From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Feb 17 15:21:01 2017
Subject: 17.04.02 Q-Chem Software User Workshop in San Francisco, CA
Dear Colleagues, Q-Chem would like to invite you to a user workshop in conjunction with the 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting in San Francisco, California. The workshop will start at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 2, 2017, the opening day of the conference. Q-Chem is a comprehensive ab initio software package, and the upcoming Q-Chem 5.0 release includes the latest theoretical and computational advances from Q-Chem's over 150 developers. At the workshop, we will give an overview of the Q-Chem software package, especially new exciting features to appear in Q-Chem 5.0 (to be released May 2017). We will use the IQmol graphical interface to provide hands-on tutorials of how to use the Q-Chem Program. Some of the topics we will cover: - Introduction to Q-Chem 5 and Basic QM Calculations; - Customized topics based on registrant interest; - Lecture: Advanced Q-Chem Calculations. All workshop participants will be offered a free two-month license for unlimited use of Q-Chem 5.0 upon its release in early May. There is a nominal charge of $25, which includes dinner. Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible. Registration can be done at We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco! Happy computing, The Q-Chem TeamNOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!!