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                                Written by
                             Martin L. Waldman
                            A program to convert
                         Dot Matrix Printer Controls
                      to Laser Printer Control Sequences
                                Version 1.1
                              Copyright 1991
                            All rights reserved
                             TABLE OF CONTENTS
               PART 1. OVERVIEW
                    1.1  Introduction ..................... 1
                    1.2  Installing DMPLAS ................ 1
                    1.3  Page Size and Printer Modes ...... 2
                    1.4  Laser Printer Controls ........... 2
                    1.5  Printer Reset..................... 3
                    1.6  Printing a File .................. 3
                    1.7  Testing DMPLAS ................... 4
                    2.1  Pitch Control .................... 5
                    2.2  Print Style ...................... 5
                    2.3  Special Effects .................. 6
                    2.4  Line Spacing ..................... 6
                    2.5  Vertical Movement ................ 6
                    2.6  Margin Control ................... 7
                    2.7  Horizontal Movement .............. 7
                    2.8  Dot Graphics ..................... 7
               PART 3. PRINTER CONTROL CODE TABLE           8
               PART 4. SOME HINTS AND TIPS
                    4.1  Screen Dumps .................... 11
                    4.2  Line drawing characters ......... 11
                    4.3  Using DMPLAS with a spooler ..... 12
                    4.4  Using DMPLAS on a LAN ........... 12
                    4.5  Using DMPLAS with Windows 3 ..... 12
                           DMPLAS  Version 1.1                          1

    Some of your software may have the capability of being installed for a 
    laser printer -- but what about the other stuff ?  The programs that 
    you've used so often that your fingers do the walking by themselves -- 
    especially your favorite graphics programs designed for a dot matrix 
    printer ?
         DON'T  THROW  THEM  AWAY  --  Smile  --  now you have DMPLAS !
    Now you can make your laser printer hum along using software designed 
    for a dot matrix printer -- just install DMPLAS and activate it when 
    you need it.
    DMPLAS is a program that converts dot matrix printer control 
    characters (00h to 1Fh) and printer control escape sequences (1Bh + 
    character string) to the equivalent printer control commands used by 
    HP LaserJet compatible printers.
    The program is written in 8088/8086 assembly language and will run on 
    any computer system that operates using DOS 2.x or higher.
    Part 2 of this manual lists the dot matrix printer controls, by 
    functional group, that are converted to equivalent laser printer 
    controls by DMPLAS.
    Part 3 contains a complete list, in ASCII value order, of the control 
    codes and escape sequences that DMPLAS recognizes and evaluates. Those 
    that have no equivalents or have conflicting meanings are trapped so 
    that your documents don't get messed up and your laser printer doesn't 
    start to spit paper.
    DMPLAS can be used in two different ways -- as a permanently installed 
    TSR (less than 6K) that can be activated and deactivated, and to print 
    files containing printer control data and text (see paragraph 1.6).
    To install DMPLAS as a TSR, the command line to be placed in your 
    AUTOEXEC.BAT file must contain the drive and pathname where DMPLAS is 
    stored plus one of the following:
            "DMPLAS /A" -- installs and/or activates DMPLAS.
            "DMPLAS /D" -- installs and/or deactivates DMPLAS.
    The first time either command line is executed, DMPLAS will be 
    installed as a TSR and remains in memory until the system is rebooted.
    Subsequent entry of a command line will only turn DMPLAS on or off -- 
    it will not be removed from memory and not be installed a second time.
    Using /A switch with additional parameters (see 1.3 below) changes the 
    parameters in the installed program. The /D switch only deactivates.
    2                       DMPLAS  Version 1.1 

    Laser printers print on only 10" (e.g. 60 lines at 6 lpi) of an 11" 
    letter size page. If your software expects to use all 11" (66 lines), 
    enter "DMPLAS /AF" (full) as an intitial or subsequent command line.
    DMPLAS then adjusts the space between lines (leading) to accomadate 
    the extra lines -- the adjustment works with whatever line spacing you 
    have programmed (i.e. 8 lpi yields 88 lines, etc).
    To return to a normal (10") page, enter the command  "DMPLAS /AN".
    The page size adjustment is not effective until DMPLAS receives a line 
    spacing or printer reset command (ESC '@') --  see para. 1.5
    Many dot matrix printers have a set of mechanical (DIP) switches or 
    setup panel buttons that set power-on defaults, some of which can be 
    changed by software commands -- see your printer manual.
    Often one of the switches sets the printer to either the so-called 
    Standard (Epson) mode or the so-called IBM (Proprinter) mode and 
    cannot be changed by software. The exact way in which some of the 
    print controls from these printers work is different depending on how 
    the mode switch has been set -- again see your printer manual.
    DMPLAS defaults to the Standard mode. Where no conflict exists between 
    the two modes, DMPLAS ignores the mode. In Parts 2 and 3 those 
    commands that depend on the mode are flagged.
    You can set the IBM mode by an additional parameter to the /A switch 
    either at the initial command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or when 
    issuing subsequent activation command lines. The formats are:
       "DMPLAS /ANI"   sets IBM mode and normal page (10")
       "DMPLAS /AFI"   sets IBM mode and full page (11")
    (The page size parameter must be included for the mode to be set)
    On some printers setting the mode to IBM causes the printer to accept
    FS (1Ch) as a substitute for ESC (1Bh) in some control sequences -- 
    the remainder of the sequence is the same. DMPLAS therefore also 
    accepts FS as being the same as ESC without further ado.
    DMPLAS can send unaltered control sequences directly to the laser 
    printer. To do so send the leading ESC character (1Bh) twice followed 
    by the rest of the sequence.                           ~~~~~
    For example, to set the end-of-line wrap around function you would 
    normally send ESC + the characters "&s0C" to the laser printer. If 
    DMPLAS is actvated you can send ESC + ESC + "&s0C" to achieve the same 
    result. See DLTEST-4 for other examples.
                           DMPLAS  Version 1.1                          3

    ESC  '@' (Reset printer) is used by most dot matrix printers to reset 
    the printer to the power-on status defined by the settings of 
    mechanical (DIP) switches.
    Some word processors take advantage of this by sending ESC '@' and 
    other condition resets at the beginning of a document to establish a 
    known base from which to proceed with formatting commands.
    To emulate ESC '@', DMPLAS sets the following default parameters:
          Pitch                  Pica  (10 cpi)
          Line Spacing           1/6"  (6 lpi)
          Auto Linefeed          off    
          Left/Right margins     cleared
          Superscript/Subscript  off
          Horizontal Tabs        set to every 8 columns
    and a carriage return (0Dh) is sent to the printer.
    The mode (STD or IBM) and page factor (10" or 11") are NOT changed.
    To avoid the ejection of an empty sheet of paper from the laser 
    printer, DMPLAS does NOT send the laser printer soft reset (ESC 'E').
    You may eject the current page by entering the command "DMPLAS /F". 
    This will send a formfeed (0Ch) to the printer whether or not DMPLAS 
    is active.
    Some programs can create ASCII files that contain both the text to be 
    printed and the printer control data to format the printout. Such 
    files can be printed on your laser printer even if DMPLAS has not been 
    installed or activated.
    Enter the folllowing command (entries inside brackets are optional):
         "[drive:][\pathname\]DMPLAS /P [drive:][\pathname\]filename.ext"
    You may also use both additional parameters with the /P command to set 
    the page size and mode. Note however that if DMPLAS has been installed 
    and activated, the TSR page size and mode takes precedence.
    Before printing the file a printer reset is performed and the laser 
    end-of-line wrap and perforation skip functions are activated. The 
    laser printer soft reset (ESC 'E') is sent at the end.

    NOTE: DMPLAS does NOT check printer status, neither as a TSR nor as a 
    file printer, but does return a normal status byte. You should make 
    sure your printer is on line and ready.
    4                       DMPLAS  Version 1.1 

    So that you can see if DMPLAS works well with your computer and your 
    printers, we have included a series of files on the distribution 
    diskette that you can use to check it out.
    DLTEST-W.WS4 is a document written in Wordstar Version 4 to be printed 
    on a dot matrix printer. DLTEST-W.PRN is the result of redirecting the 
    printer output to a file -- it contains both formatting commands and 
    document text.
    The other test files are named "DLTEST-n" (n = a number or letter). 
    There are two files each with the same name. DLTEST-n.BAS is the Basic 
    program that was used to create DLTEST-n.PRN -- the file that contains 
    both the printer controls and the text.
    Before you install DMPLAS you may want to try the following:
       1. Put your dot matrix printer on line, and at the DOS prompt enter
                   ~~~~~~~~~~                  "COPY DLTEST-n.PRN PRN"
       2. Now put your laser printer on line, and at the DOS prompt enter
                       ~~~~~                  "DMPLAS /P DLTEST-n.PRN"
    If you have installed and activated the TSR, you can print to your 
    laser printer with the command   "COPY DLTEST-n.PRN PRN"
    The test files contain examples of the more commonly used controls. 
    All use the normal page length and standard mode.
        DLTEST-1     Print Pitch, Style, and Special Effects
        DLTEST-2     The Master Print Mode
        DLTEST-3     Line Spacing
        DLTEST-4     Left and Right Margins
        DLTEST-5     Vertical and Horizontal Movement
        DLTEST-6     Horizontal Tab Commands and Backspace
        DLTEST-F     Dot Graphics - grey scale patterns
        DLTEST-G     Dot Graphics - cross hatch pattern
                           DMPLAS  Version 1.1                          5

    The following is a list of the dot matrix printer controls, by 
    functional group, that are converted to equivalent laser printer 
    controls by DMPLAS. The controls that depend on mode are indicated by 
     or . All others are available in both modes.
    The test files listed demonstrate some of the controls available in 
    standard mode.
    DMPLAS pitch controls attempt to use Courier fonts -- Pica translates 
    to 10 cpi/12 pts, Elite to 12cpi/10pts, and Condensed to 16cpi/8pts. 
    If you are not happy with the appearance provided by your current 
    laser printer fonts see FONT.DOC (in DMPLASFN.ZIP) for alternatives.
     The standard print pitch controls are demonstrated in DLTEST-1
        SO              Expanded print - one line
        SI              Condensed print
        DC2          Cancel condensed
        DC2          Set 10 cpi (Pica)
        DC4             Cancel one line expanded
        ESC  SO         Expanded print - one line
        ESC  SI         Condensed print
        ESC  DC2        Cancel condensed
        ESC  ':'        Set 12 cpi (Elite)
        ESC  'M'        Set pitch to Elite (12 cpi)
        ESC  'P'     Set pitch to Pica (10 cpi)
        ESC  'W' 1      Expanded print on    
        ESC  'W' 0      Expanded print off   
        ESC  'g'        Set 15 cpi
    2.2  PRINT STYLE
     The standard print style commands are demonstrated in DLTEST-1
        ESC  '%G'    Begin Italics
        ESC  '%H'    End Italics
        ESC  '4'     Select italic characters
        ESC  '5'        Cancel italic characters
        ESC  'E'        Emphasized printing on
        ESC  'F'        Emphasized printing off
        ESC  'G'        Boldface on
        ESC  'H'        Boldface off
        ESC  'P' 1   Select proportional printing
        ESC  'P' 0   Cancel proportional printing
        ESC  'p' 1      Select proportional printing
        ESC  'p' 0      Cancel proportional printing
    6                       DMPLAS  Version 1.1 

     These special effect commands are demonstrated in DLTEST-1
        ESC  '-' 1      Underline on
        ESC  '-' 0      Underline off
        ESC  'S' 0      Set superscript on
        ESC  'S' 1      Set subscript on
        ESC  'T'        Set superscript/subscript off
        ESC  '!' n   Set Master Print Mode n   command is explained and
                                                 demonstrated in DLTEST-2
     Not demonstrated    
        ESC  'I' n   Set Master print mode n
     The standard line spacing commands are demonstrated in DLTEST-3
        ESC  '%8' n    Begin n/360 line spacing
        ESC  '+' n     Begin n/360 line spacing
        ESC  '0'          Set line spacing to 1/8"
        ESC  '1'          Set line spacing to 7/72"
        ESC  '2'       Set line spacing to 1/6"
        ESC  '2'       Execute  ESC 'A' n
        ESC  '3' n        Set line spacing to n/216"
        ESC  'A' n        Set line spacing to n/72"
        ESC  'A' n     Set line spacing n/72" immediate
        ESC  'A' n     Set line spacing n/72" for ESC '2'
     Not demonstrated    
        ESC  '[' n     Begin n/360 line spacing
     These vertical movement commands are demonstrated in DLTEST-5
        LF                Line feed         
        FF                Form feed         
        ESC  LF           Reverse Linefeed
        ESC  FF           Reverse Formfeed
        ESC  'J' n        Onetime linefeed of n/216"
        ESC  'f' 1 n      Set print position to current line + n
     Not demonstrated
        ESC  '%4' n    Onetime n/360 line feed
        ESC  '5' 1        Auto Linefeed on 
        ESC  '5' 0        Auto Linefeed off
        ESC  'j' n     Send one reverse LF n/216"
                           DMPLAS  Version 1.1                          7

     These margin control commands are demonstrated in DLTEST-4
        ESC  'l' n       Set left margin to column n 
        ESC  'Q' n    Set right margin  col n    
        ESC  'X' l r     Set left & right margins    
     This commands is demonstrated in DLTEST-3
        ESC  'N' n       Set bottom margin n lines

     Not demonstrated
        ESC  'O'         Cancel top & bottom margins    
     These horizontal commands are also demonstrated in DLTEST-5
        ESC  '$' n1 n2       Absolute horizontal position
        ESC  '\' n1 n2    Relative horizontal position
        ESC  'f' 0 n         Set print position to col n
    These are demonstrated in DLTEST-6 (new in DMPLAS 1.1)
        BS                   Backspace
        HT                   Horizontal tab
        ESC  'D' n1 n2 ...0  Set variable horizontal tabs at n1,n2,etc. 
        ESC  'e' 0 n         Set horizontal tabs at every n columns

     Not demonstrated
        ESC  'd' n1 n2    Relative horizontal position
    Since dot matrix and laser printers differ in the way 8 bit dot 
    graphics (raster graphics) are printed, some adjustments are made by 
    DMPLAS. Horizontal spacing is maintained by adding dots to make it 
    equivalent. Vertical spacing of 8/72" per line is maintained by 
    duplicating dot rows on the laser printer.
     These commands are demonstrated in DLTEST-F and DLTEST-G
        ESC  'K' n1 n2 m1 m2 ...   Normal density (60 dpi)
        ESC  'L' n1 n2 m1 m2 ...   Double density (120 dpi)
        ESC  'Y' n1 n2 m1 m2 ...   Double density/double speed (120 dpi)
        ESC  'Z' n1 n2 m1 m2 ...   Quadruple density (240 dpi)          
        ESC  '*' n n1 n2 m1 m2 ...   Select graphics mode n where
             n = 0 = Normal density (60 dpi)
                 1 = Double density (120 dpi)
                 2 = Double density/double speed (120 dpi)
                 3 = Quadruple density (240 dpi)
                 4 = Semi-double density (80 dpi)
                 5 = Plotter graphics (72 dpi)
                 6 = CRT graphics (90 dpi)
                 7 = Double density Plotter (144 dpi)
    8                       DMPLAS  Version 1.1 

    The following table lists, in ASCII value order, all of the control 
    codes and escape sequences that are recognized by DMPLAS.
    The symbols in the Flag column indicates what action is taken when 
    translating the code;  * = trapped or > = translated to equivalent 
    laser sequence. Actions dependent on the mode are prefixed with
    S (Std) or I (IBM).
        Code/Sequence     Flag  Printer Function Performed
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        BEL                 *   Sound printer bell
        BS                  >   Backspace
        HT                  >   Horizontal tab
        LF                  >   Line feed
        VT                  *   Vertical tab
        FF                  >   Form feed
        CR                  >   Carriage return
        SO                  >   Expanded print - one line
        SI                  >   Condensed print on
        DC1                 *   Set printer on line
        DC2                S>   Cancel condensed
        DC2                I>   Set 10 cpi (Pica)
        DC3                 *   Set printer off line
        DC4                 >   Cancel one line expanded
        CAN                 *   Cancel a line (clear buffer)
        DEL                 *   Delete last character sent
        ESC  LF             >   Reverse Linefeed
        ESC  FF             >   Reverse Formfeed
        ESC  SO             >   Expanded print - one line
        ESC  SI             >   Condensed print on
        ESC  DC2            >   Cancel condensed
        ESC  EM  n          *   Sheet feeder commands
        ESC  EM  'T' n      *   Set print start on sheet feeder
        ESC  ESC            >   DMPLAS bypass - sends ESC once 
        ESC  US n           *   Double/Triple height printing
        ESC  ' ' n          *   Add n dots between characters
        ESC  '!' n         S>   Set master print mode
        ESC  '!' n         I*   Select international char set
        ESC  '#'            *   Accept bit 8 as is
        ESC  '$' n1 n2      >   Absolute horizontal position
        ESC  '%' n         S*   Download character set control
        ESC  '%4' n        I>   Onetime n/360 line feed
        ESC  '%8' n        I>   Begin n/360 line spacing
        ESC  '%G'          I>   Begin Italics
        ESC  '%H'          I>   End Italics
        ESC  '&' 0 ...      *   Define download characters
        ESC  '(' n          *   Select NLQ/HSD print quality
        ESC  '*' n ...      >   Select 8 bit graphics mode n
        ESC  '+' n1 .. .   S*   Macro instruction commands
        ESC  '+' n         I>   Begin n/360 line spacing
        ESC  '-' 1          >   Underline on
        ESC  '-' 0          >   Underline off
        ESC  '/' n          *   Select vertical tab channel n
                           DMPLAS  Version 1.1                          9

        Code/Sequence     Flag  Printer Function Performed
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        ESC  '0'            >   Set line spacing to 1/8"
        ESC  '1'            >   Set line spacing to 7/72"
        ESC  '2'           S>   Set 6 lpi
        ESC  '2'           I>   Execute  ESC 'A' n
        ESC  '3' n          >   Set line spacing to n/216"
        ESC  '4'           S>   Select italic characters
        ESC  '4'           I*   Set TOF here (IBM mode)     
        ESC  '5'            >   Cancel italic characters
        ESC  '5' 1          >   Auto Linefeed on
        ESC  '5' 0          >   Auto Linefeed off
        ESC  '6'            *   Select IBM character set #2
        ESC  '6'            *   128-159,255 = Italic Internat
        ESC  '7'            *   Select IBM character set #1
        ESC  '7'            *   128-159,255 = contol codes 0-32,127
        ESC  '8'            *   Disable paper out detector
        ESC  '9'            *   Enable paper out detector
        ESC  ':'            >   Set 12 cpi (Elite)
        ESC  ':' 0 n 0      *   Copy ROM font n into RAM
        ESC  '<'            *   Set uni-directional print
        ESC  '='            *   Set bit 8 to zero
        ESC  '='n n 20 /1   *   Define download characters
        ESC  '>'            *   Set bit 8 to one
        ESC  '?' n0 n1      *   Redefine graphic mode
        ESC  '@'            >   Reset printer
        ESC  'A' n         S>   Set line spacing n/72" immediate
        ESC  'A' n         I>   Set line spacing n/72" for ESC '2'
        ESC  'B' n1 .. .0   *   Set vertical tab positions
        ESC  'C' 0 n        *   Set page length n inches
        ESC  'C' n          *   Set page length n lines
        ESC  'D' n1 .. .0   >   set variable horizontal tab positions
        ESC  'E'            >   Emphasized printing on (Bold)
        ESC  'F'            >   Emphasized printing off (Bold)
        ESC  'G'            >   Boldface Double strike on
        ESC  'H'            >   Boldface Double strike off
        ESC  'I' n         S*   Character set selection
        ESC  'I' n         I>   Set Master print mode
        ESC  'J' n          >   Onetime linefeed of n/216"
        ESC  'K' n1 .. .    >   Normal density graphics 60 dpi
        ESC  'L' n1 .. .    >   Double density graphics 120 dpi
        ESC  'M'            >   Set 12 cpi (Elite)
        ESC  'N' n          >   Set bot marg n lines = skip perf
        ESC  'O'            >   Cancel top & bottom margins
        ESC  'P'           S>   Set 10 cpi (Pica)
        ESC  'P' 1/0       I>   Set Proportional on/off
        ESC  'Q' n         S>   Set right margin  col n
        ESC  'Q' 3,35, 36  I*   Deselect printer
        ESC  'R'            *   Reset horiz and vert tabs
        ESC  'R' n          *   Select character set n
        ESC  'S' n          >   Set superscript/subscript on
        ESC  'T'            >   Set superscript/subscript off
    10                       DMPLAS  Version 1.1 

        Code/Sequence     Flag  Printer Function Performed
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        ESC  'U' n          *   Unidirectional print control
        ESC  'V' n dat a    *   Repeat data n times (LQ-1500)
        ESC  'V' NUL        *   Cancel repeat data (LQ-1500)
        ESC  'W' 1/0        >   Expanded print on/off
        ESC  'X'            *   Cancel all WP modes except propor.
        ESC  'X' l r        >   Set left & right margins
        ESC  'Y' n1 .. .    >   Dble dens/dble speed graphics
        ESC  'Z' n1 .. .    >   Quadruple density graphics  
        ESC  '[' n         S>   Begin n/360 line spacing
        ESC  '[' n ...     I*   Print double high/wide
        ESC  '\' n1 n2     S>   Relative horizontal position
        ESC  '\' n1 n2     I*   Print all codes as characters
        ESC  ']' n          >   Onetime linefeed of n/360"
        ESC  '^' 0/1 . ..   *   60/120 dpi graphics
        ESC  '^' n ...      *   9 pin graphics
        ESC  '^' n          *   Print char(n) from all char chart
        ESC  '_' 1/0        *   Overlining on/off
        ESC  'a' n          *   Align or center printing
        ESC  'b' n ... 0    *   Set vertical tabs in channel
        ESC  'c' n          *   Set top margin n lines
        ESC  'd' n1 n2      >   Relative horizontal position
        ESC  'e' 0/1 n      *   Set H/V tabs every n chars
        ESC  'e' 0 n        >   Set horizontal tabs every n columns
        ESC  'e' 1 n        *   Set verical tabs every n lines
        ESC  'f' 0 n        >   Set print position to col n
        ESC  'f' 1 n        >   Printer to current line + n
        ESC  'g'            >   Set pitch to 15 cpi (Micron)
        ESC  'h' n          *   Enlarged characters on/off
        ESC  'i' n          *   Set immediate printing on/off
        ESC  'j' n         S>   Send one reverse LF n/216" (STD)
        ESC  'j'           I*   Deselect printer
        ESC  'k' n          *   Select font/typeface n
        ESC  'l' n          >   Set left margin to column n
        ESC  'm'            *   Select Triple width printing
        ESC  'm' 1/0        *   Select/Cancel HX-20 graphic symbols
        ESC  'p' 1          >   Select proportional printing
        ESC  'p' 0          >   Cancel proportional printing
        ESC  'q' n          *   Select character style n
        ESC  'r' n          *   Select color to print
        ESC  'r' n          *   Set top margin n lines
        ESC  's' n          *   Set printing speed
        ESC  't' n          *   Select graphic/italic chars set
        ESC  'v' n          *   Custom character set n
        ESC  'w' 0/1        *   Double high off/on
        ESC  'x' 1/0        *   Set Near Letter Quality on/off
        ESC  'y' n          *   Select quasi 8 bit graphics
        ESC  '~' 0/1        *   Print normal/slashed zero
                           DMPLAS  Version 1.1                          11

    Text screen prints (from pressing the Shift-PrtSc key) on some dot 
    matrix printers as well as laser printers have special characters 
    printed instead of true lines as shown on the screen. See 4.1 for a 
    solution to this problem.
    The program GRAPHICS.COM included with DOS before version 5 worked 
    only with CGA screens and IBM/Epson dot matrix printers. DMPLAS /A 
    allows these screen dumps to be printed on HP LaserJet compatibles. 
    Unfortunately GRAPHICS.COM will still only work properly with CGA 
    graphic screens. There are other programs that handle EGA, VGA, and 
    Hercules graphics and DOS 5's GRAPHICS.COM accomidates these as well 
    as HP LaserJets.
    For DMPLAS to be properly effective it should be loaded (DMPLAS /A) 
    before GRAPHICS.COM.                                                       
    IBM Graphics and IBM Proprinters are capable of printing the IBM line 
    drawing characters. The Epson FX is effectively compatible with the 
    IBM Graphics printers except that italic characters are printed 
    instead. This is why text screen dumps have "e"s and other characters 
    instead of lines.
    There are 2 solutions to this problem.
    1) DOWNLOAD CO120RPN.SFP from the DMPLASFN font set pack.
    2) With a HP LaserJet series II the following will change the 
    character set of the native font from Roman 8 (with italic characters) 
    to IBM-US (with line drawing characters).
       Hold down the menu key until the display reads "SYM SET = Roman 8*"
       Press the + key until the display reads "SYM SET = IBM-US"
       Press the Enter/Reset Menu key to make the IBM-US the new default set.
       (The display marks this with the asterisk from Roman 8)
       Hold down the Continue/Reset key until the display reads "07 RESET"
    You only need do this once. After this the LaserJet will power-on with 
    the IBM-US symbol set active.
    12                       DMPLAS  Version 1.1

    Since a spooler can effectively hold up the physical printing of the 
    output until the laser printer can catch up, we recommend that you 
    load DMPLAS as a TSR after you load your spooler software into memory.
    If your spooler works as a device driver (in CONFIG.SYS) there DMPLAS 
    should work fine also.
    Due to the way DMPLAS achieves activation and de-activation, DMPLAS 
    must be loaded on remote terminals (where the programs are actually 
    run) rather than on the file server (where the printer is attached). 
    DMPLAS will then translate the output to the HP LaserJet standard 
    before the LAN transfers the output over the wires to the printer.
    DMPLAS works fine when used with DOS programs being run on the DOS 
    shell under Windows. DMPLAS can either be loaded before WIN is 
    executed or from the DOS shell after the DOS icon has been clicked.  
    DMPLAS can also be included in a batch file executed by a .PIF 
    routine. In this case there is no need to deactivate DMPLAS after the 
    program has executed.
    Please remember that even in a multi-tasking situation, the activation 
    and deactivation of DMPLAS via   DMPLAS /A   and   DMPLAS /D    takes 
    place immediately. If there is print left in a spooler or being 
    outputted by another program running in the background the changes to 
    the status of DMPLAS might affect the final output to the printer. 
    Before issuing a DMPLAS command the system should be "quiet".
Modified: Sun Nov 20 17:00:00 1994 GMT
Page accessed 1322 times since Sat Apr 17 21:21:49 1999 GMT