From: jobs at (do not send your application there!!!)
To: jobs at
Date: Tue Apr 16 10:04:10 2024
Subject: 24.04.16 Postdoctoral Researcher, Theoretical Chemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden
Postdoctoral Researcher, Theoretical Chemistry,
Uppsala University, Sweden
We, the Quantum Chemistry group at Uppsala University, Sweden, are looking
for a postdoctoral researcher in theoretical chemistry, a temporary position
for two years. Note that the position is a stipend position and hence the
holder of the position is not formally hired by Uppsala University.
This postdoctoral project aims at the development and implementation of
perturbation theory applied to multiconfigurational wavefunctions. The
position includes theory development and the implementation of software for
the open-source program project OpenMolcas. The position is placed in the
Quantum Chemistry group, headed by Prof. Roland Lindh.
Qualifications: To be eligible to apply you must have a Ph.D. in theoretical
or computational chemistry, mathematics, numerical methods, or in the fields
of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, or an exam which is judged
comparable to a Swedish Ph.D. in the same subject. Extensive knowledge in and
practical experience with creating mathematical models, and/or theoretical
chemistry, is mandatory. Documented experience of the development of quantum
chemical methods and algorithms, and computer programming, are a strong
merits for this employment.
The applicant is subject to approval from the funding agency. Start of the
position is negotiable.
To apply for the position (send your CV and one letter of recommendation), or
to ask for additional information email Prof. Roland Lindh
( roland.lindh{} ).
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Please let your prospective employer know that you learned
about the job from the Computational Chemistry List Job Listing at