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Up Directory CCL ScianVisMesh
  June 14, 1991
  Eric Pepke
  Routines for mesh visualization object

  The mesh object takes a scalar field defined over a data form with
  topological dimension 2.  The spatial dimension of the dataset may be 
  either 2 or 3.  If the spatial dimension is 2, the Z is assumed to be
  zero.  The mesh visualization object works for regular data forms,
  curvilinear data forms, and nonstructured data forms.


#include "Scian.h"
#include "ScianTypes.h"
#include "ScianArrays.h"
#include "ScianWindows.h"
#include "ScianTextBoxes.h"
#include "ScianObjWindows.h"
#include "ScianEvents.h"
#include "ScianIcons.h"
#include "ScianColors.h"
#include "ScianControls.h"
#include "ScianLists.h"
#include "ScianSpaces.h"
#include "ScianSliders.h"
#include "ScianIDs.h"
#include "ScianDatasets.h"
#include "ScianErrors.h"
#include "ScianVisObjects.h"
#include "ScianVisMesh.h"
#include "ScianStyle.h"
#include "ScianPictures.h"
#include "ScianTitleBoxes.h"
#include "ScianButtons.h"
#include "ScianMethods.h"
#include "ScianDraw.h"

ObjPtr meshClass;

/*Values for color cells.  Don't change these values.*/

static ObjPtr MeshInit(object)
ObjPtr object;
/*Initializes a mesh object*/
    ObjPtr minMax;
    real bounds[6];
    real xySize, zSize1, zSize2;
    ObjPtr colorObj, deformObj, mainDataset;
    int nComponents;

    MakeVar(object, MAINDATASET);
    mainDataset = GetVar(object, MAINDATASET);

    SetVar(object, COLOROBJ, colorObj = mainDataset);
    if (colorObj)
	SetVar(object, COLORS, ObjTrue);
    SetVar(object, COLORCELLS, NewInt(1));
    SetVar(object, DEFORMOBJ, deformObj = mainDataset);

    /*Heuristically determine whether to displace Z*/
    GetBounds(object, bounds);
    xySize = bounds[1] - bounds[0];
    xySize = MAX(xySize, bounds[3] - bounds[2]);
    xySize = MAX(xySize, bounds[5] - bounds[4]);

    SetCurForm(FORMFIELD, deformObj);

    nComponents = GetNComponents(FORMFIELD);

    if (nComponents < 3)
    MakeVar(deformObj, MINMAX);
    minMax = GetVar(deformObj, MINMAX);
    zSize1 = ABS((((real *) ELEMENTS(minMax))[0]));
    zSize2 = ABS((((real *) ELEMENTS(minMax))[1]));
    if (zSize1 < xySize * 0.5 && zSize2 < xySize * 0.5)
	SetVar(object, DEFORMSWITCH, NewInt(1));
	SetVar(object, DEFORMSWITCH, NewInt(0));
	SetVar(object, DEFORMSWITCH, NewInt(0));
    return ObjTrue;

static ObjPtr SetMeshMainDataset(visObj, dataSet)
ObjPtr visObj, dataSet;
/*Sets the main data set of visObj to dataSet*/
    SetVar(visObj, MAINDATASET, dataSet);
    return ObjTrue;

static ObjPtr MakeMeshColored(visObject)
ObjPtr visObject;
/*Makes the mesh colored*/
    SetVar(visObject, PICCOLORED, ObjTrue);
    if (GetPredicate(visObject, COLORS))
	ObjPtr meshField;
	ObjPtr colorField;
	ObjPtr var;
	ObjPtr surface;
	ObjPtr palette;

	/*Get the mesh field and its form*/
	meshField = GetObjectVar("MakeMeshColored", visObject, MAINDATASET);
	if (!meshField) return ObjFalse;

	/*Get the color field and its form*/
	colorField = GetObjectVar("MakeMeshColored", visObject, COLOROBJ);
	if (!colorField) return ObjFalse;

	/*Get the surface to color*/
	MakeVar(visObject, SURFACE);
	surface = GetPictureVar("MakeMeshColored", visObject, SURFACE);
	if (!surface) return ObjFalse;

	/*See if the mesh form is the same as the color form*/
	SetCurForm(FORMFIELD, meshField);
	SetCurForm(FIELD2, colorField);

	MakeVar(colorField, CPALETTE);
	palette = GetPaletteVar("MakeMeshColored", colorField, CPALETTE);
	if (!palette)
	    return ObjFalse;

	if (IdenticalFields(FORMFIELD, FIELD2))
	    /*Yes!  It's easy and fast to traverse*/
	    long info;
	    info = GetDatasetInfo(colorField);

	    if (info & DS_UNSTRUCTURED)
		/*It's an unstructured data form*/
		ObjPtr faces;			/*Faces of the dataform*/
		PolysPtr polys;			/*The polygons in the surface*/
		PolyPtr polyRunner;		/*The runner through the polys*/
		ThingListPtr cellRunner;	/*The runner through the cells*/
		ObjPtr field;			/*The field itself*/

		SetCurField(FIELD1, colorField);

		faces = GetDatasetKEdges(meshField, 2);
		if (!faces)
		    return ObjFalse;

		/*Look in the polys of the picture*/
		polys = (PolysPtr) ((PicPtr) surface) -> items;
		if (!polys)
		    return ObjTrue;
		if (polys -> item . type != POLYGONS)
		    ReportError("MakeMeshColored", "Malformed picture");
		    return ObjFalse;

		cellRunner = LISTOF(faces);
		polyRunner = polys -> polygons;  
		while (cellRunner)
		    ObjPtr array;
		    int k, d, i, index;
		    real *a;

		    if (!polyRunner)
			ReportError("MakeMeshColored", "Picture too short");
		    array = cellRunner -> thing;
		    d = DIMS(array)[0];
		    a = ArrayMeat(array);

		    if (d == polyRunner -> nVertices)
			for (k = 0; k < d; ++k)
			    /*Color the vertices of the polygon*/
			    long indices[1];
			    i = *a;
			    indices[0] = i;
			    index = GetRealColorIndex(
				SelectFieldScalar(FIELD1, indices));
			    polyRunner -> vertices[k] -> colorIndex = index;
			ReportError("MakeMeshColored", "Malformed polygon");

		    cellRunner = cellRunner -> next;
		    polyRunner = (PolyPtr) polyRunner -> item . next;
		if (cellRunner)
		    ReportError("MakeMeshColored", "Picture too long");
		/*Same structured dataset*/
		int topDim;
		long curDim[2], iDims[2];
		ObjPtr dims;
		RectMeshPtr rectMesh;
		real temp[3];
		ObjPtr var;
		int colorCells;
		Bool reverse;

		/*It must have dimension 2*/
		topDim = GetTopDim(meshField);
		if (topDim != 2)
		    ReportError("MakeMeshColored", "Topological dimension must be 2.");
		    return ObjFalse;

		/*Get the actual topological dimensions dimension*/
		dims = GetDatasetFormDims(meshField);
		if (!dims || !IsRealArray(dims) || RANK(dims) != 1 || DIMS(dims)[0] != 2)
		    return ObjFalse;

		iDims[0] = ((real *) ELEMENTS(dims))[0];
		iDims[1] = ((real *) ELEMENTS(dims))[1];

		/*Register the mesh field*/
		if (!SetCurField(FIELD1, colorField))
		    return ObjFalse;

		/*See what kind of color cells it has*/
		var = GetIntVar("MakeMeshColored", visObject, COLORCELLS);
		if (var)
		    colorCells = GetInt(var);
		    colorCells = 1;
		if (colorCells)
		    real sample;
		    VertexPtr v;

		    int iDim, jDim;

		    reverse = (GetPredicate(visObject, REVERSESENSE) ^
				GetPredicate(meshField, ISLEFTHANDED));

		    if (reverse)
			iDim = 1;
			jDim = 0;
			iDim = 0;
			jDim = 1;

		    /*Get the rectangular mesh*/
		    rectMesh = (RectMeshPtr) ((PicPtr) surface) -> items;
		    if (!rectMesh)
			return ObjFalse;

		    if (colorCells == COLORCELLSGRID)
			/*Color cells between the grid lines*/

			for (curDim[iDim] = 0; curDim[iDim] < iDims[iDim]; ++curDim[iDim])
			    for (curDim[jDim] = 0; curDim[jDim] < iDims[jDim]; ++curDim[jDim])
				sample = SelectFieldScalar(FIELD1, curDim);
				v = RectMeshVertex(rectMesh, 
					curDim[iDim], curDim[jDim]);
				v -> colorIndex = GetRealColorIndex(sample);


		    else if (colorCells == COLORCELLSDATA)
			/*Color cells around the data points*/

			for (curDim[iDim] = 0; curDim[iDim] < iDims[iDim]; ++curDim[iDim])
			    for (curDim[jDim] = 0; curDim[jDim] < iDims[jDim]; ++curDim[jDim])
				sample = SelectFieldScalar(FIELD1, curDim);
				v = RectMeshCenter(rectMesh, 
					curDim[iDim], curDim[jDim]);
				v -> colorIndex = GetRealColorIndex(sample);

	    ColorPictureByObject(surface, colorField, GetPredicate(visObject, INTERPCOLORS));
    SetVar(visObject, PICCOLORED, ObjTrue);
    return ObjTrue;

static ObjPtr MakeMeshSurface(visObject)
ObjPtr visObject;
/*Makes the surface in a mesh object.*/
    ObjPtr dataset;		/*The dataset the vis object represents*/
    long datasetFlags;		/*Flags of the dataset*/
    ObjPtr var;			/*Random variable*/
    int colorCells;		/*What kind of color cells*/
    ObjPtr picture;		/*The picture to be made*/

    dataset = GetObjectVar("MakeMeshSurface", visObject, MAINDATASET);
    if (!dataset)
	return ObjFalse;

    datasetFlags = GetDatasetInfo(dataset);

    if (0 == datasetFlags & DS_HASFORM)
	ReportError("MakeMeshSurface", "No data form");
	return ObjFalse;

    /*See what kind of color cells it has*/
    var = GetIntVar("MakeMeshSurface", visObject, COLORCELLS);
    if (var)
	colorCells = GetInt(var);
	colorCells = 1;

    /*Make the new picture*/
    picture = NewPicture();
    if (!picture) return ObjFalse;

    if (datasetFlags & DS_UNSTRUCTURED)
	/*It's an unstructured dataset.*/
	ObjPtr edges;			/*Edges of the dataform*/
	ObjPtr faces;			/*Faces of the dataform*/
	TwoReals *edgesArray;		/*Array of edges*/
	PolysPtr polys;			/*The polygons in the surface*/
	ThingListPtr runner;		/*The runner through the cells*/
	VertexPtr *vertices;		/*Temporary holding place for vertices*/
	long allocVertices;		/*Number of vertices allocated*/
	long nVertices;			/*Total number of vertices*/
	VertexPtr *indVertices;		/*Indirect vertices*/
	long k;				/*Index into form*/
	ObjPtr dims;			/*Dims of the dataset*/

	SetCurForm(FORMFIELD, dataset);

	dims = GetDatasetFormDims(dataset);
	if (!dims)
	    ReportError("MakeMeshSurface", "No form dimensions");
	    return ObjFalse;
	nVertices = *((real *) ELEMENTS(dims));

	edges = GetDatasetKEdges(dataset, 1);
	if (!edges)
	    return ObjFalse;
	edgesArray = (TwoReals *) ArrayMeat(edges);

	faces = GetDatasetKEdges(dataset, 2);
	if (!faces)
	    return ObjFalse;

	if (colorCells)
	    /*Make the picture and set it up with one polys*/
	    polys = AppendPolysToPicture(picture);
	    if (!polys) return ObjFalse;

	    indVertices = (VertexPtr *) Alloc(nVertices * sizeof(VertexPtr));
	    for (k = 0; k < nVertices; ++k)
		indVertices[k] = NewVertex(picture, 0);
		indVertices[k] -> position[0] = SelectFieldComponent(FORMFIELD, 0, &k);
		indVertices[k] -> position[1] = SelectFieldComponent(FORMFIELD, 1, &k);
		indVertices[k] -> position[2] = SelectFieldComponent(FORMFIELD, 2, &k);

	    allocVertices = 20;
	    vertices = (VertexPtr *) Alloc(20 * sizeof(VertexPtr));
	    if (!vertices)
		return ObjFalse;
	    runner = LISTOF(faces);    
	    while (runner)
		ObjPtr array;
		int k, d, i;
		real *a;

		array = runner -> thing;
		d = DIMS(array)[0];
		a = ArrayMeat(array);

		for (k = 0; k < d; ++k)
		    i = *a;
		    if (k >= allocVertices)
			allocVertices += 20;
			vertices = (VertexPtr *) Realloc(vertices, allocVertices * sizeof(VertexPtr));
			if (!vertices)
			    return ObjFalse;
		    vertices[k] = indVertices[i];

		/*DIKEO fix to do better vertex allocation*/
		AppendSPolyToPolys(polys, d, vertices);

		runner = runner -> next;
	/*It's a structured dataset.*/
	int topDim, nComponents;
	long curDim[2], iDims[2];
	ObjPtr dims;
	RectMeshPtr rectMesh;
	real temp[3];
	int iDim, jDim;
	Bool reverse;

	/*It must have dimension 2*/
	topDim = GetTopDim(dataset);
	if (topDim != 2)
	    ReportError("MakeMeshSurface", "Topological dimension must be 2.");
	    return ObjFalse;

	/*Get the actual topological dimensions*/
	dims = GetDatasetFormDims(dataset);
	if (!dims || !IsRealArray(dims) || RANK(dims) != 1 || DIMS(dims)[0] != 2)
	    ReportError("MakeMeshSurface", "No topological dimensions");
	    return ObjFalse;

	iDims[0] = ((real *) ELEMENTS(dims))[0];
	iDims[1] = ((real *) ELEMENTS(dims))[1];

	/*Register the dataset and its dataform*/
	if (!SetCurField(FIELD1, dataset))
	    return ObjFalse;
	if (!SetCurForm(FIELD2, dataset))
	    return ObjFalse;

	reverse = (GetPredicate(visObject, REVERSESENSE) ^
		GetPredicate(dataset, ISLEFTHANDED));

	if (reverse)
	    iDim = 1;
	    jDim = 0;
	    iDim = 0;
	    jDim = 1;

	if (colorCells)
	    /*Create the color cells*/
	    VertexPtr v;

	    if (colorCells == COLORCELLSGRID)
		/*Color cells between the grid lines*/
		/*Create a new rectangular mesh*/
		rectMesh = AppendRectMeshToPicture(picture, iDims[iDim], iDims[jDim], false);
		if (!rectMesh)
		    return ObjFalse;

		nComponents = GetNComponents(FIELD2);

		for (curDim[iDim] = 0; curDim[iDim] < iDims[iDim]; ++curDim[iDim])
		    for (curDim[jDim] = 0; curDim[jDim] < iDims[jDim]; ++curDim[jDim])
			v = RectMeshVertex(rectMesh, curDim[iDim], curDim[jDim]);
			v -> position[0] = SelectFieldComponent(FIELD2, 0, curDim);
			v -> position[1] = SelectFieldComponent(FIELD2, 1, curDim);
			v -> position[2] = nComponents >= 3 ? SelectFieldComponent(FIELD2, 2, curDim) : 0.0;
	    else if (colorCells == COLORCELLSDATA)
		/*Color cells around the data points*/

		/*Create a new rectangular mesh*/
		rectMesh = AppendRectMeshToPicture(picture, iDims[iDim] + 1, iDims[jDim] + 1, true);
		if (!rectMesh)
		    return ObjFalse;

		nComponents = GetNComponents(FIELD2);

		for (curDim[iDim] = 0; curDim[iDim] < iDims[iDim]; ++curDim[iDim])
		    for (curDim[jDim] = 0; curDim[jDim] < iDims[jDim]; ++curDim[jDim])
			v = RectMeshCenter(rectMesh, curDim[iDim], curDim[jDim]);
			v -> position[0] = SelectFieldComponent(FIELD2, 0, curDim);
			v -> position[1] = SelectFieldComponent(FIELD2, 1, curDim);
			v -> position[2] = nComponents >= 3 ? SelectFieldComponent(FIELD2, 2, curDim) : 0.0;

    SetVar(visObject, SURFACE, picture);
    SetVar(picture, REPOBJ, visObject);
    return ObjTrue;

static ObjPtr AddMeshControls(mesh, panelContents)
ObjPtr mesh, panelContents;
/*Adds controls appropriate to a mesh object to panelContents*/
    ObjPtr titleBox, button, radio, var, corral, icon, name, meshField, mainDataset;
    ObjPtr textBox, defaultIcon;
    int width, left, top, bottom, right;
    ObjPtr control;
    ObjPtr minMax;
    real min, max, *elements;


    /*Get the mesh field*/
    meshField = GetObjectVar("AddMeshControls", mesh, MAINDATASET);
    if (!meshField) return ObjFalse;
    while (mainDataset = GetVar(meshField, MAINDATASET))
	meshField = mainDataset;

    /*Find its min and max*/
    MakeVar(meshField, MINMAX);
    minMax = GetVar(meshField, MINMAX);
    if (minMax)
	elements = ELEMENTS(minMax);
	min = elements[0];
	max = elements[1];
	min = 0.0;
	max = 1.0;

    /*Create the color cells title box*/
    right = width;
    left = right - (CCBUTTONLENGTH + 2 * MINORBORDER);

    titleBox = NewTitleBox(left, right, bottom, top, "Color Cells");
    PrefixList(panelContents, titleBox);
    SetVar(titleBox, PARENT, panelContents);

    /*Create the radio button group*/
    radio = NewRadioButtonGroup("Color Cells Radio");
    PrefixList(panelContents, radio);
    SetVar(radio, PARENT, panelContents);

    /*Create the buttons*/
    left += MINORBORDER;
    right -= MINORBORDER;
    bottom = top - CHECKBOXHEIGHT;
    button = NewRadioButton(left, right, bottom, top, "None");
    AddRadioButton(radio, button);

    top = bottom - CHECKBOXSPACING;
    bottom = top - CHECKBOXHEIGHT;
    button = NewRadioButton(left, right, bottom, top, "Between Grid Lines");
    AddRadioButton(radio, button);

    top = bottom - CHECKBOXSPACING;
    bottom = top - CHECKBOXHEIGHT;
    button = NewRadioButton(left, right, bottom, top, "Around Data Points");
    AddRadioButton(radio, button);

    /*Set the radio according to COLORCELLS*/
    var = GetIntVar("AddMeshControls", mesh, COLORCELLS);
    if (!var)
	SetVar(mesh, COLORCELLS, NewInt(1));
    AssocDirectControlWithVar(radio, mesh, COLORCELLS);

    /*Put in the mesh corral at the top left*/
    left = MAJORBORDER;
    top = MAJORBORDER;
    corral = NewIconCorral(NULLOBJ,
			   left, left + ONECORRALWIDTH,
    SetVar(corral, SINGLECORRAL, ObjTrue);
    SetVar(corral, TOPDOWN, ObjTrue);
    SetVar(corral, NAME, NewString("Mesh Field"));
    SetVar(corral, HELPSTRING,
	NewString("This corral shows the dataset that is being used to make \
the mesh display.  The locations of color cells and meshs are calculated \
using this field.  The color of color cells is calculated using the Color Field, \
available in the Color control set."));
    PrefixList(panelContents, corral);
    SetVar(corral, PARENT, panelContents);
    SetVar(corral, REPOBJ, mesh);
    SetMethod(corral, DROPINCONTENTS, DropInMainDatasetCorral);

    /*Create the mesh source text box*/
    textBox = NewTextBox(left, left + ONECORRALWIDTH, 
			 0, "Mesh Field Text", "Mesh Field");
    PrefixList(panelContents, textBox);
    SetVar(textBox, PARENT, panelContents);
    SetTextAlign(textBox, CENTERALIGN);

    /*Put in an icon that represents the field*/
    name = GetVar(meshField, NAME);
    defaultIcon = GetVar(meshField, DEFAULTICON);
    if (defaultIcon)
	icon = NewObject(defaultIcon, 0);
	SetVar(icon, NAME, name);
	icon = NewIcon(0, 0, ICONQUESTION, GetString(name));
    SetVar(icon, ICONLOC, NULLOBJ);
    SetVar(icon, REPOBJ, meshField);
    DropIconInCorral(corral, icon);

    return ObjTrue;

void InitMeshes()
/*Initializes the mesh object*/
    ObjPtr icon, color;

    /*Class for a mesh object*/
    meshClass = NewObject(visDeformed, 0);
    SetVar(meshClass, NAME, NewString("Mesh"));
    SetMethod(meshClass, INITIALIZE, MeshInit);
    SetVar(meshClass, SHINVAL, NewReal(80.0));
    SetVar(meshClass, SPECVAL, NewReal(0.2));
    SetVar(meshClass, DEFAULTICON, icon = NewObject(visIcon, 0));
    SetVar(icon, WHICHICON, NewInt(ICONMESH));
    SetVar(icon, NAME, NewString("Mesh"));
    SetVar(icon, HELPSTRING,
	NewString("This icon represents a mesh visualization object.  \
The mesh object shows shaded mesh surfaces of 2-dimensional \
scalar fields defined over structured or nonstructured grids."));
    DeclareIndirectDependency(meshClass, SURFACE, MAINDATASET, CHANGED);
    DeclareDependency(meshClass, SURFACE, COLORCELLS);
    SetMethod(meshClass, SURFACE, MakeMeshSurface);
    DeclareDependency(meshClass, SURFACE, REVERSESENSE);
    SetMethod(meshClass, PICCOLORED, MakeMeshColored);
    SetMethod(meshClass, SETMAINDATASET, SetMeshMainDataset);

    SetMethod(meshClass, ADDCONTROLS, AddMeshControls);
    icon = NewIcon(0, 0, ICONMESH, "Mesh");
    SetVar(meshClass, CONTROLICON, icon);
    SetVar(icon, PANELHELP, NewString("The Mesh visualization object shows 2-D \
scalar fields as a colored mesh.  This panel lets you change parameters that \
control how the mesh is constructed."));

    DefineVisMapping(DS_HASFORM | DS_HASFIELD, 2, 3, 1, meshClass);
    DefineVisMapping(DS_HASFORM | DS_HASFIELD, 2, 2, 1, meshClass);
    DefineVisMapping(DS_HASFORM | DS_HASFIELD | DS_UNSTRUCTURED, 2, 3, 1, meshClass);
    DefineVisMapping(DS_HASFORM | DS_HASFIELD | DS_UNSTRUCTURED, 2, 2, 1, meshClass);

void KillMeshes()
/*Kills the mesh*/
Modified: Sun Nov 17 17:00:00 1996 GMT
Page accessed 2426 times since Sat Apr 17 21:55:08 1999 GMT