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Up Directory CCL 24.10.20 3 Marie Curie EU 3-year industrial PhD student fellowships at SCM, Amsterdam (ML, COSMO-RS, batteries, quantum dots)
From: jobs at (do not send your application there!!!)
To: jobs at
Date: Sun Oct 20 06:03:59 2024
Subject: 24.10.20 3 Marie Curie EU 3-year industrial PhD student fellowships at SCM, Amsterdam (ML, COSMO-RS, batteries, quantum dots)
For the EU networks PREDICTOR (battery modeling) and TRACK-THE-TWIN (quantum dots) SCM 
has three job openings available for PhD students, effective immediately. 
Detailed info is on our website: where the PREDICTOR 
job openings are already shown and the other one will be added soon. 

What they have in common: 
- attractive salary (including cost-of-living addition for The Netherlands)
- 3-year positions
- work on new method / software development in computational chemistry / materials science

Topics for PREDICTOR: 
A. (with Prof. Kai Leonhard, RWTH Aachen) research and implement new combined machine learning (ML)  + molecular dynamics (MD) 
methods for quickly assessing the performance of redox-flow batteries based on organic electrolytes.
The position is open to: ML MSc graduates with an interest in chemistry/physics, and
Theoretical chemistry/physics MSc graduates with an interest in ML.

B. (with Prof. Bernd Ensing, Univ. of Amsterdam) develop advance thermodynamic methods for accurately calculating solubility and solution free energy, with a particular emphasis on electrolyte systems. 
The focus is on improving and expanding SCMs existing methodologies, 
including COSMO-RS, Pitzer-Debye-Hckel, and machine learning (ML)-based approaches. 
The position is open to theoretical chemistry/physics MSc graduates with an interest in thermodynamic models.

Throughout the project there will be local and network-wide training, including academic and 
industrial specialist courses, transferable skills training, (international) workshops and 

SCM offers an informal working atmosphere in a small team of approx. 30 PhD-level 
researchers and scientific software developers from various nationalities and backgrounds. 
We offer our employees 34 paid holidays per year and flexible working hours, as well as occasional 
remote work options.  All employees are enrolled in the ABP pension fund.
Online via webform on SCM's website.
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Please let your prospective employer know that you learned about the job from the Computational Chemistry List Job Listing at If you are not interested in this particular position yourself, pass it to someone who might be -- some day they may return the favor.
Modified: Sun Oct 20 10:03:59 2024 GMT
Page accessed 932 times since Sun Oct 20 10:08:02 2024 GMT