THE NEW ToC of TCA are available directly from Springer. Read on... ======================================================== Springer Journals Preview Service Springer-Verlag Heidelberg Internet services --------------------------------------------------------------- Springer Journals Preview Service: New journals added ----------------------------------------------------- At the beginning of 1994, the number of journals covered by the Springer Journals Preview Service (SVJPS) has been increased to 90. More journals may be added in the course of the year. SVJPS offers the tables of contents and BiblioAbstracts of 90 important scientific journals via e-mail before publication of the new issue. This service is available since March 1 1993. Tables of contents are free of charge and as in 1993 for only US$ 20 you can access the BiblioAbstracts of ALL 90 journals for one calendar year. The files supplied are in ASCII format, structured in a Medline flavor and can thus be read on any computer without further processing and but also easily integrated into local data bases. A list of journals currently available follows below. For details please send an e-mail message containing the word HELP to our mailserver SVJPS@VAX.NTP.SPRINGER.DE or contact SPRINGER@VAX.NTP.SPRINGER.DE Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, New Technologies / Product Development P.O. Box 10 52 80, W-69121 Heidelberg, Germany, fax: +49 6221 487 648 ftp, gopher, WWW server at Springer-Verlag ------------------------------------------ All material that Springer-Verlag distributes free of charge via e-mail through the mail server SVSERV and SVJPS is now also accessible through ftp, gopher or WWW. Please point your client to TRICK.NTP.SPRINGER.DE to see what we have to offer: - Tables of contents files of 90 Springer journals (see list below) - Demos of CD-ROM products and software - TeX macro packages - Indexes of various book series - PostScript files of the Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation and Control (JMSEC) - Landolt-Boernstein Index - the Springer newsletter OnScreen - SGML material, such as the MAJOUR DTD - Lists of new Springer publications - Misc. utilities Please feel free to brouse and download. Use and copiing may of course only be done on a non-profit basis. We would very much appreciate any comments you wish to make on our services. Please send them to List of journals ---------------- - Abdominal Imaging (Formerly Gastrointestinal Radiology) - Acta Neuropathologica - Anatomy and Embryology - Annales Geophysicae - Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology - Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics - Archives of Microbiology - Archives of Toxicology - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - Biological Cybernetics - Bulletin Geodesique - Bulletin of Environmental contamination and Toxicology - Bulletin of Volcanology - Calcified Tissue International - Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology - Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy - CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology - Cell & Tissue Research - Chromosoma - Climate Dynamics - Communications in Mathematical Physics - Current Genetics - Current Microbiology - Diabetologia - Differentiation - Environmental Management - European Biophysics Journal - European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology - European Journal of Biochemistry - European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery - European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology - European Journal of Nuclear Medicine - European Journal of Pediatrics - European Radiology - Experimental Brain Research - Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemisty - Der Hautarzt - Histochemistry - Human Genetics - Immunogenetics - Intensive Care Medicine - International Journal of Colorectal Disease - Irrigation Science - Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology - Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology - Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology - The Journal of Membrane Biology - Journal of Molecular Evolution - Langenbecks Archiv fuer Chirurgie - Mammalian Genome - manuscripta geodaetica - Marine Biology - Microbial Ecology - MGG - Molecular & General Genetics - Mycorrhiza - Naturwissenschaften - Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology - Neuroradiology - Nouvelle Revue Francaise d'Hematologie - Numerische Mathematik - Oecologia - Der Pathologe - Pediatric Cardiology - Pediatric Radiology - PerinatalMedizin - Pfluegers Archiv European Journal of Physiology - Physics and Chemistry of Minerals - Plant Cell Reports - Planta - Praxis der Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik (Der Psychotherapeut) - Psychopharmacology - Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - Der Radiologe - Revue d'Imagerie Medicale - Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology - Sexual Plant Reproduction - Skeletal Radiology - Surgical Endoscopy - Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy - System Familie - TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics - Transplant International - Trees - Virchows Archiv - World Journal of Surgery - Zeitschrift fuer Physik A: Hadrons and Nuclei - Zeitschrift fuer Physik B: Condensed Matter - Zeitschrift fuer Physik C: Particles and Fields - Zeitschrift fuer Physik D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters ================================================================= From 100012.1163@CompuServe.COM Sat Dec 4 14:07:28 1993 Date: 04 Dec 93 13:42:11 EST From: " Rainer Stumpe" <100012.1163@CompuServe.COM> To: , "To:" , "To:" , "To:" , "To:" Subject: Springer-Verlag's Server updated Message-ID: <931204184210_100012.1163_BHB22-1@CompuServe.COM> Dear Fellow Netters, I have recently updated several files in the CHEMISTRY directory of Springer-Verlag's file server. A list of available files is attached. You can get these and other files through e-mail and ftp. 1. E-Mail: Send a message GET /CHEMISTRY/ to: SVSERV@VAX.NTP.SPRINGER.DE NOTE: Binaries (extension *.exe and *.zip) will be sent UUdeCoded. That requires you have the UUCODE software. A MSDOS version is available from the directory /UTILITY. If you order UUCODE.ZIP you will also need the file BINSTART.TXT. For a help file with all commands available explained, send the message HELP; for a complete list of files available send the command: DIRALL to the server's internet address. 2. FTP: The address of the anonymous ftp-server is: TRICK.NTP.SPRINGER.DE (or User ID is ANONYMOUS Password is Your_e-mail_address All files will be updated at irregular intervals. If you have any suggestions for additional information, please drop me a message. Springer-Verlag also offers a Journals_Preview_Service which makes tables of contents for some biosciences journals available a few weeks before release of the issues. *** ALL SERVICES MENTIONED ARE FREE *** Sincerely yours Rainer Stumpe Sciences Editorial Springer-Verlag Tiergartenstr. 17 D-69121 Heidelberg Phone: +49-(0)6221-487 310 Fax: +49-(0)6221-487 366 Internet: ----------------------------------------------------------- Directory /CHEMISTRY Enzyme Handbook by Schomburg etal (GBF): Enzyme Handbook indexes Vols. 1-6 Advances in Polymer Science (Review series): aps1_108.exe Biblio. Ref. "Adv. Polym. Sci." Vols 1-108 Molecular Modelling Software MOBY: mobynl01.txt MOBY Newsletter, Issue 1 (1993) mobydemo.exe MOBY 1.5 Demo Version in German/English manualps.exe English Manual in PS format for MOBY1.5 Theoretica Chimica Acta: tca_v82.txt Theoretica Chimica Acta, ToC Vol. 82 tca_v83.txt Theoretica Chimica Acta, ToC Vol. 83 tca_V84.exe Theoretica Chimica Acta, ToCs of Vol. 84 tca_V85.exe Theoretica Chimica Acta, ToCs of Vol. 85 tca_V86.exe Theoretica Chimica Acta, ToC Iss. 86/1-6 tca87_12.txt Theoretica Chimica Acta, ToC Iss. 87/1,2 tcasubs.txt Theoretica Chimica Acta, Subscri. Info. Topics in Current Chemistry (Review series): tcc_cont.exe Topics in Cur. Chem. Ind. Vols. 26--168 tcc_v163.txt TCC Volume TOC Vol. 163 tcc_v164.txt TCC Volume TOC Vol. 164 tcc_v165.txt TCC Volume TOC Vol. 165 tcc_v166.txt TCC Volume TOC Vol. 166 tcc_v167.txt TCC Volume TOC Vol. 167 tcc_v168.txt TCC Volume TOC Vol. 168 Comment to TCC_CONT.EXE Lecture Notes in Chemistry (series): lnche-60.exe Lect. Notes in Chem. Dir Vol 1 to 60 lnchem61.txt Lect. Notes in Chem. Vol.61 Structure and Bonding (Review series): sb_cont.exe Struc. Bonding Index Vols 1-81 sb_v80.txt Struc. Bonding Index Vol. 80 sb_v81.txt Struc. Bonding Index Vols. 81 Comment to SB_CONT.EXE Directory /UTILITY Binstart.txt Start for newcomer (MSDOS) Help-utl.txt Help to utilities PKZIP (PKWARE Inc.) (MSDOS) Pkunzip.exe PKUNZIP (PKWARE Inc.) (MSDOS) UuCode for MSDOS by R. Marks Unzip-42.hqx UNZIP for MAC UUlite-14.hqx UUDECODE for MAC by Jeff Strobel Unzip.tar_z UNZIP for UNIX systems ----------------------End of message--------------------- ================== PREVIOUS INFO ======================= ---------------------- The old (previous) info below ------------ ---------------------- It may be now obsolete !!! ------------ Springer-Verlag in Heidelberg operates a listserver in Bitnet and all contents will also be deposited there. Our listserver has some quite useful information. We also have demo versions of our molecular modelling software MOBY for download (presently only the German language version is available). Send the message "HELP" to: SVSERV@DHDSPRI6.BITNET Rainer Stumpe Chemistry Editorial Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Internet: The command gets you the following file: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SPRINGER-VERLAG Server >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPRINGER-VERLAG Science Publisher Berlin - Heidelberg - New York - London - Paris Tokyo - Hong Kong - Barcelona - Budapest <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--- Help --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Commands ------------ SPRINGER-VERLAG Server currently understands the following commands which may be abreviated to the upper case portion in this list: CD Change directory format: CD /directory DIRALL Returns a list of ALL files available format: DIRALL DIRectory Returns a list of files available format: DIR /directory GET Synonym for SEND format: GET /directory/filename HELP Returns this list format: HELP INDex Synonym for DIRECTORY format IND /directory SEND Returns a file format: SEND /directory/filename 2. File specification ---------------------- All Files with the extension ".zip" are compressed with PKZIP and sent in UUenCoded format. Files received in this format must be UUdeCoded und PkUnZiped. Files with the extension ".ps", ".doc" or ".txt" are ASCII-Files and sent unencoded. In addition to any file you request, you will also receive a mail file containing a log of your session. If you have problems, please contact our system manager Ammar Braik braik@dhdspri6.bitnet