From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Oct 22 04:24:42 2008
Subject: 09.01.05 MolSim2009: School on Molecular Simulation , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Applications are invited for the winterschool "MolSim2009: UNDERSTANDING MOLECULAR SIMULATION" The school will be two weeks january 5-16, 2009, and is organized at the University of Amsterdam (NL). For full information and application see Organizers: Daan Frenkel Cambridge Univeristy and University of Amsterdam Evert Jan Meijer University of Amsterdam Bernd Ensing University of Amsterdam I would appreciate if you could bring the school to the attention of colleage researcher that might be interested. ANNOUNCEMENT MOLSIM 2009 Amsterdam (NL), january 5-16, 2009 The MolSim2009 school targets PhD and postdoc researcher and aims to give an introduction in the basic molecular simulation techniques: molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo. The idea is to give an understanding of principles underlying these techniques and to use this understanding to optimize a simulation code. The more advanced topics include molecular simulations in the various ensembles (NVE, NVT, NPT, grand canonical, etc), free energy computations, phase equilibria, rare events, configurational-bias Monte Carlo. The morning sessions are lectures introducing the methods and in the afternoons there are computer exercises in which these methods are applied. The course does not assume any previous knowledge in molecular simulations. However, elementary knowledge in thermodynamics and statistical thermodynamics is assumed. Lecturers include Daan Frenkel, Berend Smit, Peter Bolhuis, Bernd Ensing, and Evert Jan Meijer. Course Material (will be provided by the organizers) and consists of: * "Understanding Molecular Simulations" ~ Frenkel and Smit (Academic Press, 2002). * Excercisebook. The participation fee is 200 Euro. Support for participation is available via the ESF Program "Molsimu" and via CECAM. For a view of the previous school (MolSim2008) see . DEADLINE FOR SUBSCRIPTION IS NOVEMBER 15, 2008NOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!!