Begin2 Title = efax Version = 0.7a Desc1 = A program to send and receive faxes using Class 1 or 2 fax Desc2 = modems. Author = Ed Casas AuthorEmail = Maintainer = Ed Casas MaintEmail = Site1 = Path1 = /pub/Linux/apps/comm/fax File1 = efax07a.tar.gz FileSize1 = 82K Required1 = ANSI C compiler, a Class 1 or Class 2 (not 2.0) fax modem, Required2 = Netpbm or Ghostscript if you don't have a Laserjet or Required3 = Postscript printer CopyPolicy1 = GNU Public License Keywords = fax efax efix Entered = 17JUN95 EnteredBy = Ed Casas CheckedEmail = End