The README FileSYMPRJ.m/SYMPW.m are Matlab-scripts that will produce symmetry adapted
crystal orbitals and plane waves, adapted to the chosen k-vector (single-
valued group of the k-vector) in the reciprocal lattice.
Initially, prodat.m has to be run once to produce files that are used by
SYMPRJ.m/SYMPW.m. prodat.m (using input data file prodat.dat) calls
bztest.m, primen.m and dmatr.m (calling fac.m) when executing and
produces ldrmm.dat, MD6H.dat, MOH.dat, nge.dat, NP.dat, npgo.dat and
SYMPRJ.m/SYMPW.m calls the script Irrep.m which in its turn calls the
functions inverse.m, genera.m, classes.m, charac.m (modulus.m), permu.m,
degen.m, intsec.m, subsp.m, eigvec.m and mgt.m. The result is the
irreducible matrix representatives of the group of the k-vector.
The result when running SYMPRJ.m are block-diagonal matrices, where each
block gives the coefficients for the linear combination of symmetry
adapted spherical harmonics, block 1 l=0 (m=0), block 2 l=1 (m=-1,0,1),
block 3 l= 2 (m=-2,-1,0,1,2) etc. One set of blocks for each chemical
The result when running SYMPW.m are block-diagonal matrices, where each
block gives the coefficients for the linear combination of symmetry
adapted plane waves of different reciprocal lattice vectors.
A number of input example files are supplied. Each file starts with
steering data controlling the amount of output data. The number of the
space group follows. Further on the number of chemical elements and the
number of atoms of each chemical element in the primitive unit cell of
the crystal, are added (SYMPRJ.m). The coordinates of each atom in the
unit cell are given (SYMPRJ.m). In case there are non-primitive lattice
translations of the current space group, those shall be supplied. At the
end of the input file, the coordinates of the k-vectors for which the
symmetry adaptation shall be calculated, are added.
Input example files to be run by SYMPRJ.m are diamond.dat, InSb.dat,
sc.dat, wurtzite.dat and Zr.dat.
Input example files to be run by SYMPW.m are D4_6h.dat, Oh3.dat, Oh7.dat,
Oh10.dat and Td2.dat.
The results of executing the scripts will be presented as ASCII-coded
files and as binary coded files. The latter as block-diagonal data for
further use of symmetry adapted orbitals, plane waves (proj_symprj.m,
proj_sympw.m) in e.g. energy band calculations.
test_proj_symprj.m and test_proj_sympw.m will produce ASCII-code out of
the binary coded files.
For further information, please see Program-SYMPRJ-SYMPW.pdf.
File List for Symmetry_projection_single_valued_space_groups Directory
- [297kB] :
Single valued symmetry projection
To see individual files in the archive above, please
click [ here ].
The contribution is submitted as a Zip-file. The Matlab-scripts have been
developed using UNIX(Solaris 9)-Matlab, but have also been run using
Windows 2000-Matlab. The scripts should be equally applicable to UNIX as
to Windows. Some .dat-files looks strange, displaying them in Windows
SYMPRJ.m/SYMPW.m are Matlab versions of the QCPE 259 Fortran scripts
SYMPRJ/SYMPW. In the Matlab version some bugs and some parameter
restrictions have been revoked. The different files are preferably
contained within one folder.
The Web-link has been advertised at the QCPE Web-
site. It seems the QCPE-server is down since some time.
Per-Olof Jansson
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