SIMS_File_Readers Christina Lam August 22, 1993 Summary: Description of file readers developed at SIMS Extensions to SciAn Developed at SIMS ===================================== New SciAn file readers were developed at SIMS, to allow SciAn to visualize input data from additional file formats for use in chemistry. The SIMS readers allow SciAn to interpret data in XMol's XYZ format, standard N-M1G basis sets from Gaussian92, a transition-type basis set format for molecular orbital information from other programs, and 3D PLOT grid data from BioSym's DMol software. These readers were written under communication with John Tse from the Molecular Dynamics Group and Rene Fournier and Fabrizia Negri in Theoretical Chemistry. File Reader Descriptions ======================== The XYZ file reader will visualize molecules in ball-stick or wireframe form. Multi-frame XYZ files may be read for animation of molecules. The bonds may be guessed based on either the covalent radii of atoms or an arbitrary minimum interatomic distance. This file reader uses the XYZ format specified by Minnesota SuperComputer's program, XMol. The XYZ format is often convenient because it requires minimal information, namely, the number of atoms, atomic type, and cartesian coordinates of the nuclei. The GSN file reader will extract the coefficients and exponents of gaussian primitives from a G92 output file, and approximate the molecular orbitals by a linear combination of the primitives. The GSN file reader can read standard N-M1G basis sets, with or without additional polarization or diffuse functions. The reader will recognize S,P,D shell types, but not F orbitals. In addition, it will take the atomic coordinate information in the G92 output file to generate a ".atoms" dataset for visualizing the molecule in ball-and-or-stick form. The combined visualization of the molecular orbitals and the ball/stick molecule can be quite informative. The GSN1/2 file readers are scaled-down versions of the GSN reader. These file readers are intended for basis set information from programs other than Gaussian. The information required are the grid boundaries and resolution, and the shell coefficients, types, exponents, and atomic centre coordinates for each primitive. The GRD file reader is intended for DMol users only. It will take data generated by DMol's PLOT command as discussed on pages B31-35 of the DMol User's Manual. Technical Notes on Modifications ================================ The new file readers were developed on top of SciAn Beta release version 0.82. The following files were changed: ScianSIMSFiles.c ScianSIMSFiles.h ScianPeriodicTable.h and #define SIMSFILES was added to machine.h. The main sources of information tapped during the development of the file readers were Chapter 7 of the SciAn reference manual, code for other file readers, and personal communication with the authors of SciAn, especially Eric Pepke. The ideas, file specifications, and data files for testing came from John Tse (Molecular Dynamics), Rene Fournier and Fabrizia Negri (Theoretical Chemistry). The modified code has been released to SciAn, to be distributed freely to anyone who would like it. The GSN file reader can read standard N-M1G basis sets, with or without additional polarization or diffuse functions. The reader will recognize S,P,D shell types, but not F orbitals. ==================== Christina Lam August 1993 Summer Student email: (until May 1994)