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           * ACES2: Advanced Concepts in Electronic Structure II *

                           Quantum Theory Project
                           University of Florida
                           Gainesville, FL  32611
                    ACES2 Control Parameters 
        External           Internal           Value            Units
          Name               Name
       PRINT                IPRNT               0               ***   
       CALCLEVEL            ICLLVL           SCF        [  0]   ***   
       DERIV_LEV            IDRLVL            SECOND    [  2]   ***   
       CC_CONV              ICCCNV          10D-  7             ***   
       SCF_CONV             ISCFCV          10D-  7             ***   
       XFORM_TOL            IXFTOL          10D- 11             ***   
       CC_MAXCYC            ICCCYC              0              cycles 
       LINDEP_TOL           ILINDP              5               ***   
       RDO                  IRDOFM             OFF      [  0]   ***   
       SCF_EXTRAPO          IRPP                ON      [  1]   ***   
       REFERENCE            IREFNC             RHF      [  0]   ***   
       CC_EXPORDER          ICCEOR              0               ***   
       TAMP_SUM             IEVERY              0               ***   
       NTOP_TAMP            ITOPT2             15               ***   
       DAMPSCF              ISCFDP             20             x 0.01  
       SCF_MAXCYC           ISCFCY            150              cycles 
       PROPS                IPROPS             OFF      [  0]   ***   
       RELAX_DENS           IRDENS             OFF      [  0]   ***   
       SCF_EXPORDE          IRPPOR              6               ***   
       CC_EXTRAPOL          ICCEXT             DIIS     [  1]   ***   
       BRUECKNER            IBRKNR             OFF      [  0]   ***   
       XFIELD               IXEFLD              0             x 10-6  
       YFIELD               IYEFLD              0             x 10-6  
       ZFIELD               IZEFLD              0             x 10-6  
       SAVE_INTS            ISVINT             OFF      [  0]   ***   
       DROPMO               IDRPMO      NONE         
       CHARGE               ICHRGE              0               ***   
       MULTIPLICTY          IMULTP              1               ***   
       CPHF_CONVER          ICPHFT          10D- 12             ***   
       CPHF_MAXCYC          ICPHFC             64              cycles 
       INCORE               INCORE             OFF      [  0]   ***   
       MEMORY_SIZE          IMEMSZ           6500000           words  
       FILE_RECSIZ          IFLREC              4096           words  
       NON-HF               INONHF             OFF      [  0]   ***   
       ORBITALS             IORBTP           STANDARD   [  0]   ***   
       SCF_EXPSTAR          IRPPLS              8               ***   
       LOCK_ORBOCC          ILOCOC             OFF      [  0]   ***   
       FILE_STRIPE          ISTRIP              0               ***   
       HBAR                 IHBAR              OFF      [  0]   ***   
       CACHE_RECS           ICHREC             10               ***   
       GUESS                IGUESS            MOREAD    [  0]   ***   
       JODA_PRINT           IJPRNT              0               ***   
       METHOD               INR            SINGLE_POINT [  5]   ***   
       CONVERGENCE          ICONTL              4              H/bohr 
       EIGENVECTOR          IVEC                1               ***   
       NEGEVAL              IDIE             ABORT      [  0]   ***   
       CURVILINEAR          ICURVY            OFF       [  0]   ***   
       SCALE_ON             ISTCRT              0               ***   
       MAX_STEP             IMXSTP            300            millibohr
       VIBRATION            IVIB             EXACT      [  1]   ***   
       EVAL_HESS            IRECAL              0            # of cyc.
       INTEGRALS            INTTYP             VMOL     [  1]   ***   
       FD_STEPSIZE          IDISFD              0            10-4 bohr
       POINTS               IGRDFD           DOUBLE     [  0]   ***   
       CONTRACTION          ICNTYP          GENERAL     [  1]   ***   
       SYMMETRY             ISYM            OFF         [  1]   ***   
       BASIS                IBASIS         STO-3G       [  2]   ***   
       SPHERICAL            IDFGHI             OFF      [  0]   ***   
       RESET_FLAGS          IRESET             OFF      [  0]   ***   
       PERT_ORB             IPTORB         STANDARD     [  0]   ***   
       GENBAS_1             IGNBS1              0               ***   
       GENBAS_2             IGNBS2              0               ***   
       GENBAS_3             IGNBS3              0               ***   
       COORDINATES          ICOORD         INTERNAL     [  0]   ***   
       SYM_CHECK            ISYMCK         OVERRIDE     [  1]   ***   
       SCF_PRINT            ISCFPR              0               ***   
       ECP                  IECP           OFF          [  0]   ***   
       RESTART_CC           ICCRES         OFF          [  0]   ***   
       TRANS_INV            ITRAIN         USE          [  0]   ***   
       HFSTABILITY          ISTABL         OFF          [  0]   ***   
       ROT_EVEC             ROTVEC              0               ***   
       BRUCK_CONV           IBRTOL          10D-  4             ***   
       UNITS                IUNITS         ANGSTROM     [  0]   ***   
       FD_USEGROUP          IFDGRP         FULL         [  0]   ***   
       FD_PROJECT           IFDPRJ         ON           [  0]   ***   
       FD_CALTYPE           IFDCAL         GRADONLY     [  0]   ***   
       VTRAN                IVTRAN         FULL/PARTIAL [  0]   ***   
       HF2_FILE             IHF2Fl         USE          [  1]   ***   
       SUBGROUP             ISUBGP         DEFAULT      [  0]   ***   
       SUBGRPAXIS           ISBXYZ         X            [  0]   ***   
       EXCITE               IEXCIT         NONE         [  0]   ***   
       ZETA_CONV            IZTACN          10D- 14             ***   
       TREAT_PERT           ITREAT         SIMULTANEOUS [  0]   ***   
       ESTATE_PROP          IEXPRP         OFF          [  0]   ***   
       OPT_MAXCYC           IOPTCY             50               ***   
       ABCDTYPE             IABCDT         STANDARD     [  0]   ***   
       AO_LADDERS           IAOLAD         SINGLEPASS   [  1]   ***   
       FOCK                 IFOCK          PK           [  0]   ***   
       ESTATE_MAXC          IEXMXC             20               ***   
       ESTATE_TOL           IEXTOL          10D-  5             ***   
       DIRECT               IDIRCT         OFF          [  0]   ***   
       GAMMA_ABCD           IGABCD         DISK         [  0]   ***   
       ZETA_TYPE            IZTYPE         POPLE        [  0]   ***   
       ZETA_MAXCYC          IZMAXC              0               ***   
       RESRAMAN             IRESRM         OFF          [  0]   ***   
       PSI                  IPSI           OFF          [  0]   ***   
       EA_CALC              IEACLC         NONE         [  0]   ***   
       TDHF                 ITDHF          OFF          [  0]   ***   
       FUNCTIONAL           IFNCTL         BLYP         [  4]   ***   
       EOM_MAXCYC           IEOMCY             50              cycles 
       EOMPROP              IEOMPR         CILIKE       [  0]   ***   
       ABCDFULL             IABCDF         ON           [  1]   ***   
       INTGRL_TOL           IINTOL          10D- 14             ***   
       DAMP_TYP             IDMPTY         NONE         [  0]   ***   
       DAMP_TOL             IDMPTL             10             x 0.01  
       LSHF_A1              ILSHA1              0             x 0.01  
       LSHF_B1              ILSHB1              0             x 0.01  
       POLYRATE             IPOLYR         OFF          [  0]   ***   
       IP_CALC              IIPCLC         NONE         [  0]   ***   
       IP_SEARCH            IPTYPE         VALENCE      [  0]   ***   
       EOMREF               IEOM           NONE         [  0]   ***   
       SOLVENT              ISOLV               0               ***   
       EE_SEARCH            EETYPE         LOWEST       [  0]   ***   
       EOM_PRJCT            IEOMPR         NO           [  0]   ***   
       NEWVRT               INWVRT         OFF          [  0]   ***   
       HBARABCD             IABCD          OFF          [  1]   ***   
       HBARABCI             IABCI          OFF          [  1]   ***   
       NT3EOMEE             INT3EE         NONE         [  0]   ***   
       NOREORI              INOREO         OFF          [  0]   ***   
       KS_POT               IKSPOT         HF           [  0]   ***   
   6 entries found in Z-matrix 
   Job Title : Methanol                                                                        
   There are 12 unique internal coordinates.
   Of these,  0 will be optimized.
   User supplied Z-matrix: 
       SYMBOL    BOND      LENGTH    ANGLE     ANGLE     DIHED     ANGLE
                  TO      (ANGST)    WRT      (DEG)      WRT      (DEG)
        O          1         R2   
        H          2         R3         1        A3   
        H          1         R4         2        A4         3        D4   
        H          1         R5         2        A5         3        D5   
        H          1         R6         2        A6         3        D6   
                  *Initial values for internal coordinates* 
                      Name             Value
                        R2              1.432900
                        R3              0.991200
                        A3            103.900000
                        R4              1.091300
                        A4            107.620000
                        D4            180.000000
                        R5              1.095100
                        A5            112.360000
                        D5             61.100000
                        R6              1.095100
                        A6            112.360000
                        D6            298.900000
@GMETRY-W, Internal coordinate # 18 not within bounds:
   Value was:    5.21679 and has been changed to   -1.06640.
  @symmetry-i, Coordinates after  COM shift 
     -0.053578410451      0.000000000000     -1.382533981329
     -0.053578410451      0.000000000000      1.325255150136
      1.764667648459      0.000000000000      1.775225558348
     -2.019086231833      0.000000000000     -2.006785004074
      0.871347797136     -1.675500934632     -2.169800153367
      0.871347797136      1.675500934632     -2.169800153367
   Rotational constants (in cm-1): 
     0.78576        0.81809        4.19651
  @SYMMETRY-I, Degeneracy is 0
   Principal axis orientation for molecule:
       -1.383413993344    0.020894463717    0.000000000000
        1.320451957307   -0.124813811225    0.000000000000
        1.867611684412    1.666584617947    0.000000000000
       -2.112526100398   -1.908174189976    0.000000000000
       -2.119768523816    0.986844007208   -1.675500934632
       -2.119768523816    0.986844007208    1.675500934632
   The full molecular point group is C s .
   The largest Abelian subgroup of the full molecular point group is C s .
   The computational point group is C1  .
   Analysis of internal coordinates specified by Z-matrix 
   *The nuclear repulsion energy is   39.97571 a.u.
  *WARNING* Parameters A5    and A6    appear to be equivalent.
  *WARNING* Parameters R5    and R6    appear to be equivalent.
   *There are   8 degrees of freedom within the tot. symm. molecular subspace.
   *Z-matrix requests optimization of   0 coordinates.
   *The optimization is constrained.
   *The following   8 parameters can have non-zero 
    derivatives within the totally symmetric subspace:
             D6   [12]  A4   [ 5]  A5   [ 8]  A3   [ 3]  R5   [ 7]  R4   [ 4]
             R3   [ 2]  R2   [ 1]
   *The following   0 parameters are to be optimized:

   *The following coordinates must be varied in an  unconstrained optimization.
             D6   [12]  A4   [ 5]  A5   [ 8]  A3   [ 3]  R5   [ 7]  R4   [ 4]
             R3   [ 2]  R2   [ 1]
         Cartesian coordinates corresponding to internal 
                 coordinate input (Bohr) 
 Z-matrix   Atomic            C o o r d i n a t e s
  Symbol    Number           X              Y              Z
     C         6        -1.38341399     0.02089446     0.00000000
     O         8         1.32045196    -0.12481381     0.00000000
     H         1         1.86761168     1.66658462     0.00000000
     H         1        -2.11252610    -1.90817419     0.00000000
     H         1        -2.11976852     0.98684401    -1.67550093
     H         1        -2.11976852     0.98684401     1.67550093
   Interatomic distance matrix (Angstroms) 
                 C             O             H             H             H    
                [ 1]        [ 2]        [ 3]        [ 4]        [ 5]
  C    [ 1]     0.00000
  O    [ 2]     1.43290     0.00000
  H    [ 3]     1.92823     0.99120     0.00000
  H    [ 4]     1.09130     2.04715     2.83099     0.00000
  H    [ 5]     1.09510     2.10864     2.31684     1.77005     0.00000
  H    [ 6]     1.09510     2.10864     2.31684     1.77005     1.77327
                [ 6]
  H    [ 6]     0.00000
 One- and two-electron integrals over symmetry-adapted AOs are calculated.

  @READIN-I, Cartesian gaussians are used.
  @READIN-I, Nuclear repulsion energy :   39.9757050583 a.u.
  required memory for a1 array 1002609 words 
  required memory for a2 array 9140 words 
  @GETMEM-I, Allocation of   1011749 words of core required    0.00245 sec.
  @MOLECU-I, One electron integrals required         0.26334 seconds.
  @TWOEL-I,       4298 integrals of symmetry type  I I I I
  @TWOEL-I, Total number of 2-e integrals       4298.
  @MOLECU-I, Two electron integrals required         0.41444 seconds.
  @CHECKOUT-I, Total execution time :       0.8604 seconds.
  @GETMEM-I, Allocation of   6500000 words of core required    0.01604 sec.
  @CHECKOUT-I, Total execution time :       0.2275 seconds.
  @VSCF-I, There are   14 functions in the AO basis.

  @VSCF-I, There are 1 irreducible representations.

       Irrep        # of functions
         1                 14

  @VSCF-I, Parameters for SCF calculation: 
             SCF reference function:  RHF
       Maximum number of iterations:  150
          Full symmetry point group: C s 
          Computational point group: C1  
             Initial density matrix: MOREAD                 
          SCF convergence tolerance: 10**(- 7)
       RPP convergence acceleration:  ON
               Latest start for RPP:   8
                          RPP order:   6

  @SYMSIZ-I, Symmetry integral information:
       There are   1 (aa|aa) symmetry combinations.
       There are   0 (ab|ab) symmetry combinations.
       There are   0 (aa|bb) symmetry combinations.
       The (aa|aa) integrals require      11025 words.
       The (ab|ab) integrals require          0 words.
       The (aa|bb) integrals require          0 words.
       The integrals require      11025 words.
  @SYMSIZ-I, Memory information: 
       Full in-core PK list formation:      56745
             Maximum memory available:    6500000

  @SYMSIZ-I, Selecting full in-core PK list formation.

  @GETMEM-I, Allocation of     93312 words of core required    0.00028 sec.
  @VSCF-I, Initialization and symmetry analysis required      0.142 seconds.

  @MKPK2-I, There are       4298 unique AO integrals.
             AO integral reading and sorting required      0.019 seconds.

 @INITGES-I, Routine entered. 
  @INITGES-I, Occupancies from core Hamiltonian:

          Alpha population by irrep:   9
           Beta population by irrep:   9

  Iteration         Total Energy            Largest Density Difference
       0            39.9757050583              0.0000000000E+00
       1          -107.8207965295              0.2905921769E+01
       2          -110.8511984288              0.2037251578E+01
       3          -113.0877514363              0.1642873633E+01
       4          -113.5120237844              0.8518721891E+00
       5          -113.5462803871              0.1661528053E+00
       6          -113.5490898988              0.7051487510E-01
       7          -113.5491917480              0.1030656696E-01
       8          -113.5491929977              0.1257012658E-02
       9          -113.5491930686              0.2435607420E-03
      10          -113.5491930701              0.4969998830E-04
      11          -113.5491930702              0.7093565792E-05
      12          -113.5491930702              0.9251375737E-06
      13          -113.5491930702              0.1440161288E-06

  @VSCF-I, SCF has converged.

     E(SCF)=      -113.5491930702              0.1728947829E-07

  @VSCF-I, Eigenvector printing suppressed.

 @PUTMOS-I, Writing converged MOs to NEWMOS. 
 @PUTMOS-I, Symmetry   1 Full   3 Partial   2
  @PRJDEN-I, Analyzing reference function density.

      Trace of projected alpha density matrix =   1.000000000

      Alpha part of wavefunction is symmetric.

  ORBITAL EIGENVALUES (ALPHA)  (1H = 27.2113957 eV)

       MO #        E(hartree)               E(eV)           FULLSYM    COMPSYM
       ----   --------------------   --------------------   -------   ---------
    1     1         -20.2632705931        -551.3918742845     A'          A (1)
    2     2         -11.0858284778        -301.6608653711     A'          A (1)
    3     3          -1.2784773925         -34.7891542221     A'          A (1)
    4     4          -0.8769539541         -23.8631410566     A'          A (1)
    5     5          -0.6109370195         -16.6244489863     A'          A (1)
    6     6          -0.5713208298         -15.5464371717     A''         A (1)
    7     7          -0.5171369167         -14.0720172720     A'          A (1)
    8     8          -0.4186319795         -11.3915604481     A'          A (1)
    9     9          -0.3594083850          -9.7800037828     A''         A (1)
   10    10           0.5728034781          15.5867821012     A'          A (1)
   11    11           0.6507093737          17.7067102545     A'          A (1)
   12    12           0.6969706121          18.9655431184     A''         A (1)
   13    13           0.7231200610          19.6771061171     A'          A (1)
   14    14           0.7346068868          19.9896786820     A'          A (1)

  @ENDSCF-I, VSCF finished.

  @CHECKOUT-I, Total execution time :       0.5604 seconds.
  @GETMEM-I, Allocation of   6500000 words of core required    0.01596 sec.
  Partial RHF integral transformation
  Transformation of IIII integrals :
  1 pass through the AO integral file was required.
        4298 AO integrals were read.
        3113 MO integrals were written to HF2.
  Summary of active molecular orbitals: 
  Index      Eigenvalue    Symmetry    Index      Eigenvalue    Symmetry
     1       -20.2632706        1         8        -0.4186320        1
     2       -11.0858285        1         9        -0.3594084        1
     3        -1.2784774        1        10         0.5728035        1
     4        -0.8769540        1        11         0.6507094        1
     5        -0.6109370        1        12         0.6969706        1
     6        -0.5713208        1        13         0.7231201        1
     7        -0.5171369        1        14         0.7346069        1
  @CHECKOUT-I, Total execution time :       0.5584 seconds.
  @GETMEM-I, Allocation of   6500000 words of core required    0.01611 sec.
  Processing integrals for SCF second derivatives.
  @GMOIAA-I, Processing MO integrals for spin case AA.
  @GMOIAA-I, Generation of integral list completed.
                      TYPE            NUMBER
                      ----           --------
                      PPPP                  0
                      PPPH                390
                      PPHH                585
                      PHPH                397
                      PHHH               1140
                      HHHH                601

                     TOTAL               3113

  @FORMT2-I, Second-order MBPT correlation energies:
              E(SCF)                = -113.549193070162 a.u.
              E2(AA)                =   -0.004063834523 a.u.
              E2(AB)                =   -0.081986596878 a.u.
              E2(TOT)               =   -0.090114265924 a.u.
              Total MBPT(2) energy  = -113.639307336085 a.u.
   Largest T2 amplitudes for spin case AB:
       _       _                 _       _                 _       _
   i   j   a   b             i   j   a   b             i   j   a   b
[  7   7  11  11]-0.04193 [  6   6  12  12]-0.03960 [  8   8  10  10]-0.02979
[  7   7  14  14]-0.02723 [  3   3  10  10]-0.02379 [  5   5  11  11]-0.02104
[  7   7  10  10]-0.01982 [  5   5  13  13]-0.01969 [  5   5  10  10]-0.01938
[  8   7  10  11] 0.01908 [  7   8  11  10] 0.01908 [  7   5  11  14]-0.01841
[  5   7  14  11]-0.01841 [  4   4  14  14]-0.01819 [  7   5  11  13] 0.01801
   Norm of T2AB vector (     2025 symmetry allowed elements):  0.1782423185.
  @CHECKOUT-I, Total execution time :       0.3434 seconds.
  @GETMEM-I, Allocation of   6500000 words of core required    0.02166 sec.
 One- and two-electron integral derivatives are calculated
 for RHF hessians and dipole derivatives.
 Cartesian gaussians are used.

          6 types of atoms
          0 symmetry operations

          Integrals less than  1.00E-14 are neglected

          Atomic type number 1

          Nuclear charge:                        6
          Number of symmetry independent atoms:  1
          Highest orbital type:                  p

             1 CGTO's of s type
             1 CGTO's of p type

          Atomic type number 2

          Nuclear charge:                        8
          Number of symmetry independent atoms:  1
          Highest orbital type:                  p

             1 CGTO's of s type
             1 CGTO's of p type

          Atomic type number 3

          Nuclear charge:                        1
          Number of symmetry independent atoms:  1
          Highest orbital type:                  s

             1 CGTO's of s type

          Atomic type number 4

          Nuclear charge:                        1
          Number of symmetry independent atoms:  1
          Highest orbital type:                  s

             1 CGTO's of s type

          Atomic type number 5

          Nuclear charge:                        1
          Number of symmetry independent atoms:  1
          Highest orbital type:                  s

             1 CGTO's of s type

          Atomic type number 6

          Nuclear charge:                        1
          Number of symmetry independent atoms:  1
          Highest orbital type:                  s

             1 CGTO's of s type

                   Symmetry-adapted nuclear coordinates

    C #1  x   1
    C #1  y   2
    C #1  z   3
    O #2  x   4
    O #2  y   5
    O #2  z   6
    H #3  x   7
    H #3  y   8
    H #3  z   9
    H #4  x  10
    H #4  y  11
    H #4  z  12
    H #5  x  13
    H #5  y  14
    H #5  z  15
    H #6  x  16
    H #6  y  17
    H #6  z  18

  Cartesian Coordinates

  Total number of coordinates: 18

   1   C #1     x     -1.3834139933
   2            y      0.0208944637
   3            z      0.0000000000

   4   O #2     x      1.3204519573
   5            y     -0.1248138112
   6            z      0.0000000000

   7   H #3     x      1.8676116844
   8            y      1.6665846179
   9            z      0.0000000000

  10   H #4     x     -2.1125261004
  11            y     -1.9081741900
  12            z      0.0000000000

  13   H #5     x     -2.1197685238
  14            y      0.9868440072
  15            z     -1.6755009346

  16   H #6     x     -2.1197685238
  17            y      0.9868440072
  18            z      1.6755009346

  Translational invariance is used.
  @ONEDRV-I, maxlop, kdpxao,kstart 
 0,  4306,  211,  6456578
  Evaluation of 1e integral derivatives required    0.99 seconds.
  Evaluation of 2e integral derivatives required    3.43 seconds.

                            Molecular gradient

 C #1      -0.0000691218           -0.0002312618            0.0000000000
 O #2      -0.0002261950            0.0000148440            0.0000000000
 H #3       0.0001498779            0.0000790903            0.0000000000
 H #4       0.0000770372            0.0001295764            0.0000000000
 H #5       0.0000342009            0.0000038756           -0.0000524036
 H #6       0.0000342009            0.0000038756            0.0000524036

  Molecular gradient norm 0.411E-03

                            Molecular hessian

           C #1 x      C #1 y      C #1 z      O #2 x      O #2 y      O #2 z

 C #1 x   -0.077023
 C #1 y    0.026504    0.341883
 C #1 z    0.000000    0.000000    0.311240

 O #2 x    0.268223   -0.037054    0.000000   -0.155369
 O #2 y    0.059025   -0.045317    0.000000   -0.004215    0.240999
 O #2 z    0.000000    0.000000   -0.043299    0.000000    0.000000    0.004143

 H #3 x   -0.007163    0.026763    0.000000   -0.038102   -0.074472    0.000000
 H #3 y   -0.077240    0.011937    0.000000    0.047662   -0.222514    0.000000
 H #3 z    0.000000    0.000000    0.014501    0.000000    0.000000   -0.010599

 H #4 x   -0.065082   -0.048021    0.000000   -0.029962    0.018413    0.000000
 H #4 y   -0.057468   -0.174325    0.000000   -0.052694    0.021172    0.000000
 H #4 z    0.000000    0.000000   -0.037441    0.000000    0.000000    0.011319

 H #5 x   -0.059477    0.015904   -0.029883   -0.022395    0.000624    0.023136
 H #5 y    0.024589   -0.067089    0.052625    0.023150    0.002830   -0.005287
 H #5 z   -0.042024    0.049111   -0.122500   -0.033332    0.010981    0.019218

 H #6 x   -0.059477    0.015904    0.029883   -0.022395    0.000624   -0.023136
 H #6 y    0.024589   -0.067089   -0.052625    0.023150    0.002830    0.005287
 H #6 z    0.042024   -0.049111   -0.122500    0.033332   -0.010981    0.019218

           H #3 x      H #3 y      H #3 z      H #4 x      H #4 y      H #4 z

 H #3 x    0.046106
 H #3 y    0.037420    0.194778
 H #3 z    0.000000    0.000000   -0.003775

 H #4 x    0.008706    0.007586    0.000000    0.059186
 H #4 y    0.011219    0.002370    0.000000    0.055112    0.183284
 H #4 z    0.000000    0.000000   -0.002183    0.000000    0.000000    0.018958

 H #5 x   -0.004773   -0.007714   -0.002198    0.013576    0.021915   -0.006549
 H #5 y   -0.000465    0.006714   -0.000547   -0.016545   -0.016251   -0.012474
 H #5 z   -0.002651   -0.010672    0.001028    0.015432    0.047954    0.004673

 H #6 x   -0.004773   -0.007714    0.002198    0.013576    0.021915    0.006549
 H #6 y   -0.000465    0.006714    0.000547   -0.016545   -0.016251    0.012474
 H #6 z    0.002651    0.010672    0.001028   -0.015432   -0.047954    0.004673

           H #5 x      H #5 y      H #5 z      H #6 x      H #6 y      H #6 z

 H #5 x    0.057326
 H #5 y   -0.025232    0.056713
 H #5 z    0.039035   -0.065846    0.130531

 H #6 x    0.015743   -0.005498    0.023541    0.057326
 H #6 y   -0.005498    0.017083   -0.031528   -0.025232    0.056713
 H #6 z   -0.023541    0.031528   -0.032950   -0.039035    0.065846    0.130531

                           Total dipole moment

                               au             Debye

                    x     -0.31390150     -0.79786540
                    y      0.50392181      1.28085334
                    z      0.00000000      0.00000000

 Conversion factor used: 1 Debye =   2.54177000 a.u. 

                         Total quadrupole moment


                    xx     -9.11870494
                    xy      1.03993668
                    xz      0.00000000
                    yy     -8.27290610
                    yz      0.00000000
                    zz     -9.20119448

                     Total dipole momemt derivatives

                              Ex             Ey             Ez

               C #1 x    -0.62626776     0.04701235     0.00000000
               C #1 y    -0.01090842    -0.81216892     0.00000000
               C #1 z     0.00000000     0.00000000    -0.84184244

               O #2 x    -0.59213570    -0.12134009     0.00000000
               O #2 y    -0.41083756    -0.79112512     0.00000000
               O #2 z     0.00000000     0.00000000    -0.32122385

               H #3 x     0.32327001     0.07910831     0.00000000
               H #3 y     0.40662470     0.63634890     0.00000000
               H #3 z     0.00000000     0.00000000     0.20769984

               H #4 x     0.30635202     0.19448512     0.00000000
               H #4 y     0.50003146     0.58129180     0.00000000
               H #4 z     0.00000000     0.00000000     0.07832062

               H #5 x     0.29439072    -0.09963285     0.16694038
               H #5 y    -0.24245509     0.19282667    -0.21425796
               H #5 z     0.41314060    -0.21598570     0.43852292

               H #6 x     0.29439072    -0.09963285    -0.16694038
               H #6 y    -0.24245509     0.19282667     0.21425796
               H #6 z    -0.41314060     0.21598570     0.43852292

  @CHECKOUT-I, Total execution time :       4.4747 seconds.
  @GETMEM-I, Allocation of   6500000 words of core required    0.01613 sec.
 Coupled-perturbed HF (CPHF) equations 
 are solved for RHF hessian and dipole derivatives.
 There are 18 perturbations within irrep 1.
 CPHF converged after  13 iterations.

                          Static polarizability

                         Ex          Ey          Ez

            Ex       9.470249    1.884171    0.000000
            Ey       1.884171    8.748152    0.000000
            Ez       0.000000    0.000000    5.743014

                        Static hyperpolarizability

                         Ex          Ey          Ez

            xx       8.012503   -3.240427    0.000000
            xy      -3.240427   -0.807917    0.000000
            xz       0.000000    0.000000    4.172721
            yy      -0.807917   -3.078517    0.000000
            yz       0.000000    0.000000   -3.014237
            zz       4.172721   -3.014237    0.000000

  @CHECKOUT-I, Total execution time :       0.2929 seconds.
                     Normal Coordinate Analysis
    Irreducible         Harmonic       Infrared        Type 
   Representation       Frequency      Intensity 
                         (cm-1)        (km/mol)
      ----                11.2785i       10.6430       ROTATION  
      ----                10.9241i        4.4806       ROTATION  
      ----                 0.0149i        0.0000      TRANSLATION
      ----                 0.0091         0.0000      TRANSLATION
      ----                 0.0175         0.0000      TRANSLATION
      ----                14.7070         7.7364       ROTATION  
       A''               399.5870        75.0716       VIBRATION 
        A'              1208.6071        18.0349       VIBRATION 
       A''              1308.3420         4.9754       VIBRATION 
        A'              1316.8826         2.2648       VIBRATION 
        A'              1722.9973        15.0302       VIBRATION 
        A'              1769.1253         4.0684       VIBRATION 
       A''              1814.4062         2.1822       VIBRATION 
        A'              1830.4303         1.8958       VIBRATION 
        A'              3516.4888         6.7149       VIBRATION 
       A''              3679.3807        10.4628       VIBRATION 
        A'              3716.2562         1.5782       VIBRATION 
        A'              4227.0239        24.8460       VIBRATION 
                                   Normal Coordinates 
                          [Dimensions are Mass**-1/2 Distance] 

               A''                        A'                       A''
               399.59                   1208.61                   1308.34 
             VIBRATION                 VIBRATION                 VIBRATION 
         X       Y       Z         X       Y       Z         X       Y       Z
C     0.0000  0.0000  0.0137    0.1411  0.2829  0.0000    0.0000  0.0000  0.4100
O     0.0000  0.0000 -0.2401   -0.2594 -0.0662  0.0000    0.0000  0.0000 -0.2129
H     0.0000  0.0000  0.8538    0.4151 -0.1710  0.0000    0.0000  0.0000 -0.0182
H     0.0000  0.0000  0.2849    0.6318 -0.1439  0.0000    0.0000  0.0000 -0.2162
H    -0.0374 -0.2270 -0.1146   -0.2502 -0.1989 -0.0365    0.5822 -0.0570 -0.1661
H     0.0374  0.2270 -0.1146   -0.2502 -0.1989  0.0365   -0.5822  0.0570 -0.1661

                A'                        A'                        A'
              1316.88                   1723.00                   1769.13 
             VIBRATION                 VIBRATION                 VIBRATION 
         X       Y       Z         X       Y       Z         X       Y       Z
C     0.5975 -0.0972  0.0000    0.0292 -0.3138  0.0000    0.4574  0.0790  0.0000
O    -0.6310  0.0484  0.0000   -0.1519  0.2723  0.0000   -0.0309 -0.0322  0.0000
H    -0.2125  0.0078  0.0000    0.7765 -0.1977  0.0000   -0.1309  0.0265  0.0000
H     0.0730  0.0124  0.0000   -0.3606  0.0348  0.0000   -0.4640  0.2535  0.0000
H     0.2957  0.0611 -0.0027    0.0441  0.0804  0.0815   -0.4301 -0.2123  0.1122
H     0.2957  0.0611  0.0027    0.0441  0.0804 -0.0815   -0.4301 -0.2123 -0.1122

               A''                        A'                        A'
              1814.41                   1830.43                   3516.49 
             VIBRATION                 VIBRATION                 VIBRATION 
         X       Y       Z         X       Y       Z         X       Y       Z
C     0.0000  0.0000  0.2138    0.0826 -0.1778  0.0000    0.1749 -0.0355  0.0000
O     0.0000  0.0000  0.0228    0.0134 -0.0504  0.0000    0.0019 -0.0003  0.0000
H     0.0000  0.0000  0.0034   -0.0878  0.0146  0.0000   -0.0094 -0.0034  0.0000
H     0.0000  0.0000 -0.7225    0.2388 -0.1247  0.0000   -0.1681 -0.4390  0.0000
H    -0.2583 -0.3823 -0.0549   -0.2448  0.4623  0.4069   -0.2169  0.2830 -0.4964
H     0.2583  0.3823 -0.0549   -0.2448  0.4623 -0.4069   -0.2169  0.2830  0.4964

               A''                        A'                        A'
              3679.38                   3716.26                   4227.02 
             VIBRATION                 VIBRATION                 VIBRATION 
         X       Y       Z         X       Y       Z         X       Y       Z
C     0.0000  0.0000  0.3143    0.0245  0.3137  0.0000    0.0149 -0.0114  0.0000
O     0.0000  0.0000 -0.0001   -0.0015 -0.0078  0.0000   -0.0877 -0.2281  0.0000
H     0.0000  0.0000 -0.0039   -0.0039  0.0212  0.0000    0.2944  0.9235  0.0000
H     0.0000  0.0000  0.0056   -0.2922 -0.7843  0.0000    0.0040  0.0139  0.0000
H    -0.2335  0.3182 -0.5430    0.1088 -0.1441  0.2596   -0.0002  0.0053 -0.0067
H     0.2335 -0.3182 -0.5430    0.1088 -0.1441 -0.2596   -0.0002  0.0053  0.0067
            Gradient vector in normal coordinate representation
              i      W(I)           dE/dQ(i)      [dE/dQ(i)]/w(i)
              7      399.59      0.0000000000        0.0000000000
              8     1208.61      0.0000463852        0.0930958816
              9     1308.34      0.0000000000        0.0000000000
             10     1316.88      0.0001215911        0.5871009363
             11     1723.00      0.0001815157        1.0000000000
             12     1769.13     -0.0001066180        0.3360152592
             13     1814.41      0.0000000000        0.0000000000
             14     1830.43     -0.0000339370        0.0329040890
             15     3516.49     -0.0000364423        0.0197496325
             16     3679.38      0.0000000000        0.0000000000
             17     3716.26     -0.0002179438        0.6684046025
             18     4227.02      0.0001380521        0.2357804438
                      Normal modes in internal coordinates 
             11.279        10.924         0.015         0.009         0.017
R2         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
R3         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
A3         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
R4         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
A4         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
D4         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
R5         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
A5         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
D5         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
R6         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
A6         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
D6         0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000      0.000000
             14.707       399.587      1208.607      1308.342      1316.883
R2         0.000000      0.000000     -0.188192      0.000000     -0.930314
R3         0.000000      0.000000     -0.013875      0.000000     -0.055706
A3         0.000000      0.000000      0.431940      0.000000     -0.052155
R4         0.000000      0.000000      0.004487      0.000000     -0.007093
A4         0.000000      0.000000     -0.646138      0.000000      0.169444
D4         0.000000      0.575002      0.000000     -0.275571      0.000000
R5         0.000000      0.002976      0.003768     -0.005447      0.000704
A5         0.000000     -0.007423      0.303502     -0.638594     -0.182736
D5         0.000000      0.578466      0.296690      0.232806     -0.128734
R6         0.000000     -0.002976      0.003768      0.005447      0.000704
A6         0.000000      0.007423      0.303502      0.638594     -0.182736
D6         0.000000      0.578466     -0.296690      0.232806      0.128734
           1722.997      1769.125      1814.406      1830.430      3516.489
R2        -0.091513     -0.250450      0.000000     -0.042785     -0.049771
R3        -0.027339     -0.005234      0.000000     -0.001108     -0.005924
A3         0.855851     -0.149189      0.000000     -0.069719     -0.001736
R4         0.021369     -0.008612      0.000000     -0.014316      0.469721
A4         0.409902      0.535318      0.000000     -0.181613      0.027989
D4         0.000000      0.000000     -0.761024      0.000000      0.000000
R5         0.002143     -0.000780      0.015208      0.011393      0.622590
A5        -0.069715      0.531701      0.197402      0.277331      0.020112
D5        -0.200238      0.177395      0.413790     -0.634836     -0.002958
R6         0.002143     -0.000780     -0.015208      0.011393      0.622590
A6        -0.069715      0.531701     -0.197402      0.277331      0.020112
D6         0.200238     -0.177395      0.413790      0.634836      0.002958
           3679.381      3716.256      4227.024
R2         0.000000     -0.002330     -0.022684
R3         0.000000      0.019937      0.999175
A3         0.000000     -0.037628     -0.011481
R4         0.000000      0.873739     -0.015485
A4         0.000000     -0.045989     -0.016822
D4        -0.045374      0.000000      0.000000
R5         0.704286     -0.336531      0.010709
A5        -0.044221      0.026193      0.009972
D5         0.031559      0.048829      0.005067
R6        -0.704286     -0.336531      0.010709
A6         0.044221      0.026193      0.009972
D6         0.031559     -0.048829     -0.005067
                    Dipole Moment Function
                   (Normal Coordinate Basis)
    Mode     Symmetry    d(Mu(x))/dQ   d(Mu(y))/dQ   d(Mu(z))/dQ
     Q7         A''        0.000000      0.000000      0.277501
     Q8          A'        0.134713      0.018768      0.000000
     Q9         A''        0.000000      0.000000      0.071440
     Q10         A'        0.048196      0.000524      0.000000
     Q11         A'        0.124088     -0.004457      0.000000
     Q12         A'        0.055145      0.033651      0.000000
     Q13        A''        0.000000      0.000000     -0.047312
     Q14         A'        0.026220      0.035457      0.000000
     Q15         A'        0.081877     -0.013573      0.000000
     Q16        A''        0.000000      0.000000      0.103598
     Q17         A'       -0.015407      0.037169      0.000000
     Q18         A'       -0.016292     -0.158812      0.000000
   Vibrational frequencies after rotational projection  of 
   Cartesian force constants: 
            1               0.0016i
            2               0.0012i
            3               0.0009i
            4               0.0003i
            5               0.0006 
            6               0.0008 
            7             399.5830 
            8            1208.6070 
            9            1308.3419 
           10            1316.8826 
           11            1722.9973 
           12            1769.1253 
           13            1814.4061 
           14            1830.4303 
           15            3516.4888 
           16            3679.3807 
           17            3716.2562 
           18            4227.0239 
  Zero-point vibrational energy =   37.8973 kcal/mole.
Modified: Sat Jul 12 16:00:00 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1998 times since Sat Apr 17 21:33:46 1999 GMT