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MolEdit 1.0.b

Editor for Mopac-Files

Peter Gedeck 
Inst. f. Phys.Chem.I 
University of Erlangen 
Egerlandstraße 3 
8520 Erlangen 

Tel: ++9131-857335 
Fax: ++9131-858307 



1. Introduction 
2. Installation 
3. General Information 
   3.1 Conventions 
   3.2 Short description of the menu 
4. The Editor 
   4.1 Editor control-keys 
   4.2 A typical edit-session 
5. The conversion utilities 
   5.1 The GIP-format (geometry-interchange-program) 
   5.2 Formating input-files 
   5.3 Conversion between different formats 
   5.4 Converting using the Babel program 
6. The molecule viewer 
   6.1 The menu 
   6.2 Changing the molecules viewpoint 
   6.3 Determination of geometrical parameters 
   6.4 Options which control graphical output 
   6.5 Creation of HPGL-files 
7. The configuration-file 
8. Plans 
9. Copyright 
10. History 
11. Credits 

Appendix 1: DPMI (DOS-Protected-Mode-Interface) 
Appendix 2: Babel (Version 1.06) 

1. Introduction

MolEdit is an editor specially designed to prepare input-files for
quantum-chemical programs. During the construction of an input-file it
is always possible to check the correctness of the defined structure. In
case of errors MolEdit provides informative error messages for the
implemented input formats.

In addition the combination of the editor with a molecule-viewer allows
to examine the defined geometrical structure. This is especially valuable
for the creation of z-matrices. The molecule-viewer allows to rotate and
to translate the molecule. The structure can be displayed in five different

 o Wire-frame 
 o Ball-and-Stick 
 o Dot-clouds 
 o Grid 
 o Spheres 

The combination of an editor with a molecule-viewer will make it very
easy for beginning students to learn to write z-matrices.

Other features included in MolEdit are: 

 o Formatting input-files 
 o Converting between different formats (Mopac <=> GIP) 
 o Deleting Dummy-Atoms 
 o Inserting and deleting of atoms (while keeping the references
 o Creation of HPGL-files 

In the current version MolEdit fully supports several file formats. These

 o The Mopac file format, which is used by the semiempirical
   program packages Ampac, Mopac and Vamp. 
 o The GIP (geometry-interchange-program) format 
 o The Xmol format 

Other file formats, among those the Gaussian-file formats are accessible
through the conversion utility Babel. MolEdit provides a interface that
simplifies the usage of Babel.

MolEdit is also able to load, edit and save UNIX-Files. The is useful, if
UNIX-filesystems are mounted via NFS.

MolEdit is a DOS-application written for the IBM-PC-AT and needs a
VGA or EGA-card, either monochrome or color. A coprocessor is
recommended but not necessary. In case the real-mode-version of the
program is used, either the use of expanded-memory or of a disk-cache
is recommended. The program was tested with
monochrome-VGA-cards and should adjust itself to this mode. 

2. Installation

MolEdit is available by ftp from In this directory you will
find 5 files, the installation program and 4 self-extracting files: 

 o Install.exe   - Installation program

 o MolEdRM.exe   - Real-mode version, for IBM-PC's without a coprocessor
 o MolEdRM7.exe  - Real-mode version, for IBm-PC's with a coprocessor

 o MolEdPM.exe   - Protected-mode version, for IBM-PC's without a coprocessor
 o MolEdPM7.exe  - Protected-mode version, for IBm-PC's with a coprocessor

Protected-mode versions can use all memory available on your PC,
including normal and extended memory.

Retrieve all files and copy them to a floppy-disk or to a directory on your
hard-disk, after the installation these files are not needed anymore. The
call the programm install and follow the instructions. The install
programm will created several files in the installation directory: 

 o MolEdit.exe  - the main-program
 o egavga.bgi   - The BGI-graphic-driver
 o *.chr        - BGI-font-files
 o MolEdit.doc  - The document in ascii-format (not for the newest version)
 o MolEdit.htm  - The document in HTML-format
 o changes.mol  - Summary of changes in each version

 o Real-mode packages contain:
 o MolEdit.ovr  - Overlay-file for MolEdit.exe

 o Protected-mode packages contain:
 o rtm.exe      - Various files used to run protected-mode programs.
 o rtmres.exe   - See appendix I for details.
 o dpmi16bi.ovl
 o dpmiinst.exe
 o dpmiload.exe

If you haven't already got the PC-version of the conversion program 
Babel (see Appendix 2) you find version 1.06 in the same directory. This
program was written by Pat Walters and Matt Stahl from the University
of Arizona. The newest versions of Babel can always be found at their
ftp-site ftp://xxx/xxx. 

3. General information

MolEdit is written as an event-driven program. Input can be provided
either using the keyboard or the mouse. After you started the program
the screen consists of three different parts. The first line is the
menu-line, the status line displays several hot-keys. 

3.1 Conventions

The main menu can be selected by entering the red-highlighted letter
combined with the Alt-key, e.g. pressing Alt-F selects the File-menu.
As a result a sub-menu appears. To select one of the menupoints, press
the red-highlighted letter without the Alt-key, e.g. to select File|Display
press Alt-f and then d. If an option is disabled in a specific context, it
will be written in grey.

Some menu-options can be chosen by pressing hot-keys. E.g. F3 will
open a file-open dialog and is therefore equivalent to the File|Open menu

3.2 Short description of the menu

This is the structure of the Expert-Menu, the Beginner-Menu has a
restricted functionality and might be especially usefull for educational

  New                    : Start editing a new file
  Open ... (F3)          : Read a file and open an editor window
  Save (F2)              : Save file in active editor window
  Save as ...            : Save file in active editor window using a different
  Save all               : Save files in all editor windows

  Print                  : Send file to printer

  Change dir ...         : Change the current directory
  DOS-Shell              : Open a DOS-Shell. To return to the program enter

  Info                   : Information about the program (version and copyright)

  Exit (Alt-X)           : Exit program

Edit (Tools for copying and pasting in an editor-window or between different
  Undo                   : Undo the last editing command

  Cut (Shift-Del)        : After selecting text cut it and copy it into the
  Copy (Ctrl-Ins)        : Copy highlighted text into the clipboard.
  Paste (Shift-Ins)      : Copy text from the clipboard
  Clear (Ctrl-Del)       : Delete highlighted text

  Insert lines (Alt-I)   : Add lines, adjust atom references as needed.
  Delete lines (Alt-D)   : Delete lines, adjust atom references as needed.

  Filetype (Dos-Unix)    : MolEdit not only allows to edit files saved in
                           DOS format, but also UNIX-Ascii files. The
                           filetype dialog allows to select either DOS or
                           UNIX format

  Fileformat             : Change format of file. After loading a file
                           MolEdit tries to detect the correct format.

  Information            : Displays information about the molecule (e.g.
                           sum formula, symmetry, mass)

  Check (F4)             : Check the active file
  View (F9)              : View the active file

  Format                 : Format the active file

  Create Z-Matrix        : Automatic construction of a Z-Matrix. This will
                           only work, if the geometry of the molecule can
                           be read correctly.
  Delete Dummies         : Delete dummy-atoms. Here as well, the definition
                           must be correct, in order for this option to work.
                           After the dummy-atoms are deleted a new Z-Matrix
                           is constructed automatically.

  Convert (Babel)        : Convert active file using the Babel program
  Convert -> Mopac       : Convert active file to Mopac-format
          -> GIP         : Convert active file to GIP-format

  Beginner/Expert-Menu   : Toggle between the two Menu-types

  Conversion             : Enables you to choose, whether the new created
                           file should be displayed in a new fileeditor
                           window or in the current.
  Graphic-Display        : See chapter 6.4
                           select the rules of bond determination.
  Bond Options           : If the distance between two atoms is less than
                           a certain fraction of the sum of the van-der-
                           Waals-radii of these atoms, than a bond will
                           be drawn between them. Another option makes it
                           possible to make long-range interactions visible
                           by a dotted line.
                           If for an atom the van-der-Waals-radius is not
                           known, a radius of 2 is assumed.

  Configuration          : Change the configuration of the program (Chapter 7)

  25/50 lines            : Switch between 25 and 50 display lines
  Color/BW-Mode          : Switch between Color and BW-Mode
  Change colors          : Change colors used by the application

  Printer-options        : Configure MolEdit to work with your printer.
  Plotter-options        : Configure MolEdit for the creation of HPGL-files.

Window (Window-handling tools)
  Tile                   : Two differnt ways of getting the windows in some
  Cascade                : order.

  Size/Move (Ctrl-F5)    : Move and resize the active window
  Zoom (F5)              : Zoom window
  Next (F6)              : Switch to the next window
  Prev (Shift-F6)        : Switch to the previous window
  Close (Alt-F3)         : Close active window and save file if necessary

Help (Display this manual)

To switch between various windows you can either use the
menu-options Window|Next (F5) and Window|Prev (Shift-F6) or select
the menu by pressing the Alt-key together with the window number, e.g.
Alt-1 to select window 1. 

4. The Editor

4.1 Editor control-keys

The Ctrl-key-combination are more or less wordstar-compatible. The
only difference is the way to highlight, cut, copy and paste text. ^K^B
begin of highlighted text. ^K^K copy text into the clipboard. ^K^C insert
text from the clipboard. Instead of using ^K-commands it is also possible
to mark text by pressing the Shift-Key and moving the cursor. 

  ^A or Ctrl-Left        Word left
  ^C or PgDn             Page down
  ^D or Right            Cursor right
  ^E or Arrow up         One line up
  ^F or Ctrl-Right       Word right
  ^G or Del              Delete char at cursor position
  ^H or Backspace        Delete char before cursor position
  ^L                     Repeat search
  ^M or Enter            New line
  ^O                     Toggle indent-mode
  ^R or PgUp             Page up
  ^S or Left             Cursor left
  ^T                     Delete to end of word
  ^U                     Undo
  ^V or Ins              Toggle insert/overwrite
  ^X or Arrow down       One line down
  ^Y                     Delete line

  ^Q^A                   Search and replace
  ^Q^C or Ctrl-PgDn      Goto end-of-file
  ^Q^D or End            Goto end-of-line
  ^Q^F                   Search
  ^Q^H                   Delete to start of line
  ^Q^R or Ctrl-PgUp      Goto begin-of-file
  ^Q^S or Home           Goto begin-of-line
  ^Q^Y                   Delete to end-of-line

  ^K^B                   Start block (move cursor to mark text)
  ^K^C                   Insert content of clipboard
  ^K^H                   Hide block
  ^K^K                   Copy block to clipboard
  ^K^Y                   Delete highlighted text and copy it to the clipboard

4.2 A typical edit-session

To create a new file select the File|New menuoption and start editing. If
you want to change an old file, press F3 or select the File|Open
menuoption to get a file-selection dialog. If you want to create a new
molecule using an old input-file, change the name of the file by selecting
File|Save As. If you display the molecule the first time after modifying it,
a File|Save As dialog will be displayed.

MolEdit tries to detect the format of the input-file automatically. If this
is impossible, mopac-format is assumed. To change the format of the file
select the appropriate type with the File|Fileformat menu-option.

Then edit the file. If you want to use parts of another file then open a
second window, highlight the text, copy it into the clipboard, change to
the first window and insert the text from the clipboard wherever you
want it. This will not keep the atom-references in the correct order!

To check the input-file, press the F4 function key.

If you want to view what you have written so far, press F5. The program
then saves the active file and starts to interpret the information in the
file depending on the file-type you have choosen.

In case the interpreter detects an error in your input-file it will give you
a message giving some hints about the error and the position of the error.

If the interpretation was successful the molecule will be displayed. About
the usage of the molecule viewer see below. Stop the molecule viewer
using Alt-X or press the Exit-button using the mouse. 

5. The conversion utilies

At the moment two different file-formats are supported by MolEdit. 

 o mopac-input-file (look at the mopac manuals) 
 o GIP-format (part of the mopac-tool DRAW) 

5.1 The GIP-format (geometry-interchange-program)

The GIP-format is similar to the mopac-input-file format, except two
differences. There is one more line at the beginning of the file
(GIP/DRAW DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE! ...) and the geometry is
defined differently from the usual z-matrix format. A atom-definition
line is like: 

an  x  obl y oang z odihed   rbl rang rdihed

an:               Atom information
x,y,z:            x,y,z-coordinates of the molecule
obl,oang,odihed:  Identifier if the bond-length, angle and dihedral
                  angle should be optimized
rbl,rang,rdihed:  Reference-atoms for bond-length, angle and dihedral
                  angle. This is the z-matrix

By converting the Z-matrix into the GIP-format it is possible to change
the reference atoms, without having to recalculate bond-length, angles
and dihedrals. Using the Conversion|Create Z-Matrix menu-option, a
new Z-matrix can be created automatically for the new geometry. 

5.2 Formating input-files

After selecting the Conversion|Format menu-option it is possible to
format the input-files. 

5.3 Conversion between different format

At the moment the following conversions are possible: 

 o Conversion to GIP 
 o Conversion to Mopac 

6. The molecule viewer

The screen consists of 2 parts, on the right side a menu and on the left
side the display of the molecule. The various options of the menu can be
selected either using the mouse or the Alt-key together with the high-
lighted letter. 

6.1 The menu

Displaytype               : Radiobuttons - only one is selectable
  Wire frame              : Draw molecule as a wire frame
  Ball and Stick          : Draw molecule in the ball and stick model
  Dot cloud               : Draw molecule as a wire frame and display the
                            surface by dots
  Net                     : Show the surface using a grid
  Spheres                 : Show the surface using spheres

Displayoption             : Checkbox - multiple selection possible
  Show dummys
  Show labels             : Display element names
  Show numbers            : Display number of atom

Principal Axis            : Transformation into the principal coordinate
Center Molecule (Enter)   : Translate molecule so that center of gravity is
                            the Origin of the coordinate system
Reset VP (Ctrl-Enter)     : After rotating and zooming the viewpoint, this
                            resets the viewpoint to the default values
Redraw                    : Interpret Displaytype and Displayoptions and
                            redraw molecule
Plot it                   : Create a HPGL-file of the current drawing.
Exit                      : Stop molecule viewer

6.2 Changing the molecules viewpoint

Translation and rotations of the molecule is controled by the
number-block of the keyboard. To translate the molecule use the
numbers to translate the viewport. To zoom in press the grey-plus + key,
to zoom out press the grey-minus - key. To rotate the molecule you
have to press the a number, the grey-plus or the grey-minus key
together with the Shift-key.

To set the origin of the molecular coordinate system to the center of the
viewport select the Center-button. 

6.3 Determination of geometrical parameters

To determine geometrical parameters, select the Query-Option (Alt-Q).
This will start the query-mode and gives you the opportunity to enter
commands. At the moment the following commands are implemented: 

  exit              - stop query-mode
  quit              - stop query-mode
  help              - information about implemented commands
  pos n1            - position of atom n1
  bl n1 n2          - determine bondlength between atoms n1 and n2
  ang n1 n2 n3      - determine angle between atoms n1, n2 and n3
  dihed n1 n2 n3 n4 - determine dihedral between atoms n1, n2, n3 and n4
  oop n1 n2 n3 n4   - determine oop-bend. The atoms n1, n2 and n3 define
                      a plane. The angle of the bond n2-n4 to this plane
                      is determined.

6.4 Control of graphic output

Beside the already described options, other parameters are provided to
control the display of the molecule. Theses can be set using the dialog
under the menu option Options|Graphic-Display. Displaytype and 
Displayoption is described above. In addition the following parameters
control the output: 

   The quality of the drawing is controlled by this value. A small
   value (e.g. 10) results in faster drawing, but in poor quality.
   Whereas a larger value produces better output. 
Density of dots 
   This controls the density of dots in the display type Dot cloud 
   A large value (e.g. 100000) results in no perspective drawing,
   whereas a smaller value (e.g. 2000) produces a perspective output.

6.5 Creation of HPGL-files

!! This options is not enough tested yet, so there might be problems.

With the Plot It button, a HPGL-file (Hewlett-Packard Graphic
Language) of the current drawing is created. After pressing the button 
MolEdit switches back to text mode and displays the dialog. Here you can
define the name of the HPGL-file to be created. If the file already exists 
MolEdit will ask you, if it can be overwritten.

The created HPGL-file is also controlled by the Plot-Faktor value. This
can only be changed in the Options|Configuration dialog. It controlls the
precision of the created drawings. A value of 1000 gives relatively good
pictures but might lead to problems for large molecules. 

7. The configuration-file

After executing the program for the first time you will find two new files
in the directory in which you stored the MolEdit-program. One of them,
moledit.dsk, stores the so called history-lists. Whenever you want to
select a file, a file-open dialog is created. On the right of the input-line
you will find a green-arrow. By either clicking the green-arrow with
the mouse or by pressing the down-arrow-key a history- list is opened.
This offers you the opportunity to select one of the files. The
change-directory dialog also provides a similar history-list. 

The other file, moledit.cfg, stores configuration-information. The
following informations may be stored: 

  BGI-Path              : Path where the BGI-drivers and fonts can be found.

  Screen-Mode           : Color-mode of the application smCO80 for color,
                          smBW80 for black/white-mode
                          (Menu-option General|Color/BW-mode)
  Screen-Lines          : Number of lines in text-mode (25 or 43/50)
                          (Menu-option General|25/50 lines)

  Working-Directory     : Current working-directory.
                          (Menu-option General|Change dir ...)
  mpp-Program           : Full-path of the mpp-program

  Display-Type          : Change this configuration with the menu-option
  Display-Option        : Graphic|Options
  Display-Perspective   : Controls perspective of drawing.
  Display-Resolution    : Controls the resolution of the drawings. The larger
                          the value, the more precise is the picture, but the
                          time needed to draw it increases.
  Display-DensityOfDots : Controls the number of dots in the dot-cloud picture

  Printer-Port          : Port to send the file to after selecting the
                          File|Print menu-option (can also be a filename)

  New-Window            : Create a new Window after converting files between
                          different formats. (Menu-option Conversion|Option)

  Menu-Type             : Select beginner or expert-menu
  Plot-File             : Defines the filename under which HPGL-files are
  Plot-Faktor           : Controls the precision of the created HPGL-file.

  Type                  : Use the Options|Printer-options menu to change the
  Port                  : Printer-configuration

Most of the configuration parameters can be changed with
menu-options. To change BGI-Path, mpp-Program or Printer-Port you
have to select the Options|Configuration menu-option. This will open a
dialog, that allows you to select and edit all configuration-parameters.
An option can be selected by positioning the cursor on the name and
pressing either the space-bar or the enter-key. Another way is by
double-clicking on the option. Default-values are given in

8. Plans

 o Plotting (already in testing) 
 o User-defined file-formats 
 o Porting to Windows 

9. Copyright

Copyright (c) 1993-1995 by Peter Gedeck

In this version the program may be freely copied, but not be distributed
for commercial purposes. The author makes no warranties, either express
or implied, as to the reliability of this software or its fitness of use for
any particular purpose.

This software is provided on an "as is" basis, and without warranty of
any kind, including but not limited to any implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the
authors or the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg be liable for any direct,
indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from use or
distribution of this software. The University of Erlangen-Nürnberg also
shall not be liable for any claim against any user of this program by any
third party. 

I guess I have to include the following information about the programs

 o Created using Borland Pascal with Objects (c) Borland
   International 1992 
 o Ampac, Version 1.0 - QCPE Program No. 506 
 o Babel version 1.06 Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994 - Pat Walters,
   Matt Stahl. (Contact: 
 o Mopac, Version 6.0 - Stewart J.J.P. 
 o VAMP, Version 5.0 - Rauhut G., Alex A., Chandrasekhar J.,
   Clark T., Oxford Molecular Ltd. Oxford 1993 
 o NOTE: MolEdit is packaged using Info-ZIP's compression utility.
   The individual installable parts were created using the
   zip-program and converted to self-extracting executables using
   the unzipsfx tool.
   Info-ZIP's software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is free and
   can be obtained as source code or executables from various
   bulletin board services and anonymous-ftp sites, including
   CompuServe's IBMPRO forum and*. 

10. History

Version 0.1 
   Changes in way the program treats new files 

Version 0.1.b 
   Command line to determine molecular information
   (bond-distances, angles, dihedrals, oop-bends) in graphic-mode 
   EGA-graphiccards are supported, feature was not tested. 

Version 0.1.c 
   Protected-Mode version. 
   Format of the mopac and mpp input-files. 
   Conversion mopac-format to GIP-Format and vice versa. 
   Conversion mpp-format to mopac-format. 
   Beginner and expert menus 
Version 0.1.d 
   Menu restructured 
   Set colors of the desktop 
Version 0.1.e 
   Improved graphical representation 

Version 0.9 
   Completely changed the way different formats are treated. 
   Removed mpp-format 
   Automatical creation of Z-matrizes 
   Inserting and deleting atoms 
   Delete dummies 
Version 0.9.a 
   MolEdit now allows to edit DOS and UNIX-textfiles. 
Version 0.9.b - Version 0.9.c 
   Several bugfixes (see changes.mol) 
Version 0.9.d 
   Boundary box 
   Perspective output 
   If the directory is changed using the load-file dialog, the new
   directory will become the working directory. 

Version 1.0 
   Integration of the Babel conversion utility 
Version 1.0.a 
   Creation of HPGL-Files (Test-Version!) 
Version 1.0.b 
   Included simple HTML-viewer to view this document. 

11. Credits

I would like to thank the following people for bug-reports and ideas. 

 o Holger Busse 
 o Peter Freunscht 
 o Stephan Landgraf 
 o Xiaoming Zhou 

Appendix 1: DPMI

This document is taken from the documentation to Borland Pascal 7.0

To run protected-mode applications, the programs RTM.EXE,
DPMILOAD.EXE are needed. In the next section the following topics
are treated: 

 o Execution of DOS-Protected-Mode-Programs 
 o What to do if the DPMI-Server of Borland is not running on
   your system 
 o How to use DOS-Environmentvariables to change the behaviour
   of the DPMI- Server 
 o Running DPMI-Programs under Windows 
 o How to change the memory-management of the DPMI-Loader 

Execution of DOS-Protected-Mode-Programs

To run a protected-mode-program you have to make sure, that
DPMI16BI.OVL (the DPMI-Server), RTM.EXE (the DPMI-Loader)
and all needed DLLs (Dynamic- Link-Librarys) can be found in on of
the follwing places: 

 o in the current directory 
 o in the same directory as the application 
 o in the DOS-search-path 

Protected Mode and memory 

DPMI (for DOS Protected Mode Interface) enables a DOS-Program to
run in protected-mode and therefore use all available memory of your

   If you run the protected-mode-program for the first time on a
   computer with a 80286-processor. you may get the follwing

   Machine not in database (RUN DPMIINST) 

   This means that the protected-mode-interface has to be
   configured to be able to run with your computer. So if you get
   this message, enter DPMIINST on the DOS-prompt and follow
   the instructions.
   DPMIINST will run several test, to find out the best way to
   activate protected-mode on your machine. Afterwards the
   DPMI-interface will be configured for your machine. You only
   have to run this program once.
   Some memory-management-programs, device-drivers and
   memory-resident- programs will make problems, so that
   DPMIINST can not finish all tests. If this happens, remove them,
   so that DPMIINST can run without problems. Afterwards you
   can reinstall them.
   You will not have to run DPMIINST neither on a machine that
   runs HIMEM (or equivalent), nor on computers with the 80386-
   or 80486-processor.

   By Default the DPMI-interface uses all available
   extended-memory. To avoid this, you can define
   DOS-Environment-variables to declare a upper limit of memory
   to be used. These definition can be entered either on the
   DOS-prompt or in the file AUTOEXEC.BAT. The syntax is: 

   nnnn is the memory-size in kilobyte. 

   E.g. if your computer has 4 MB und you want DPMI to use only
   2MB, use the following command: 


   RTMRES load the DPMI-System. If you do this,
   protected-mode-programs will start faster. If you enter
   RTMRES the program will be started. Else RTMRES opens a
   DOS-Shell, which you can exit with the command EXIT.
   RTMRES is useful, if you want to use a
   protected-mode-program more often. Usually the DPMI-Server
   will be loaded whenever you start the program, whereas
   RTMRES will make it memory resident. 

   The communication of a protected-mode-program with the
   DPMI-server works using the DPMI-Lader RTM.EXE. By
   default the protected-mode-program uses all the memory that
   was reserved by the DPMI-Kernel. 

Execution of a Protected-Mode-Program under Windows

A DOS-protected-mode-program will run in the extended 386-mode of
windows. Using a PIF-file you can define how much memory a program
can use. Executing a Protected-Mode-Program in

To execute a protected-mode-program in Windows-Standardmode, you
have to define the DOS-environmentvariable DPMIMEM and start
RTMRES, before you start windows. Both is described above. 

If you have loaded DPMIMEM, you will not be able to execute windows
in the extended 386-mode. You have to leave RTMRES before (typing
EXIT on the DOS-prompt). 

How to change the memory-management of the DPMI-Loader

The DPMI-Loader tries to use as much conventional memory as
possible. If you want to use other protected-mode-programs, which not
use the DPMI- Loader (e.g. Paradox 4.0), you have to control the
memory usage with the DOS-environment-variable RTM. 

Using the SET-command you can define the
RTM-environment-variable from the DOS-prompt. 

SET RTM=[Option nnnn] 

The following options are available. nnnn can be a dezimal or a
hexadezimal number. (hexadezimal numbers are given in the format e.g.
xAB54 or xab54) 

   Option          Description
   EXTLEAVE nnnn   Leave nnnn kilobyte extended memory. Default 640 KB.

   EXTMAX nnnn     Not more than nnnn kilobyte extended memory will
                   be reserved. Default is 4 gigabyte resp. under windows,
                   half of the available memory.

   EXTMIN nnnn     If with respect to the definitions of EXTMAX and
                   EXTLEAVE less than nnnn kilobyte memory are available
                   the program will be stopped giving the message
                   "Out of Memory". The default is 0.

   REALLEAVE nnnn  Always at least nnnn paragraphs of conventional
                   DOS-memory are left. The default is 4096 paragraphs,
                   which is equivalent to 64 kilobyte.

   REALMAX nnnn    Not more than nnnn paragraphs of DOS-memory are
                   reserved. The default is 1 MB or 65535 paragraphs.

   REALMIN nnnn    If with respect to the definitions of REALMAX and
                   REALLEAVE less than nnnn kilobyte memory are available
                   the program will be stopped giving the message
                   "Out of Memory". The default is 0.

E.g. with the following command RTM will reserve at last 2 MB or
extended- memory and will leave 126-kb DOS-memory free. 


Appendix 2: Babel (Version 1.06)

This document is based on the file readme.1st from the distribution of 
Babel version 1.06

Contact: Pat Walters and Matt Stahl, Dolata Research Group,
Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, 

The aim of Babel is to implement a general framework for converting
between file formats used for molecular modeling. 

Babel will read the following file types : 

Alchemy                  AMBER PREP               Ball and Stick
Biosym .CAR              Boogie                   Cacao Cartesian
Cambridge CADPAC         CHARMm                   Chem3D Cartesian 1
Chem3D Cartesian 2       CSD CSSR                 CSD FDAT
CSD GSTAT                Free Form Fractional     GAMESS Output
Gaussian Z-Matrix        Gaussian Output          Hyperchem HIN
Mac Molecule             Macromodel               Micro World
Molgen                   MM2 Input                MM2 Ouput
MM3                      MMADS                    MDL MOLfile
MOLIN                    Mopac Cartesian          Mopac Internal
Mopac Output             PDB                      Quanta
ShelX                    Spartan                  Sybyl Mol
Sybyl Mol2               XYZ

Babel will write the following file types : 

Alchemy                  Ball and Stick           Cacao Cartesian
CAChe MolStruct          Chem3D Cartesian 1       Chem3D Cartesian 2
ChemDraw Conn. Table     CSD CSSR                 Gamess Input
Gaussian Cartesian       Gaussian Z-matrix        Hyperchem HIN
IDATM                    Mac Molecule             Macromodel
Micro World              MM2 Input                MM2 Ouput
MM3                      MMADS                    MDL Molfile
Molgen                   Mopac Cartesian          Mopac Internal
PDB                      Report                   Spartan
Sybyl Mol                Sybyl Mol2               XYZ

To use the DOS-Version of Babel install the program in a subdirectory
on your hard disk as described in the file readme.1st. In case Babel won't
work check if the environment variable BABEL_DIR is set correctly. 

Information about the usage of Babel from the command line can be
found in the file readme.1st. 

Limitations of the MolEdit interface:

Multi-structure file 
   MolEdit does NOT support the conversion of multi structure files.
MacMolecule files 
   The special option for MacMolecule files is not implemented. 
Quanta files 
   Due to the fact that Quanta files are binary I did not include this
   format in MolEdit. 

Modified: Fri Apr 28 16:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 3574 times since Sat Apr 17 21:21:58 1999 GMT