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*** Makefile.old	Wed Jun 15 16:10:52 1994
--- Makefile	Thu Dec 15 10:53:56 1994
*** 28,43 ****
  # system.
  # INFORMIX SQL stuff;  ensures we find sql*.h files
! INFORMIXDIR = /usr/prop
! # CC = gcc -static -fwritable-strings -fpcc-struct-return 
! CC = cc -non_shared
! ESQL = esql -non_shared
  MAKEDEP = makedepend
! INSTALL = installbsd
  DEST = /usr/local/sbin
  # variable specifying the location of dsql.profile
--- 28,47 ----
  # system.
  # INFORMIX SQL stuff;  ensures we find sql*.h files
! # INFORMIXDIR = /opt/informix	# Sun installation?
! INFORMIXDIR = /usr/prop/informix
! # Choose your compiler
! #CC = gcc -fwritable-strings -fpcc-struct-return 
! CC = cc
! # Esql.
! #ESQL = $(INFORMIXDIR)/bin/esql
! ESQL = esql
  MAKEDEP = makedepend
! INSTALL = installbsd -c
  DEST = /usr/local/sbin
  # variable specifying the location of dsql.profile
*** 82,87 ****
--- 86,93 ----
  #CFLAGS        = -g -DDEBUG -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql -DBASEDIR=\"$(BASEPATH)\"
  LIBS	      =
+ # Sun (again!  sigh.)
+ # LIBS        = -lsocket -lnsl
  LINKER	      = cc
*** 115,142 ****
  all:		$(PROGRAM)
  $(PROGRAM):     $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
  		@echo -n "Loading $(PROGRAM) ... "
  		$(ESQL) -o $(PROGRAM) $(LDFLAGS)  $(OBJS)  $(LIBS)
  		@echo "done"
! informix.o	: informix.c
! 	$(ESQL) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
! clean:;		@rm -f $(OBJS)
  depend:;	$(MAKEDEP) -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql $(SRCS)
  index:;		@ctags -wx $(HDRS) $(SRCS) 
! install:	$(PROGRAM)
  		@echo Installing $(PROGRAM) in $(DEST)
! 		@$(INSTALL)  -c $(PROGRAM) $(DEST)
! 		@$(INSTALL) -c -m 0400 dsql.profile $(BASEPATH)
  testinstall:	$(PROGRAM)
  		@echo Installing $(PROGRAM) as $(DEST)/$(TEST)
! 		@$(INSTALL)  -c $(PROGRAM) $(DEST)/$(TEST)
  		@-cp dsql.profile $(BASEPATH)
  		@chmod 400 $(BASEPATH)/dsql.profile
--- 121,149 ----
  all:		$(PROGRAM)
+ $(PROGRAM):     $(OBJS)
  $(PROGRAM):     $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
  		@echo -n "Loading $(PROGRAM) ... "
  		$(ESQL) -o $(PROGRAM) $(LDFLAGS)  $(OBJS)  $(LIBS)
  		@echo "done"
! #informix.o	: informix.c
! #	$(ESQL) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
! clean:;		@$(RM) -f $(OBJS)
  depend:;	$(MAKEDEP) -I$(INFORMIXDIR)/incl/esql $(SRCS)
  index:;		@ctags -wx $(HDRS) $(SRCS) 
! install:	$(PROGRAM) dsql.profile
  		@echo Installing $(PROGRAM) in $(DEST)
! 		@$(INSTALL) -m 0400 dsql.profile $(BASEPATH)
  testinstall:	$(PROGRAM)
  		@echo Installing $(PROGRAM) as $(DEST)/$(TEST)
  		@-cp dsql.profile $(BASEPATH)
  		@chmod 400 $(BASEPATH)/dsql.profile
*** 153,226 ****
  		@make -f $(MAKEFILE) DEST=$(DEST) $(INSTALL)
- # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.
- blobcmds.o: /usr/include/sys/file.h /usr/include/sys/types.h
- blobcmds.o: /usr/include/standards.h /usr/include/sys/param.h
- blobcmds.o: /usr/include/sys/limits.h /usr/include/machine/machparam.h
- blobcmds.o: /usr/include/machine/endian.h /usr/include/machine/machlimits.h
- blobcmds.o: /usr/include/sys/access.h /usr/include/sys/fcntl.h dsqlsrvr.h
- blobcmds.o: /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/signal.h
- blobcmds.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h /usr/include/sys/mode.h
- blobcmds.o: /usr/include/errno.h state.h dreply.h
- bufutil.o: /usr/include/sys/time.h /usr/include/sys/types.h
- bufutil.o: /usr/include/standards.h /usr/include/sys/time.h dsqlsrvr.h
- bufutil.o: /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/sys/file.h
- bufutil.o: /usr/include/sys/param.h /usr/include/sys/limits.h
- bufutil.o: /usr/include/machine/machparam.h /usr/include/machine/endian.h
- bufutil.o: /usr/include/machine/machlimits.h /usr/include/sys/access.h
- bufutil.o: /usr/include/sys/fcntl.h /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- bufutil.o: /usr/include/sys/mode.h /usr/include/errno.h state.h dreply.h
- bufutil.o: bufutil.h
- dbms.o: /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/standards.h dbms.h dreply.h
- dsql.o: dsqlsrvr.h /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/standards.h
- dsql.o: /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/sys/types.h
- dsql.o: /usr/include/sys/file.h /usr/include/sys/param.h
- dsql.o: /usr/include/sys/limits.h /usr/include/machine/machparam.h
- dsql.o: /usr/include/machine/endian.h /usr/include/machine/machlimits.h
- dsql.o: /usr/include/sys/access.h /usr/include/sys/fcntl.h
- dsql.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h /usr/include/sys/mode.h /usr/include/errno.h
- dsql.o: state.h dreply.h dbms.h statetab.h
- dsqlcmds.o: /usr/include/ctype.h /usr/include/standards.h dsqlsrvr.h
- dsqlcmds.o: /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/signal.h
- dsqlcmds.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h /usr/include/sys/file.h
- dsqlcmds.o: /usr/include/sys/param.h /usr/include/sys/limits.h
- dsqlcmds.o: /usr/include/machine/machparam.h /usr/include/machine/endian.h
- dsqlcmds.o: /usr/include/machine/machlimits.h /usr/include/sys/access.h
- dsqlcmds.o: /usr/include/sys/fcntl.h /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- dsqlcmds.o: /usr/include/sys/mode.h /usr/include/errno.h state.h dreply.h
- dsqlcmds.o: dbms.h
- execcmds.o: dsqlsrvr.h /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/standards.h
- execcmds.o: /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/sys/types.h
- execcmds.o: /usr/include/sys/file.h /usr/include/sys/param.h
- execcmds.o: /usr/include/sys/limits.h /usr/include/machine/machparam.h
- execcmds.o: /usr/include/machine/endian.h /usr/include/machine/machlimits.h
- execcmds.o: /usr/include/sys/access.h /usr/include/sys/fcntl.h
- execcmds.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h /usr/include/sys/mode.h
- execcmds.o: /usr/include/errno.h state.h dreply.h
- informix.o: /usr/include/pwd.h /usr/include/standards.h
- informix.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h /usr/include/ctype.h /usr/include/ndbm.h
- informix.o: /usr/include/setjmp.h /usr/include/signal.h
- informix.o: /usr/prop/incl/esql/sqlca.h /usr/prop/incl/esql/sqltypes.h
- informix.o: /usr/prop/incl/esql/sqlda.h /usr/prop/incl/esql/sqlstype.h
- informix.o: /usr/prop/incl/esql/sqlhdr.h dsqlsrvr.h /usr/include/stdio.h
- informix.o: /usr/include/sys/file.h /usr/include/sys/param.h
- informix.o: /usr/include/sys/limits.h /usr/include/machine/machparam.h
- informix.o: /usr/include/machine/endian.h /usr/include/machine/machlimits.h
- informix.o: /usr/include/sys/access.h /usr/include/sys/fcntl.h
- informix.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h /usr/include/sys/mode.h
- informix.o: /usr/include/errno.h state.h dreply.h
- state.o: state.h /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/standards.h
- unix.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h /usr/include/standards.h
- unix.o: /usr/include/sys/socket.h /usr/include/sys/wait.h
- unix.o: /usr/include/netinet/in.h /usr/include/netdb.h
- unix.o: /usr/include/rpc/netdb.h /usr/include/pwd.h /usr/include/sys/time.h
- unix.o: /usr/include/sys/time.h /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h
- unix.o: /usr/include/sys/secdefines.h /usr/include/stdlib.h dsqlsrvr.h
- unix.o: /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/sys/file.h
- unix.o: /usr/include/sys/param.h /usr/include/sys/limits.h
- unix.o: /usr/include/machine/machparam.h /usr/include/machine/endian.h
- unix.o: /usr/include/machine/machlimits.h /usr/include/sys/access.h
- unix.o: /usr/include/sys/fcntl.h /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- unix.o: /usr/include/sys/mode.h /usr/include/errno.h state.h dreply.h dbms.h
- unix.o: bufutil.h
--- 160,162 ----
*** blobcmds.c.old	Thu Mar 17 10:01:36 1994
--- blobcmds.c	Thu Dec 15 10:53:56 1994
*** 23,37 ****
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/blobcmds.c,v 3.4 93/06/01 15:01:58 dm Exp $";
  # endif
   * functions for BLOB state commands.
!  * $Log:	blobcmds.c,v $
!  * Revision 3.4  93/06/01  15:01:58  dm
   * add dummies for vms to quiet compiler
!  * 
   * Revision 3.3  92/11/13  14:06:20  dm
   * change index() to strchr(), etc.
--- 23,50 ----
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/blobcmds.c,v 3.8 1994/11/18 02:05:01 dm Exp $";
  # endif
   * functions for BLOB state commands.
!  * $Log: blobcmds.c,v $
!  * Revision 3.8  1994/11/18  02:05:01  dm
!  * finally fix the reinit of tempfile variable
!  *
!  * Revision 3.7  1994/11/17  16:53:32  dm
!  * TRUNC was not the problem.  the problem was that tempfile was not
!  * reinitialized after a close.
!  *
!  * Revision 3.6  1994/11/05  01:38:54  dm
!  * add O_TRUNC to blobwrite open.
!  *
!  * Revision 3.5  1994/09/21  00:18:49  dm
!  * better function declarations
!  *
!  * Revision 3.4  1993/06/01  15:01:58  dm
   * add dummies for vms to quiet compiler
!  *
   * Revision 3.3  92/11/13  14:06:20  dm
   * change index() to strchr(), etc.
*** 134,144 ****
  extern char *nextword();
  extern void reply();
! static char *tempfile = "/tmp/dsqlblobXXXXXX";
  long blobstart;
  blob_get(cmd, nst, est)
  	char *fname, *cp, *s, *sz;
  	struct stat f_info;
--- 147,159 ----
  extern char *nextword();
  extern void reply();
! static char tempfile[32];
  long blobstart;
  blob_get(cmd, nst, est)
+ 	char *cmd;
+ 	int nst, est;
  	char *fname, *cp, *s, *sz;
  	struct stat f_info;
*** 190,195 ****
--- 205,212 ----
  blob_put(cmd, nst, est)
+ 	char *cmd;
+ 	int nst, est;
  	char rbuf[128];
  	char *fname, *s, *sz, *offs, *ovr;
*** 205,210 ****
--- 222,228 ----
  	if (!dir_ok(fname)) return est;
+ 	strcpy(tempfile, "/tmp/dsqlblobXXXXXX");
  	if (mktemp(tempfile) == -1) {
  		sprintf(rbuf, "mktemp failed:  %s", strerror(errno));
  		reply(R_FAIL, R_BLOB, B_SYSERR, rbuf);
*** 246,251 ****
--- 264,270 ----
  	char dirname[PATHSIZE], *cp;
  	char rbuf[128];
  	struct stat f_info;
+ 	extern char *strcpy(char *d, const char *s);
  	strcpy(dirname, file);
  	if ((cp = strrchr(dirname, '/')) == NULL) strcpy(dirname, ".");
*** 412,422 ****
--- 431,445 ----
  # else
  blob_get(cmd, nst, est)
+ 	char *cmd;
+ 	int nst, est;
  	return est;
  blob_put(cmd, nst, est)
+ 	char *cmd;
+ 	int nst, est;
  	return est;
*** bufutil.c.old	Thu Mar 17 10:01:36 1994
--- bufutil.c	Thu Dec 15 10:53:56 1994
*** 23,29 ****
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/bufutil.c,v 3.6 93/06/21 13:27:15 dm Exp $";
  # endif lint
  /* utility routines to do internally buffered read and write.
--- 23,29 ----
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/bufutil.c,v 3.7 1994/11/05 01:39:41 dm Exp $";
  # endif lint
  /* utility routines to do internally buffered read and write.
*** 31,41 ****
!  * $Log:	bufutil.c,v $
!  * Revision 3.6  93/06/21  13:27:15  dm
!  * freadchar and fblob_close implementations added. this fixes a 
   * problem in ultrix where ioctl does not work across nfs for files.
!  * 
   * Revision 3.5  93/06/01  15:04:41  dm
   * switch for vms around syslog call
--- 31,44 ----
!  * $Log: bufutil.c,v $
!  * Revision 3.7  1994/11/05  01:39:41  dm
!  * fix unreadchar().  this was a true bug.
!  *
!  * Revision 3.6  1993/06/21  13:27:15  dm
!  * freadchar and fblob_close implementations added. this fixes a
   * problem in ultrix where ioctl does not work across nfs for files.
!  *
   * Revision 3.5  93/06/01  15:04:41  dm
   * switch for vms around syslog call
*** 293,299 ****
  	if ((fdp = get_fdent(fd)) != NULL) {
- 		  fdp->count++;
--- 296,301 ----
No differences encountered
*** dbms.c.old	Thu Mar 17 10:01:37 1994
--- dbms.c	Thu Dec 15 10:53:56 1994
*** 23,29 ****
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/dbms.c,v 3.4 93/01/08 11:39:02 dm Exp $";
  # endif
--- 23,29 ----
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/dbms.c,v 3.4 1993/01/08 11:39:02 dm Exp $";
  # endif
No differences encountered
*** dreply.h.old	Thu Mar 17 10:01:37 1994
--- dreply.h	Thu Dec 15 10:53:56 1994
*** 27,37 ****
   * dsql reply codes for servers and clients
!  *	$Log:	dreply.h,v $
!  * Revision 3.3  93/06/23  11:55:48  dm
   * add oracle codes.
!  * 
!  * 
   * Revision 3.2  92/08/11  13:55:51  dm
   * commend #endif trailer (make lint shutup)
--- 27,36 ----
   * dsql reply codes for servers and clients
!  *	$Log: dreply.h,v $
!  * Revision 3.3  1993/06/23  11:55:48  dm
   * add oracle codes.
!  *
   * Revision 3.2  92/08/11  13:55:51  dm
   * commend #endif trailer (make lint shutup)
*** dsql.c.old	Thu Mar 17 10:01:37 1994
--- dsql.c	Thu Dec 15 10:53:56 1994
*** 23,34 ****
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/dsql.c,v 3.3 92/09/03 12:43:56 dm Exp $";
  # endif
   * DSQL TCP Server -- portable version
!  *	$Log:	dsql.c,v $
   * Revision 3.3  92/09/03  12:43:56  dm
   * *** empty log message ***
--- 23,37 ----
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/dsql.c,v 3.4 1994/03/03 11:14:26 dm Exp $";
  # endif
   * DSQL TCP Server -- portable version
!  *	$Log: dsql.c,v $
!  * Revision 3.4  1994/03/03  11:14:26  dm
!  * changes made in solaris port;  uninstalled and untested at this time.
!  *
   * Revision 3.3  92/09/03  12:43:56  dm
   * *** empty log message ***
*** 130,139 ****
! 			exit();
! 	else exit();
--- 133,142 ----
! 			exit(1);
! 	else exit(1);
*** dsqlcmds.c.old	Thu Mar 17 10:01:38 1994
--- dsqlcmds.c	Thu Dec 15 10:53:56 1994
*** 23,34 ****
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/dsqlcmds.c,v 3.9 93/06/21 13:26:05 dm Exp $";
  # endif
  /* commands to handle server requests.  the STATE table is at the 
   * the end of the file.
!  *	$Log:	dsqlcmds.c,v $
   * Revision 3.9  93/06/21  13:26:05  dm
   * use freadchar and fblob_close for readchar and dsql_close. these
   * are defined back to readchar and dsql_close in all cases except
--- 23,45 ----
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/dsqlcmds.c,v 3.12 1994/09/26 17:11:10 dm Exp $";
  # endif
  /* commands to handle server requests.  the STATE table is at the 
   * the end of the file.
!  *	$Log: dsqlcmds.c,v $
!  * Revision 3.12  1994/09/26  17:11:10  dm
!  * change env() to sysenv() due to name conflict with informix libs.
!  *
!  * Revision 3.11  1994/09/21  00:18:03  dm
!  * better function declarations, ptr testing.
!  *
!  * Revision 3.10  1994/02/11  11:59:13  dm
!  * extension to nextword() to allow double quotes to enclose a 'word'.
!  * this enables spaces as legal characters in pathnames which are quoted.
!  * affects chdir, getfile, putfile.
!  *
   * Revision 3.9  93/06/21  13:26:05  dm
   * use freadchar and fblob_close for readchar and dsql_close. these
   * are defined back to readchar and dsql_close in all cases except
*** 203,209 ****
  	*p++ = '\0';
  	/* server is protocol version 3, compatable with 2 */
  	if (atoi(cp) >= 2 && atoi(p) <= 3) {
  		return nst;
  	/* we can't handle this version client */
--- 214,220 ----
  	*p++ = '\0';
  	/* server is protocol version 3, compatable with 2 */
  	if (atoi(cp) >= 2 && atoi(p) <= 3) {
  		return nst;
  	/* we can't handle this version client */
*** 312,317 ****
--- 323,330 ----
  info(cmd, nst, est)
+ 	char *cmd;
+ 	int nst, est;
  	char *type;
*** 328,333 ****
--- 341,348 ----
  /* initialize flag and prepare for blob operation */
  blob(cmd, nst, est)
+ 	char *cmd;
+ 	int nst, est;
  #ifndef unix
  	reply(R_FAIL, R_DSQL, D_NOTIMPL, "blob not implemented");
*** 343,348 ****
--- 358,365 ----
  /* prepare for exec operation */
  dexec(cmd, nst, est)
+ 	char *cmd;
+ 	int nst, est;
  #ifdef unix
  	return Uexec(cmd, nst, est);
*** 368,373 ****
--- 385,392 ----
  blob_retrieve(cmd, nst, est)
+ 	char *cmd;
+ 	int nst, est;
  	int c = 0, cnt;
  	char *cp;
*** 436,441 ****
--- 455,462 ----
  exec_retrieve(cmd, nst, est)
+ 	char *cmd;
+ 	int nst, est;
  #ifdef unix
  	return Uexec_retrieve(cmd, nst, est);
*** 503,509 ****
! int env(cmd, nst, est)
  	char *cmd;
  	int nst, est;
--- 524,530 ----
! int sysenv(cmd, nst, est)
  	char *cmd;
  	int nst, est;
*** 573,578 ****
--- 594,600 ----
  	char *cp = c;
+ 	if (!c || !*c) return cp;
  	while (*cp++ != ' ' && *cp)
  	return cp;
*** 581,586 ****
--- 603,612 ----
  /* parse next word in a multiword string.  words are separated by
   * one space.  return pointer to the word and change p to point
   * to the next word in the string.
+  *
+  * pre-V4:  a "word" may be surrounded by double quotes.  if the first
+  * char is a '"' search for the trailing '"' to define the end of the
+  * word.  allow '\' to escape a '"' inside a "word."
    char *
*** 589,596 ****
  	char *cp;
  	cp = s;
! 	while (*cp && *cp != ' ') cp++;
  	if (*cp) *cp++ = '\0';
  	return cp;
--- 615,639 ----
  	char *cp;
  	cp = s;
! 	if (*cp == '"') {
! 		strcpy(cp, cp +1);
! 		cp = s;
! 		while (*cp) {
! 			if (*cp == '"' && *(cp -1) == '\\') {
! 				strcpy(cp -1, cp);
! 				cp++;
! 				continue;
! 			}
! 			if (*cp == '"') {
! 				*cp++ = '\0';
! 				break;
! 			}
! 			cp++;
! 		}
! 	}
! 	else {
! 		while (*cp && *cp != ' ') cp++;
! 	}
  	if (*cp) *cp++ = '\0';
  	return cp;
*** dsqlsrvr.h.old	Wed Jun 15 16:10:53 1994
--- dsqlsrvr.h	Thu Dec 15 10:53:56 1994
*** 29,34 ****
--- 29,35 ----
  # include 
  # include 
+ # include 	/* helps to align implicit declarations */
  #ifdef unix
  # include 
*** 38,43 ****
--- 39,51 ----
  #		define freadchar readchar	/* see freadchar() in bufutils.c */
  #		define fblob_close dsql_close
  #	endif
+ #   ifdef sun   /* big sigh... */
+ #       include 
+ #       include 
+ #       include 
+ #       include 
+ #       include       /* ! */
+ #   endif
  #else /* i.e., vms */
  # include 
  # include 
*** 57,64 ****
  extern int maxdata;
  extern char *databuf;
  extern int c_rd, c_wrt;		/* client input/output channels */
  extern char *crypt();
! extern char *strchr(), *strrchr();
  # define Match(s1,s2) (!strcmp(s1, s2))
--- 65,75 ----
  extern int maxdata;
  extern char *databuf;
  extern int c_rd, c_wrt;		/* client input/output channels */
+ extern char *stripcmd(char *);
  extern char *crypt();
! extern void *malloc(size_t);
! extern void *realloc(void *, size_t);
  # define Match(s1,s2) (!strcmp(s1, s2))
*** 66,72 ****
  # define	NOSTR		((char *) 0)	/* Null string pointer */
  # define	NAMSIZ		64
  # define SUCCESS 0
! # ifdef ULTRIX
  #	define TRUE (-1)
  # endif
  # define FALSE 0
--- 77,83 ----
  # define	NOSTR		((char *) 0)	/* Null string pointer */
  # define	NAMSIZ		64
  # define SUCCESS 0
! # if defined(ULTRIX) || defined(sun)
  #	define TRUE (-1)
  # endif
  # define FALSE 0
*** execcmds.c.old	Thu Mar 17 10:01:39 1994
--- execcmds.c	Thu Dec 15 10:53:56 1994
*** 23,35 ****
  #ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/execcmds.c,v 3.4 93/02/26 16:38:10 dm Exp $";
  #endif lint
   * system specific commands for the EXEC functions.
!  *	$Log:	execcmds.c,v $
   * Revision 3.4  93/02/26  16:38:10  dm
   * cleanup
--- 23,41 ----
  #ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/execcmds.c,v 3.6 1994/09/21 00:18:33 dm Exp $";
  #endif lint
   * system specific commands for the EXEC functions.
!  *	$Log: execcmds.c,v $
!  * Revision 3.6  1994/09/21  00:18:33  dm
!  * better function declarations.
!  *
!  * Revision 3.5  1994/03/03  11:14:43  dm
!  * changes made in solaris port;  uninstalled and untested at this time.
!  *
   * Revision 3.4  93/02/26  16:38:10  dm
   * cleanup
*** 109,114 ****
--- 115,121 ----
  Uexec(cmd, nst,est)
  	char *cmd;
+ 	int nst, est;
  	extern char inbuf[];
  	char rbuf[128];
*** 115,121 ****
  	int nowait = FALSE;	/* return immediately when true */
  	char *bufend;		/* end of entire input */
  	char *cp;
! 	sigset_t mask =0;
  	cp = (char *) stripcmd(cmd);
  	if (*cp) {
--- 122,128 ----
  	int nowait = FALSE;	/* return immediately when true */
  	char *bufend;		/* end of entire input */
  	char *cp;
! 	sigset_t mask;
  	cp = (char *) stripcmd(cmd);
  	if (*cp) {
*** 168,174 ****
  	 * dsql_pclose() will unblock the signal.
! 	mask = sigmask(SIGCHLD); 
  	sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL);
  	/* open a pipe on the command and prepare to read the result, if any */
  	if ((execpipe = dsql_popen(cmdbuf, "r")) == -1) {
--- 175,182 ----
  	 * dsql_pclose() will unblock the signal.
! 	sigemptyset(&mask);
! 	sigaddset(&mask, SIGCHLD);
  	sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL);
  	/* open a pipe on the command and prepare to read the result, if any */
  	if ((execpipe = dsql_popen(cmdbuf, "r")) == -1) {
*** 203,208 ****
--- 211,218 ----
  Uexec_retrieve(cmd, nst, est)
+ 	char *cmd;
+ 	int nst, est;
  	char rbuf[64];
*** informix.c.old	Thu Mar 17 10:01:36 1994
--- informix.c	Thu Dec 15 10:53:56 1994
*** 23,29 ****
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/informix.c,v 3.14 93/03/26 11:30:54 dm Exp $";
  # endif
  /* commands to handle INFORMIX DBMS operations.  this module is 
--- 23,29 ----
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/informix.c,v 3.20 1994/12/15 18:34:01 dm Exp $";
  # endif
  /* commands to handle INFORMIX DBMS operations.  this module is 
*** 43,54 ****
   * are comments before each informix esql lib call (all _iq... functions).
!  *	$Log:	informix.c,v $
!  * Revision 3.14  93/03/26  11:30:54  dm
   * malloc(0) returns NULL  on some systems.  a procedure
   * returning no data will have a record size of 0 but we don't
   * want to induce a malloc() failure on that account.
!  * 
   * Revision 3.13  93/03/05  11:20:52  dm
   * add number of rows processed (if non-zero) to OK reply.
--- 43,73 ----
   * are comments before each informix esql lib call (all _iq... functions).
!  *	$Log: informix.c,v $
!  * Revision 3.20  1994/12/15  18:34:01  dm
!  * merge informix 4 and informix 5+ code in pre-nobody version.
!  *
!  * Revision 3.19  1994/12/15  17:40:40  dm
!  * back step to 3.17 in prep for patch02 release.
!  *
!  * Revision 3.17  1994/11/05  01:40:34  dm
!  * make sure the cursors are closed in all cases after a statement.
!  * make sure memory is only freed which has been allocated.
!  *
!  * Revision 3.16  1994/09/28  20:40:55  dm
!  * fix forward declarations and some arg typing.
!  *
!  * Revision 3.15  1994/09/22  23:27:42  dm
!  * change the esql lib interface to keep up with informix 5.0.
!  * change DCURSOR structure to set cursor and statement name.  then
!  * use those strings to index into the backend list rather than store
!  * cursors in the dsql server.
!  *
!  * Revision 3.14  1993/03/26  11:30:54  dm
   * malloc(0) returns NULL  on some systems.  a procedure
   * returning no data will have a record size of 0 but we don't
   * want to induce a malloc() failure on that account.
!  *
   * Revision 3.13  93/03/05  11:20:52  dm
   * add number of rows processed (if non-zero) to OK reply.
*** 97,103 ****
   * *** empty log message ***
   /* system includes */
  # include 
  # include 
--- 116,124 ----
   * *** empty log message ***
! #define InformixRelease 6		/* cover esql lib change after 4 */
   /* system includes */
  # include 
  # include 
*** 111,116 ****
--- 132,138 ----
  # include "sqlda.h"
  # include "sqlstype.h"
  # include "sqlhdr.h"
+ # include "decimal.h"
   /* server includes */
  # include "dsqlsrvr.h"
*** 132,139 ****
  typedef struct {
  	int flag;
! 	char name[16];	/* name of this cursor */
  	_SQCURSOR cursor;
  	struct sqlda *descrip;	/* descriptor */
  	char *recbuf;	/* ptr to buf for one record */
  	int recbufsize;		/* size of buffered select data */
--- 154,166 ----
  typedef struct {
  	int flag;
! #if (InformixRelease < 5)
! 	char name[16];  /* name of this cursor */
  	_SQCURSOR cursor;
+ #else 
+ 	char st_name[16];	/* name of this statement */
+ 	char cr_name[16];	/* name of this cursor */
+ #endif /* Informix Release */
  	struct sqlda *descrip;	/* descriptor */
  	char *recbuf;	/* ptr to buf for one record */
  	int recbufsize;		/* size of buffered select data */
*** 143,158 ****
  static char Idelim = '|';   /* default field delimiter */
  static long lastSerialNum;	/* hold last serial number */
  static DCURSOR *current_cursor = NULL;
  static DCURSOR dcursorlist[DCLISTSIZE];
  static unsigned long sqlchksum;			/* running check sum */
  static DCURSOR *newdcursor();
  static DCURSOR *getdcursor(int);
- static char cmdbuf[4096];
  int Iinit();
  int Idsql();
--- 170,189 ----
  static char Idelim = '|';   /* default field delimiter */
  static long lastSerialNum;	/* hold last serial number */
+ #if (InformixRelease > 4)
+ static _FetchSpec fSpec;
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  static DCURSOR *current_cursor = NULL;
  static DCURSOR dcursorlist[DCLISTSIZE];
  static unsigned long sqlchksum;			/* running check sum */
+ static char cmdbuf[4096];
  static DCURSOR *newdcursor();
  static DCURSOR *getdcursor(int);
+ static int setDelim(char *delim, int nst, int est);
  int Iinit();
  int Idsql();
*** 173,179 ****
  static void Iflushsql();
  static int Isqlerror();
- extern char *stripcmd();
  extern char *nextword();
--- 204,209 ----
*** 188,196 ****
  	/* set the cursor names */
  	for (dc = dcursorlist, i = 0; i < DCLISTSIZE; dc++, i++) {
- 		sprintf(dc->name, "dc%d", i);
  		dc->flag = DC_FREE;
  	/* parse the (optional) words within quote marks */
  	db = cmd +1;
  	cp = db;
--- 218,236 ----
  	/* set the cursor names */
  	for (dc = dcursorlist, i = 0; i < DCLISTSIZE; dc++, i++) {
  		dc->flag = DC_FREE;
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
+ 		sprintf(dc->name, "dc%d", i);
+ #else
+ 		sprintf(dc->cr_name, "cr%d", i);
+ 		sprintf(dc->st_name, "st%d", i);
+ 	}
+ 	fSpec.fval = 0;
+ 	fSpec.fdir = 0;
+ 	fSpec.findchk = 0;
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	/* parse the (optional) words within quote marks */
  	db = cmd +1;
  	cp = db;
*** 207,216 ****
  			return 0;
  			if (!Idosql(1)) {
- 				Iflushsql();
  				return 0;
- 			Iflushsql();
  			sprintf(dbcmd, "%s opened", db);
--- 247,254 ----
*** 240,246 ****
  	reply(R_CONT, R_DSQL, C_ISOK, "continue...");
  	/* expecting multiline SQL statement(s) */
! 	*cmdbuf = '\0';
  	bufend = cmdbuf;
  	havedata = FALSE;
  	datapending = FALSE;
--- 278,284 ----
  	reply(R_CONT, R_DSQL, C_ISOK, "continue...");
  	/* expecting multiline SQL statement(s) */
! 	cmdbuf[0] = '\0';
  	bufend = cmdbuf;
  	havedata = FALSE;
  	datapending = FALSE;
*** 262,268 ****
  		strcat(cmdbuf, " ");
  	/* execute statement(s) in order received */
  	/* may want more logic here later to handle macos internally */
--- 300,305 ----
*** 330,341 ****
  			if (!Idosql(s_no)) {
- 				Iflushsql();
  				return est;
  			if (sqlca.sqlerrd[2])
  				sprintf(rbuf, "%ld row(s) processed; ", sqlca.sqlerrd[2]);
- 			Iflushsql();
  	} while (se < bufend);
--- 367,376 ----
*** 346,351 ****
--- 381,388 ----
  Iinfo(cmd, nst, est)
+ 	char *cmd;
+ 	int nst, est;
  	char *type;
*** 359,367 ****
    static int
! setDelim(delim, nst, est)
! 	char *delim;
! 	int nst, est;
  	if (*delim && *delim < '\177') {
  		Idelim = *delim;
--- 396,402 ----
    static int
! setDelim(char *delim, int nst, int est)
  	if (*delim && *delim < '\177') {
  		Idelim = *delim;
*** 471,481 ****
--- 506,521 ----
    static int
  Isqlprepare(sqlstr, stmt)
          char *sqlstr;
+ 		int stmt;
  	if ((current_cursor = newdcursor()) == NULL)  return SQL_ERR;
  	/* $ prepare stmt_id from $sqlstr; */
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  	_iqprepare(¤t_cursor->cursor, sqlstr);
+ #else
+ 	_iqnprep(current_cursor->st_name, sqlstr, 0);
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	if (Isqlerror(stmt)) {
*** 483,489 ****
  	/* $ describe stmt_id into sel_desc; */
! 	_iqdscribe(¤t_cursor->cursor, ¤t_cursor->descrip);
  	if (Isqlerror(stmt)) {
--- 523,533 ----
  	/* $ describe stmt_id into sel_desc; */
! #if (InformixRelease < 5)
! 	_iqprepare(¤t_cursor->cursor, sqlstr);
! #else
! 	_iqdescribe(_iqlocate_cursor(current_cursor->st_name, 1, 0), ¤t_cursor->descrip, (char *) 0);
! #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	if (Isqlerror(stmt)) {
*** 511,529 ****
--- 555,590 ----
  	/* $ declare sel_cursor scroll cursor for stmt_id; */
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  	_iqddclcur(¤t_cursor->cursor, current_cursor->name, 32);
+ #else
+ 	_iqcddcl(_iqlocate_cursor(current_cursor->cr_name, 0, 0),
+ 		current_cursor->cr_name,
+ 		_iqlocate_cursor(current_cursor->st_name, 1, 0), 32);
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	if (Isqlerror(stmt)) return 0;
  	/* $ open sel_cursor; */
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  	_iqcopen(¤t_cursor->cursor, 0, (char *) 0, (char *) 0, (char *) 0, 0);
+ #else
+ 	_iqdcopen(_iqlocate_cursor(current_cursor->cr_name, 0, 0), (struct sqlda *) 0, (char *) 0, (struct value *) 0, 0, 0);
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	if (Isqlerror(stmt)) return 0;
  	/* $ fetch first sel_cursor using descriptor sel_desc; */
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  	_iqnftch(¤t_cursor->cursor, 0, (char *) 0, current_cursor->descrip,
  		3, (long) 0, 0, (char *) 0, (char *) 0, 0);
+ #else
+ 	fSpec.fval = 0;
+ 	fSpec.fdir = 3;
+ 	_iqcftch(_iqlocate_cursor(current_cursor->cr_name, 0, 0),
+ 		(struct sqlda *) 0, current_cursor->descrip, (char *) 0, &fSpec);
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	if (Isqlerror(stmt)) {
  		return 0;
*** 539,545 ****
  	char *cp1, *type;
  	long offset;
! 	int cursor_idx, fetch_type, dcount;
  	DCURSOR *dc;
  	char tbuf[16];
--- 600,609 ----
  	char *cp1, *type;
  	long offset;
! 	int cursor_idx, dcount;
! #if (InformixRelease < 5)
! 	int fetch_type;
! #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	DCURSOR *dc;
  	char tbuf[16];
*** 555,579 ****
--- 619,678 ----
  	if (Match(type, "NEXT") || Match(type, "next")) {
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  		fetch_type = 1;
+ #else
+ 		fSpec.fval = 0;
+ 		fSpec.fdir = 1;
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	else if (Match(type, "PREV") || Match(type, "prev")) {
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  		fetch_type = 2;
+ #else
+ 		fSpec.fval = 0;
+ 		fSpec.fdir = 2;
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	else if (Match(type, "FIRST") || Match(type, "first")) {
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  		fetch_type = 3;
+ #else
+ 		fSpec.fval = 0;
+ 		fSpec.fdir = 3;
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	else if (Match(type, "LAST") || Match(type, "last")) {
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  		fetch_type = 4;
+ #else
+ 		fSpec.fval = 0;
+ 		fSpec.fdir = 4;
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	else if (Match(type, "CURRENT") || Match(type, "current")) {
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  		fetch_type = 5;
+ #else
+ 		fSpec.fval = 0;
+ 		fSpec.fdir = 5;
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	else if (isdigit(*type)) {	/* ABSOLUTE */
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  		fetch_type = 6;
+ #else
+ 		fSpec.fval = offset;
+ 		fSpec.fdir = 6;
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	else if (*type == '+' || *type == '-') {	/* RELATIVE */
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  		fetch_type = 7;
+ #else
+ 		fSpec.fval = (int) offset;
+ 		fSpec.fdir = 7;
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	else {
  		reply(R_FAIL, R_DSQL, D_CMDPROBLEM, "bad fetch keyword");
*** 580,587 ****
--- 679,691 ----
  		return est;
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  	_iqnftch(&dc->cursor, 0, (char *) 0, dc->descrip, fetch_type, offset,
  		0, (char *) 0, (char *) 0, 0);
+ #else
+ 	_iqcftch(_iqlocate_cursor(dc->cr_name, 0, 0),
+ 		(struct sqlda *) 0, dc->descrip, (char *) 0, &fSpec);
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	if (Isqlerror(cursor_idx)) return est;
  	if (sqlca.sqlcode == SQLNOTFOUND) {
*** 611,628 ****
  	return nst;
! /* return -1 if no problems, 0 for err. */
    static int
  	int stmt;
  	/* $ execute stmt_id; */
  	_iqxecute(¤t_cursor->cursor, 0, (char *) 0, (char *) 0, (char *) 0);
  	lastSerialNum = sqlca.sqlerrd[1];
! 	if (Isqlerror(stmt)) return 0;
! 	return -1;
  /* read in whole data records until there's no more room in
--- 715,742 ----
  	return nst;
! /* return -1 if no problems, 0 for err.
!  * this function always flushed the buffers and closes the cursor.
!  */
    static int
  	int stmt;
+ 	int retval = -1;
  	/* $ execute stmt_id; */
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  	_iqxecute(¤t_cursor->cursor, 0, (char *) 0, (char *) 0, (char *) 0);
+ #else
+ 	_iqexecute(_iqlocate_cursor(current_cursor->st_name, 1, 0),
+ 		(struct sqlda *) 0, (char *) 0, (struct value *) 0,
+ 		(struct sqlda *) 0, (char *) 0, (struct value *) 0);
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	lastSerialNum = sqlca.sqlerrd[1];
! 	if (Isqlerror(stmt)) retval = 0;
! 	Iflushsql();
! 	return retval;
  /* read in whole data records until there's no more room in
*** 645,652 ****
--- 759,773 ----
  		bufload += strlen(endo);
  		/* $ fetch next sel_cursor using descriptor sel_desc; */
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  		_iqnftch(¤t_cursor->cursor, 0, (char *) 0,
  			current_cursor->descrip, 1, (long) 0, 0, (char *) 0, (char *) 0, 0);
+ #else
+ 		fSpec.fval = 0;
+ 		fSpec.fdir = 1;
+ 		_iqcftch(_iqlocate_cursor(current_cursor->cr_name, 0, 0),
+ 			(struct sqlda *) 0, current_cursor->descrip, (char *) 0, &fSpec);
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  		if (sqlca.sqlcode == SQLNOTFOUND) { /* no more data */
  			havedata = FALSE;
*** 681,687 ****
  		case CFLOATTYPE:
  			if (*col->sqlind < 0) break;
! 			bycopy(col->sqldata, &f, sizeof(float));
  			sprintf(numstr, "%f", f);
  			strcat(dbuf, numstr);
  			bytes += strlen(numstr);
--- 802,808 ----
  		case CFLOATTYPE:
  			if (*col->sqlind < 0) break;
! 			bycopy(col->sqldata, (char *) &f, sizeof(float));
  			sprintf(numstr, "%f", f);
  			strcat(dbuf, numstr);
  			bytes += strlen(numstr);
*** 688,694 ****
  			if (*col->sqlind < 0) break;
! 			bycopy(col->sqldata, &d, sizeof(double));
  			sprintf(numstr, "%lf", d);
  			strcat(dbuf, numstr);
  			bytes += strlen(numstr);
--- 809,815 ----
  			if (*col->sqlind < 0) break;
! 			bycopy(col->sqldata, (char *) &d, sizeof(double));
  			sprintf(numstr, "%lf", d);
  			strcat(dbuf, numstr);
  			bytes += strlen(numstr);
*** 695,701 ****
  			if (*col->sqlind < 0) break;
! 			dectoasc(col->sqldata,numstr,DSTRSZ,-1);
  			strcat(dbuf, numstr);
  			bytes += strlen(numstr);
--- 816,822 ----
  			if (*col->sqlind < 0) break;
! 			dectoasc((dec_t *)col->sqldata, numstr, DSTRSZ, -1);
  			strcat(dbuf, numstr);
  			bytes += strlen(numstr);
*** 737,743 ****
--- 858,868 ----
  		case SQLSMFLOAT:
  			pos = rtypalign(pos,CFLOATTYPE);
  			col->sqltype = CFLOATTYPE;
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  			col->sqllen = rtypmsize(CFLOATTYPE);
+ #else
+ 			col->sqllen = rtypmsize(CFLOATTYPE, SIZSMFLOAT);
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  			pos += col->sqllen;
*** 744,750 ****
--- 869,879 ----
  		case SQLFLOAT:
  			pos = rtypalign(pos,CDOUBLETYPE);
  			col->sqltype = CDOUBLETYPE;
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  			col->sqllen = rtypmsize(CDOUBLETYPE);
+ #else
+ 			col->sqllen = rtypmsize(CDOUBLETYPE, SIZFLOAT);
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  			pos += col->sqllen;
*** 752,758 ****
--- 881,891 ----
  		case SQLDECIMAL:
  			pos = rtypalign(pos,CDECIMALTYPE);
  			col->sqltype = CDECIMALTYPE;
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
  			col->sqllen = rtypmsize(CDECIMALTYPE);
+ #else
+ 			col->sqllen = rtypmsize(CDECIMALTYPE, SIZDECIMAL);
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  			pos += col->sqllen;
*** 905,916 ****
  int closedcursor(dc)
  	DCURSOR *dc;
! 	if (dc->flag == DC_FREE) return 0;	/* not open */
! 	free(dc->recbuf);
! 	free(dc->ind);
  	dc->flag = DC_FREE;
  	/* $ close sel_cursor; */
  	return -1;
--- 1038,1061 ----
  int closedcursor(dc)
  	DCURSOR *dc;
! 	if (!dc || dc->flag == DC_FREE) return 0;	/* not open */
! 	if (dc->recbuf) {
! 		free(dc->recbuf);
! 		dc->recbuf = NULL;
! 	}
! 	if (dc->ind) {
! 		free(dc->ind);
! 		dc->ind = NULL;
! 	}
  	dc->flag = DC_FREE;
  	/* $ close sel_cursor; */
+ #if (InformixRelease < 5)
+ #else
+ 	_iqclose(_iqlocate_cursor(dc->cr_name, 0, 0));
+ #endif /* InformixRelease */
  	return -1;
*** statetab.h.old	Thu Mar 17 10:01:43 1994
--- statetab.h	Thu Dec 15 10:53:57 1994
*** 38,44 ****
  extern int fetch();
  extern int close_cursor();
  extern int dchdir();
! extern int env();
  extern int abrt();
  extern int quit();
--- 38,44 ----
  extern int fetch();
  extern int close_cursor();
  extern int dchdir();
! extern int sysenv();
  extern int abrt();
  extern int quit();
*** 106,113 ****
  		{"DBMS [^ ][^ ]* \".*\" \".*\"$", CMD, CMD, dbms},
  		{"DBUG$", CMD, CMD, debuglog},
! 		{"CHDIR [^ ][^ ]*$", CMD, CMD, dchdir},
! 		{"ENV [^ ]*ET ..*$", CMD, CMD, env},
  		{"QUIT$", NOSTATE, NOSTATE, quit},
--- 106,113 ----
  		{"DBMS [^ ][^ ]* \".*\" \".*\"$", CMD, CMD, dbms},
  		{"DBUG$", CMD, CMD, debuglog},
! 		{"CHDIR [^ ].*$", CMD, CMD, dchdir},
! 		{"ENV [^ ]*ET ..*$", CMD, CMD, sysenv},
  		{"QUIT$", NOSTATE, NOSTATE, quit},
*** unix.c.old	Wed Jun 15 16:10:53 1994
--- unix.c	Thu Dec 15 10:53:57 1994
*** 23,37 ****
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/dsql.3/srvr/RCS/unix.c,v 1.1 1994/06/15 23:00:59 dm Exp $";
  # endif
  /* these functions are unix io.  no database specific routines.
   * $Log: unix.c,v $
!  * Revision 1.1  1994/06/15  23:00:59  dm
!  * Initial revision
   * Revision 3.10  93/02/26  16:39:31  dm
   * ensure entire buffer is written at low level.
   * drop wait() call in killChild().  dsql_wait() will reap
--- 23,60 ----
  # ifndef lint
! 	static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/src/local/sbin/dsql/srvr/src/RCS/unix.c,v 3.18 1994/11/05 01:39:14 dm Exp $";
  # endif
  /* these functions are unix io.  no database specific routines.
   * $Log: unix.c,v $
!  * Revision 3.18  1994/11/05  01:39:14  dm
!  * debug byte count from actual read() return.
+  * Revision 3.17  1994/09/29  01:54:40  dm
+  * undo the previous change.  never thought that was thhe problem.
+  *
+  * Revision 3.16  1994/09/28  20:40:33  dm
+  * for some reason, initgroups() seg faults if we don't use a local
+  * buffer.  still under investigation.
+  *
+  * Revision 3.15  1994/06/15  23:16:24  dm
+  * port to alpha.  change type for time().
+  *
+  * Revision 3.14  1994/03/03  11:14:43  dm
+  * changes made in solaris port;  uninstalled and untested at this time.
+  *
+  * Revision 3.13  94/03/03  10:22:41  dm
+  * fix Uchdir to allow spaces in path names.
+  * 
+  * Revision 3.12  94/01/31  14:39:19  dm
+  * use inet_ntoa() to get ip string.
+  * 
+  * Revision 3.11  93/12/16  18:47:49  dm
+  * not really part of v3 but we needed it for clinical:  put client
+  * IP in the environment.
+  * 
   * Revision 3.10  93/02/26  16:39:31  dm
   * ensure entire buffer is written at low level.
   * drop wait() call in killChild().  dsql_wait() will reap
*** 152,158 ****
  /* functions */
  void goodbye();
! void dsql_wait();
  extern void reply();
  char inbuf[4*BUFSIZ];	/* buffer for input from client */
--- 175,181 ----
  /* functions */
  void goodbye();
! void dsql_wait(int);
  extern void reply();
  char inbuf[4*BUFSIZ];	/* buffer for input from client */
*** 175,184 ****
  #	ifndef DEBUG
  	openlog("v3 dsql server", LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL3);
  	i = sizeof(sin);
! 	if (getpeername(c_rd, &sin, &i) < 0) {
  		syslog(LOG_ERR|LOG_DEBUG, "getpeername failed: %m");
  		return FALSE;
  	peer = gethostbyaddr((char *) &sin.sin_addr, sizeof(sin.sin_addr),
--- 198,210 ----
  #	ifndef DEBUG
  	openlog("v3 dsql server", LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL3);
  	i = sizeof(sin);
! 	if (getpeername(c_rd, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, &i) < 0) {
  		syslog(LOG_ERR|LOG_DEBUG, "getpeername failed: %m");
  		return FALSE;
+ 	/* this is really part of v4 but we need it now */
+ 	setenv("DSQLCLIENTIP", inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr, 1));
  	peer = gethostbyaddr((char *) &sin.sin_addr, sizeof(sin.sin_addr),
*** 280,285 ****
--- 306,312 ----
  	char *newdir;
  	newdir = stripcmd(cmd);
+ 	nextword(newdir);
  	if (chdir(newdir) == -1) {
  		reply(R_FAIL, R_DSQL, D_SYSERR, strerror(errno));
  		return est;
*** 315,323 ****
--- 342,355 ----
  		return nst;
  	else if (Match(type, "UNSET")) {  /* no error if not set */
+ #ifndef sun
  		reply(R_GOOD, R_DSQL, D_ISOK, "unsetenv ok");
  		return nst;
+ #else   /* sun don't have unsetenv() */
+         reply(R_FAIL, R_DSQL, D_NOTIMPL, "can not unsetenv on SUN systems!");
+         return est;
+ #endif 
  	reply(R_FAIL, R_DSQL, D_CMDPROBLEM, "unknown ENV type");
  	return est;
*** 333,339 ****
! void dsql_wait()
  	int w_status;
  	int pid;
--- 365,371 ----
! void dsql_wait(i)
  	int w_status;
  	int pid;
*** 350,356 ****
  showTime(nst, est)
  	struct tm *now, *localtime();
! 	long clock, time();
  	char tmbuf[30];
  	clock = time(0);
--- 382,388 ----
  showTime(nst, est)
  	struct tm *now, *localtime();
! 	time_t clock, time();
  	char tmbuf[30];
  	clock = time(0);
*** 409,415 ****
--- 441,450 ----
  	if ((pipe_pid = vfork()) == 0) {
  		signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
+ #ifndef sun     /* sun does not support this usage */
  		setpgrp(getpid(), getpid());
+ #endif
  		/* myside and hisside reverse roles in child */
  		if (hisside != tst(0, 1)) {
*** 445,453 ****
  	int child;
! 	sigset_t mask = 0;
! 	mask = sigmask(SIGCHLD); 
  	sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &mask, NULL);
  	popen_pid[child] = -1;
--- 480,489 ----
  	int child;
! 	sigset_t mask;
! 	sigemptyset(&mask);
! 	sigaddset(&mask, SIGCHLD);
  	sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &mask, NULL);
  	popen_pid[child] = -1;
*** 568,574 ****
  			cp = tmpbuf;
  			while ((cp = strchr(cp, '\n')) != NULL) *cp = 'J';
  			truncbuf(tmpbuf, n);
! 			syslog(LOG_ERR|LOG_DEBUG, "read %d:>%s", n, tmpbuf);
--- 604,610 ----
  			cp = tmpbuf;
  			while ((cp = strchr(cp, '\n')) != NULL) *cp = 'J';
  			truncbuf(tmpbuf, n);
! 			syslog(LOG_ERR|LOG_DEBUG, "read %d:>%s", f->count, tmpbuf);
*** 624,630 ****
  /* vms does not have unlink() so this is more portable */
! 	int f;
  	return unlink(f);
--- 660,678 ----
  /* vms does not have unlink() so this is more portable */
! 	char * f;
  	return unlink(f);
+ #ifdef sun	/* ugh! */
+ setenv(var, val, n)
+ 	char *var, *val;
+ 	int n;
+ {
+ 	char tbuf[BUFSIZ];
+ 	sprintf(tbuf, "%s=%s", var, val);
+ 	putenv(tbuf);
+ }
+ #endif /* sun */
Modified: Tue Nov 7 17:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 2115 times since Sat Apr 17 21:32:34 1999 GMT