,
tutorials and plenary lectures will be indicated in the next
announcement and on the symposium website:

International Program Committee (IPC)  National Program Committee
(NPC)Chair    Chair
Sebastian Engell
Universitt Dortmund, Germany  Yaman Arkun
Ko University, Istanbul, Turkey
Industrial co-chair
Jorge Mandler        Air Products, USA
IPC Members

Abel, Olaf, Germany * Allgwer, Frank, Germany * Alvarez, Jesus, Mexico
* Backx, Ton, The Netherlands * Badgwell, Tom, USA * Bequette, Wayne, USA
* Berber, Ridvan, Turkey * Biegler, Larry, USA
* Bonvin, Dominique, Switzerland * Braatz, Richard, USA
* Christophides, Panagiotis, USA * Chiu, Min-Sen, Singapore
* Cinar, Ali., USA * Craig, Ian, South Africa * Daoutides, Prodomos, USA
* de Prada, Cesar, Spain *  Dochain, Denis, Belgium
* Doyle, Francis J. III, USA * Dnnebier, Guido, Germany
* Forbes, Fraser, Canada * Foss, Bjarne, Norway * Gao, Furong, Hongkong
* Georgakis, Christos, USA * Guay, Martin, Canada * Hasebe, Shinji,Japan
* Henson, Mike, USA * Hoo, Karlene, USA*Hovd, Morten, Norway
* Huang, Biao, Canada * Immanuel, Charles D., United Kingdom
* Jorgensen, Sten Bay, Denmark * King, Rudibert, Germany
* Kothare, Mayuresh V., USA

Kravaris, Costas, Greece * Lee, Jay, USA  * Lewin, Danny, Israel
* Li, Pu, Germany * Mandler, Jorge, USA * Marchetti, Jacinto, Argentina
* Marquardt, Wolfgang, Germany * Morari, Manfred, Switzerland
* Nikolaou, Mike, USA * Odloak, Darci, Brazil * Ogunnaike, Babatunde, USA
* Ozgen, Canan, Turkey * Palazoglu, Ahmet, USA * Park, Sunwon, Korea
* Perrier, Michel, Canada * Preisig, Heinz, Norway * Qin, Joe, USA
* Raisch, Jrg, Germany * Romagnoli, Jose, USA * Rawlings, Jim, USA
* Scali, Claudio, Italy * Secchi, Argimiro R., Brazil
* Shah, Sirish, Canada * Skogestad, Sigurd, Norway * Soroush, Masoud, USA
*     Srinivasan, Balasubrahmanian, Canada * Tade, Moses,    Australia
* Thornhill, Nina, United Kingdom * Trierweiler, Jorge O. Brazil
* VandeWouwer, Alain, Belgium * Ydstie, Erik, USA * Yoon, En Sup, Korea
* Yu, Cheng-Ching, Taiwan
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