The 7th Revision of the _Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences_ is now available on the LISTSERV@KENTVM or LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU and via anonymous FTP to in the library directory. A GOPHER link is also available: This announcement is extracted from the ACADLIST README file ***************** This directory contains descriptions of electronic conferences (e-conferences) on topics of interest to scholars. E-conference is the umbrella term that includes Bitnet and Internet discussion lists, Internet interest groups, Usenet newsgroups, distributions for e-journals, e- newsletters, electronic fora, etc. We have used our own judgment in deciding what is of scholarly interest, and will consider any advice or critique about our decisions. ******** The Files Available ******** ACADLIST README (explanatory notes for the Directory) ACADSTAC HQX (binhexed, self-decompressing, HYPERCARD version of the Directory - Keyword searchable) 498 ACADSMAL HQX (the above only smaller for small screen Macs) ACADLIST FILE1 (Anthropology- Education) 85 k ACADLIST FILE2 (Geography-Library and Information Science) 115k ACADLIST FILE3 (Linguistics-Political Science) 64k ACADLIST FILE4 (Psychology-Writing) 68k ACADLIST FILE5 (Biological Sciences) 55k ACADLIST FILE6 (Physical Sciences) 51k ACADLIST FILE7 (Business, Academia, News) 31k ACADLIST FILE8 (Computer Science; Social, Cultural, and Political Aspects of Computing; and Academic Computing Support) 139k ACADLIST CHANGES (Listing of all deleted e-conferences deleted because they no longer function) *********** GOPHER path information: Type=1 Name=Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences Path=1/Computing/Internet Information/Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences Port=70 *********** How to retrieve files from the LISTSERV@KENTVM or LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU *********** 1. Send an e-mail message addressed to LISTSERV@KENTVM or LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU. 2. Leave the subject and other info lines blank. 3. The message must read: GET Filename Filetype f=mail (e.g., ACADLIST FILE1 or ACADSTAC HQX or whatever) 4. If you need assistance receiving, etc. contact your local Computer Services people *********** How to retreive files via anonymous FTP to KSUVXA.KENT.EDU *********** 1. type: ftp KSUVXA.KENT.EDU at your dollar sign prompt (VAX) your shell prompt (Unix) or ready screen (IBM VM). If you are on another kind of system consult with your computer services people to find out the proper procedure. 2. when prompted for 'USERID,' type ANONYMOUS. 3. Your password will be your actual userid on your local machine. 4. Type: cd library 5. Type: get Filename.Filetype (e.g., ACADLIST FILE1 or ACADSTAC HQX or whatever) 6. The files will be transferred directly into the directory you ftp'ed from. ******** The Directory Team: ******** Diane Kovacs-Editor-in-Chief (Bitnet) dkovacs@kentvm (Internet) Laura Bartolo (Bitnet) lbartolo@kentvm (Internet) Gladys Bell (Bitnet) gbell@kentvm (Internet) Paul Fehrmann (Bitnet) pfehrman@kentvm (Internet) Michael Kovacs (Internet) Leslie Haas (Bitnet) lhaas@kentvm (Internet) Jeannie Langendorfer (Bitnet) jlangend@kentvm (Internet) Amey Park (Bitnet) apark@kentvm (Internet) Kara Robinson (Bitnet) krobinso@kentvm (Internet)