From: jobs at (do not send your application there!!!)
To: jobs at
Date: Wed Nov 27 14:58:40 2024
Subject: 24.11.27 Master/PhD positions, molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning, USA
We have TWO Master/PhD positions at Dr. Yaxin An's group at Louisiana State University Dr. An's group is focused on computational simulations of proteins and polymers. The projects include (1) topological design of polymers, (2) protein sequence design, and (3) polyelectrolyte complex for biomedical applications. These projects will combine machine learning with computer simulations. For Master/PhD students, NO requirement for any previous experience Please send emails to Dr. An, yxan AT Group website: Please send emails to Dr. An, yxan AT
send an email to yxan AT lsu.eduNOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!!