From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Oct 7 00:30:31 2011
Subject: 12.08.13 Second International Symposium on Computational Sciences, Shanghai, China
This year's symposium is entitled 'Quantum Modelling and Simulations in Material, Biological and Therapeutic Sciences'. It aims to provide a unique platform for leading scientists from both academic institutions and industries working on different fields in computational physics, chemistry and biology for a mutual understanding and to help establish collaborations to advance methodology, and to facilitate application of the methods. It will also provide new opportunities for anyone from experimentalists, and application users to method developers to understand the latest modern computational techniques for their studies and work. The main themes of ISCS2012 will be: Quantum mechanical methods, Simulations of material and biological systems, New techniques in material sciences, and Computational design of therapeutics PLEASE VISIT FOR MORE INFORMATION.NOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!!