From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Sep 28 05:35:43 2018
Subject: 19.07.22 18th International Conference on Density-Functional Theory and its Applications, Alicante, Spain
The International Scientific Committee is thrilled to announce the "18th International Conference on Density-Functional Theory and its Applications" to be held in Alicante, Spain, from July 22 to 26, 2019. It will be the next in the great series of biennial meetings, which have taken place in Paris (1995), Vienna (1997), Rome (1999), Madrid (2001), Brussels (2003), Geneva (2005), Amsterdam (2007), Lyon (2009), Athens (2011), Durham (2013), Debrecen (2015), and Tallberg (2017). DFT constitutes one of the most used quantum theories, with outstanding applications in many scientific fields. The conference will cover a broad range of topics, from cutting-edge developments to applications and discoveries, bringing together scientists from all around the world and from many related fields. The scientific schedule will include plenary talks, invited talks, contributed talks, and poster sessions, including contributions to the following topics: - New developments for exchange-correlation functionals - Time-dependent and real-time density-functional theory - Application of density-functional theory in condensed matter physics - Application of density-functional theory in chemistry - Application of density-functional theory in materials science - Strongly correlated systems & solids - Biomolecular modeling and bioapplications Please note that the total number of participants (300) is strictly limited. The registration will close automatically as soon as that maximum number is reached. There is a reduced fee for PhD students. The registration fee will include: - Admission to all scientific sessions - Conference package and book of abstracts - Light welcome cocktail on the evening of 22nd July - Live music and banquet on the evening on 24th July - Door to door bus transfer to the venue of the gala dinner - Morning/afternoon refreshments and lunches on 22nd-26th July - Refreshments at two poster sessions ** Important information: Early registration: 10/05/2019 Abstract submission: 15/06/2019 Registration deadline: 28/06/2019 ** Conference website: http://www.dft2019.esNOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!!