program gdiis implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) logical fail parameter(iop=10,nqlim=180,nmax=60) dimension x(180),g(180),lopt(iop),wk(iop) character*4 wk,wo common /work/ hlast(180,180),b(32400),hh(32400),fi(180),ll(180) 1,mmm(180),qi(180),c(60) common/work1/ xx(180,60), ee(180,60), gg(180,60),qq(180,60) common /optim/h(16290),e(180),yk(180),pk(180),rkl, e11e(3), *tk(180),w(180),d1(180,3), don(60,3), at(3,60), *ix(60),ipa(180,2),id(1770),id1,ie(60,180),iee(180),itab(180), *nk,nat, mk(60),iblanc,qp(3,5400), ak(3,3,60) common/optio/ option, opnclo, cndo, indo,mind,closed,open *, stndr,optim,idummy,ecrit,rho,ih,iup,idiag,kell common/sumary/en(20),gsum(20),isum,ismax common/ite/iter,intnl,fail,iix common /files/ inp,iout,ix9,ipun,nshout common/info/xc(60,3),natoms,ica,mult,an(60),nnn,xm(180), 1jfix(180),nfix,symb(60) integer option,opnclo,cndo,closed,open,stndr,optim,an,symb integer gdiisf parameter(tol=1.d-8,limit=20) data wk/'mole','stop','gdii','tol ','bmat','m&s ','k ','fixc', x 'fmat','card'/ data zero,one/0.0d0,1.0d0/ c c optimize geometry by diis algorithm c c on input c c x array of variables (geometry parameters ie. cartesians c or internal coordinates, the latter is preferred),dimens.=n c c f function value (i.e. energy) c c g array of gradients(dim.=n) c c eps convergence limit . c exit if predicted changes in variables become less than c eps, (a suggested value is 1.d-4) c c limit allowed number of iterational steps ( c c ih=0 start by unit matrix for the hessian (default value) c 1 start by a diagonal hessian c 2 start by a hessian readed from cards c the hessian must be stored in array h( of common/optim/ ) c before call gdiis. if (ih.le.0) inversion of h not carried out. c c iup = 0 update of h-1 not requiered (default value) c iup = 1 update of h-1 according murtagh&sargent c c c open files c inp=5 iout=6 open (unit=inp,file='gdiisin',status='old') open (unit=iout,file='gdiisls') c file shout short output nshout=13 open(unit=nshout,file='gdiism',status='unknown', &access='sequential',form='formatted') rewind nshout c file geomfl geometry file inp2=31 open(unit=inp2,file='geom',status='old') c file cartgrd cartesian gradient inp1=32 open(unit=inp1,file='cartgrd',status='old') c file gdiisf gdiis information gdiisf=33 open(unit=gdiisf,file='gdiisfl',status='unknown', $ form='unformatted') c file scrfl for internal coordinate system iix=34 open(unit=iix,file='scrfl',status='unknown') rewind gdiisf read(gdiisf,end=3100) m 3000 format(i8) if( 3900 3100 m=1 call setup(ih,lopt,iop,nfix,jfix,kell,eps,natp,m,nqlim,inp x ,iout,xita,wk,iix) c c compute gradient at start point c call objet(xc,en(1),g,natoms,inp2,iout,natp,nmax,inp1,nshout, x niter,symb,xm) ij=0 idsp=0 do 5 k=1,natoms do 5 i=1,3 ij=ij+1 x(ij)=xc(k,i)*0.52917706d0 xx(ij,1)=x(ij) 5 g(ij)=g(ij)*8.238856d0 call conver(x,g,natoms,qi,fi,nq,xm,idsp,ncard) do 15 i=1,nq qq(i,1)=qi(i) 15 gg(i,1)=fi(i) call dzero(nq*nq,hh,1) if(ih-1) 20,50,80 20 ji=0 do 40 i=1,nq ii=(i-1)*nq+i 40 hh(ii)=1.0d0 goto 100 50 ji=0 read(inp2,501)(e(i),i=1,nq) 501 format(8f10.7) do 70 i=1,nq ii=(i-1)*nq+i 70 hh(ii)=one/e(i) goto 100 80 continue do 85 i=1,nq read(inp2,501)(h(j),j=1,i) do 85 j=1,i ij=(i-1)*nq+j ji=(j-1)*nq+i hh(ij)=h(j) hh(ji)=h(j) if(nfix.eq.0.or.i.eq.j)goto85 do86k=1,nfix ii=jfix(k) if( hh(ij)=zero hh(ji)=zero 86 continue 85 continue call osinv(hh,nq,det,tol,ll,mmm) if ( goto 100 write (iout,90)m,det write (nshout,90)m,det 90 format (1x,7hnstep =, i3,26hhessian is singular det =, e13.6 ) stop ' hessian is singular' 100 continue if(nfix.eq.0)goto105 ij=0 do 106 i=1,nq do 106 j=1,nq ij=ij+1 do 106 k=1,nfix ii=jfix(k) if(i.eq.ii.or.j.eq.ii)hh(ij)=zero 106 continue 105 continue call relax(hh,fi,qi,nq,e) do 120 i=1,nq ee(i,1)=e(i) 120 continue call displ(x,qi,natoms,nq,xm,symb,ncard,e) ij=0 do 110 k=1,natoms do 110 i=1,3 ij=ij+1 110 x(ij)=x(ij)/0.52917706d0 niter=niter+1 m=2 if(kell.le.0)kell=nq+1 if( call dump(m,kell,nq,natoms,niter,xita,x,natp,lopt,gdiisf, x hh,inp2,iout,xm,nshout) stop 3900 continue call setup(ih,lopt,iop,nfix,jfix,kell,eps,natp,m,nqlim,inp x ,iout,xita,wk,iix) call rest(m,kell,lang,nq,xita,lopt,gdiisf,hh,natp) call objet(xc,en(lang),g,natoms,inp2,iout,natp,nmax,inp1,nshout, x niter,symb,xm) ij=0 do 115 k=1,natoms do 115 i=1,3 ij=ij+1 x(ij)=xc(k,i)*0.52917706d0 xx(ij,lang)=x(ij) 115 g(ij)=g(ij)*8.238856d0 call conver(x,g,natoms,qi,fi,nq,xm,idsp,ncard) do 121 i=1,nq qq(i,lang) = qi(i) gg(i,lang) = fi(i) 121 continue call relax(hh,fi,qi,nq,e) do 122 i=1,nq ee(i,lang) = e(i) 122 continue if(m.le.2) goto 600 c c update hessian if required c if (iup.eq.0) goto 400 do 300 i=1,nq 300 yk(i)=g(i)-yk(i) 1000 continue c murtagh&sargent xita = xita/dfloat(m) do 310 i=1,nq 310 e(i) = -xita*e(i) - updot(h,yk,i,nq) sg = dot(e,yk,nq) shs = dot(e,e,nq) shg = dot(e,g,nq) roshs = 1.0d-3*shs if (dabs(sg) - roshs) 320,320,330 320 sg = dsign(roshs,sg) 330 if (shg/sg+1.0d-6) 340,340,360 340 ji=0 do 350 i=1,nq do 350 j=1,nq ji = ji + 1 350 hh(ji) = hh(ji) + e(i)*e(j)/sg 360 continue c update error vectors do 390 j=1,m do 370 i=1,nq 370 fi(i)=gg(i,j) call relax(hh,fi,qi,nq,e) do 380 i=1,nq 380 ee(i,j)=e(i) 390 continue 400 continue c c exit if max(abs(e(i)) c s=zero do 440 i=1,nq if (dabs(e(i)).gt.s) s=dabs(e(i)) 440 continue if( goto 500 if( goto 700 goto 600 c... exit 500 continue write(iout,1011) m write(nshout,1011) m 1011 format(1x,20(4h****)/1x,23hgeometry optimized in ,i4,6h-steps,/) c c change r1g in jcl to 1 and terminate iterations c c call cmscmd('globalv set r1g 1 ',irt) stop ' convergent in gdiis' 700 continue stop ' limit is excited ' 600 continue c c start diis c m1=nq+1 i1=1 mm=lang iii=0 c&& c print*,' kell=',kell,' m1=',m1,' lang=',lang,' i1=',i1,' mm',mm c do 133 j=i1,mm c write(6,132)' ee',(ee(i,j),i=1,nq) c write(6,132)' gg',(gg(i,j),i=1,nq) c write(6,132)' qq',(qq(i,j),i=1,nq) c 132 format(a,/,(10f10.6)) c 133 continue c&& do 175 i=i1,mm iii=iii+1 do 170 j=1,nq ji=(iii-1)*m1+j iiei=ee(j,i)*1.d5 b(ji)=iiei*1.d-5 170 e(j)=zero ij=iii*m1 if(i1.eq.1)ij=i*m1 175 b(ij)=one e(m1)=one c c pseudoinversion with linlsq subroutine c eps1=1.d-12 call linlsq(b,c,e,m1,mm,eps1,ier,hlast,yk,h,pk,qi,ll,w) if(ier.eq.0)goto 190 write(iout,9876)ier 9876 format(/,5x,'ier erteke a linlsq-ban',i5) stop ' after linlsq' c c diis coefficients and the lagrangian c 190 continue s=zero do 191 i=1,mm 191 s=s+c(i) do 192 i=1,mm 192 c(i)=c(i)/s write (iout,201) write (nshout,201) 201 format (/, 2x,'the c values ') write(iout,203) (c(i),i=1,mm) write(nshout,203) (c(i),i=1,mm) 203 format(1(1x,10f10.6)) c c relaxation c do 200 i=1,nq qi(i)= zero yk(i)=fi(i) 200 fi(i)=zero ii1=0 do 220 i=i1,mm ii1=ii1+1 do 210 j=1,nq fi(j)=fi(j)+idint(c(ii1)*gg(j,i)*1.d6)*1.d-6 210 qi(j)=qi(j)+idint(c(ii1)*qq(j,i)*1.d6)*1.d-6 220 continue call relax(hh,fi,qi,nq,e) do 225 i=1,nq e(i)=qi(i)-qq(i,mm) 225 continue call displ(x,qi,natoms,nq,xm,symb,ncard,e) ij=0 do 230 k=1,natoms do 230 i=1,3 ij=ij+1 230 x(ij)=x(ij)/0.52917706d0 niter=niter+1 m=m+1 call dump(m,kell,nq,natoms,niter,xita,x,natp,lopt,gdiisf, x hh,inp2,iout,xm,nshout) stop end subroutine linlsq(a,x,b,m,n,eta,ier,qr,alpha,e,y,r,piv,z) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer piv dimension a(m,n),x(n),b(m) dimension qr(m,n),alpha(n),e(n),y(n),r(m),piv(n),z(n) data zero/0.d0/,var/0.0625d0/ ier=0 lstep=0 do 10 j=1,n do 10 i=1,m 10 qr(i,j)=a(i,j) call decomp(m,n,qr,alpha,e,y,piv,ier) if (ier.eq.0) goto 15 write(6,14)ier 14 format(/,5x,'matrix of coeff. is singular',5x,'ier =',i3) stop 15 eta2=eta*eta do 20 i=1,m 20 r(i)=b(i) call solve(m,n,qr,alpha,piv,r,y,z) do 40 i=1,m ss=-b(i) do 30 j=1,n ai=a(i,j) bi=y(j) 30 ss=ss+ai*bi 40 r(i)=-ss call solve(m,n,qr,alpha,piv,r,e,z) y0=zero e1=zero lstep=0 do 50 i=1,n y0=y0+y(i)*y(i) 50 e1=e1+e(i)*e(i) if(e1-y0*var) 60,60,55 55 ier=2 write(6,16)ier 16 format(/5x,'no improvement in linlsq',5x,'ier =',i3) return c no attempt to improve the solution is made unless the norm of c the first correction is significantly smaller than the norm of c the initial solution c 60 continue lstep=lstep+1 if( c improve solution do 70 i=1,n 70 y(i)=y(i)+e(i) if(e1-eta2*y0) 110,80,80 80 do 95 i=1,m ss=-b(i) do 90 j=1,n ai=a(i,j) bi=y(j) 90 ss=ss+ai*bi 95 r(i)=-ss call solve(m,n,qr,alpha,piv,r,e,z) e0=e1 e1=zero do 100 i=1,n 100 e1=e1+e(i)*e(i) if(e1-e0*var) 60,60,110 110 continue c c terminate if either the correction was of little significance, c or the norm of correction failed to decrease sufficiently as c compared to the prvious correction c do 120 i=1,n 120 x(i)=y(i) if( write(6,130)lstep 130 format(41x,'a javitashoz felhasznalt lepesszam:',i3) return end subroutine solve(m,n,qr,alpha,piv,r,y,z) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer piv dimension qr(m,n),r(m),alpha(n),y(n),piv(n),z(n) data zero/0.d0/ do 30 j=1,n ss=zero do 10 i=j,m ai=qr(i,j) bi=r(i) 10 ss=ss+ai*bi gam=ss/(alpha(j)*qr(j,j)) do 20 i=j,m 20 r(i)=r(i)+gam*qr(i,j) 30 continue z(n)=r(n)/alpha(n) n1=n-1 do 50 ii=1,n1 i=n1-ii+1 i1=i+1 ss=-r(i) do 40 j=i1,n ai=qr(i,j) bi=z(j) 40 ss=ss+ai*bi 50 z(i)=-ss/alpha(i) do 60 i=1,n ip=piv(i) 60 y(ip)=z(i) return end subroutine decomp(m,n,qr,alpha,sum,y,piv,ier) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer piv dimension qr(m,n),alpha(n),piv(n),sum(n),y(n) data zero/0.0d0/ do 20 j=1,n ss=zero do 10 i=1,m ai=qr(i,j) 10 ss=ss+ai*ai sum(j)=ss 20 piv(j)=j do 190 k=1,n sigma=sum(k) jbar=k if(k-n) 30,50,50 30 k1=k+1 do 45 j=k1,n if(sigma-sum(j)) 40,45,45 40 sigma=sum(j) jbar=j 45 continue 50 if(jbar-k) 60,80,60 60 i=piv(k) piv(k)=piv(jbar) piv(jbar)=i sum(jbar)=sum(k) sum(k)=sigma do 70 i=1,m sigma=qr(i,k) qr(i,k)=qr(i,jbar) 70 qr(i,jbar)=sigma 80 continue ss=zero do 90 i=k,m ai=qr(i,k) 90 ss=ss+ai*ai sigma=ss if(sigma) 110,100,110 100 ier=1 c a is singular return 110 qrkk=qr(k,k) ss=dsqrt(sigma) if(qrkk) 120,130,130 120 alphak=ss alpha(k)=alphak goto 140 130 alphak=-ss alpha(k)=alphak 140 beta=1.d0/(sigma-qrkk*alphak) qr(k,k)=qrkk-alphak k1=k+1 if(k1-n) 145,145,165 145 do 160 j=k1,n ss=zero do 150 i=k,m ai=qr(i,k) bi=qr(i,j) 150 ss=ss+ai*bi 160 y(j)=beta*ss 165 if(k1-n) 166,166,185 166 do 180 j=k1,n do 170 i=k,m 170 qr(i,j)=qr(i,j)-qr(i,k)*y(j) 180 sum(j)=sum(j)-qr(k,j)*qr(k,j) 185 continue 190 continue return end subroutine norm(u) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension u(3) x=1.0000000000/ dsqrt(scalar(u,u)) do 1 i=1,3 u(i)=u(i)*x 1 continue return end function s2(x) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) s2=dsqrt(1.0-x**2) return end function scalar(u,v) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension u(3),v(3) scalar=0.0 do 1 i=1,3 scalar=scalar+u(i)*v(i) 1 continue return end subroutine normal(u,v,w) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension u(3),v(3),w(3) w(1)=u(2)*v(3)-u(3)*v(2) w(2)=u(3)*v(1)-u(1)*v(3) w(3)=u(1)*v(2)-u(2)*v(1) call norm(w) return end subroutine machb(nek,bmat,ncmax,nqmax,xa,ya,za,qq,n,inp,iout,nq, 1 wri,qonly,ncard) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) logical wri,qonly c nek=3*number of atoms input parameter c bmat is the transpose of the b matrix, dimensioned im the c call ing program as b(ncmax,nqmax) - output c ncmax, nqmax - input c xa,ya,za are the x,y,z coordinates of the atoms in angstrom c qq contains the values of the internal coordinates (output) c inp and iout are the input and output files c nq is the number of internal coordinates, wri is .true. if the c definition of internal coordinates is to be o printed c qonly is true if only coordinates (no b matrix) is are to be c c calculated c input data c each elementary valence coordinate on a separate card c col. 1 'k' or' ' (blank). if 'k' a new coordinate begins, if c blank then the composite internal coordimnate begun earlier is c continued. any other character terminates the input c cols. 2-9 scale factor for the total coordinate (only if there c is k in column 1. blank or zero is interpreted as 1.0 c cols. 21-24 coordinate type stre,bend,out ,tors,lin1,lin2 c invr,tor2 c cols. 31-40,41-50,51-60,61-70 participating atoms a,b,c,d c format 4f10.x c a and b are given for 'stre' order arbitrary c a,b,c for bend - a and b are end atoms, c is the apex atom a-c- c atom a out of the bcd plane - c is the central atom - coordina c te positive if a is displaced toward the vector product db*dc c torsion a-b-c-d, positive as in the wilson-decius-cross book c note that the value of the coordinate varies between -pi/2 to c 3pi/2 n o t between -pi/2 to +pi/2 c lin1 l collinear bending a-b-c distorted in the planr of abd c positive if a moves toward d c lin2 linear bending a-c-b distorted perpendicular to the plane c abd - positive if a moves toward the vector cross product cd*ca c the linear bendings are a-c-b, i. e. the apex atom is third dimension qq(1) dimension tipus(8) dimension wort(3) dimension a(4),ia(4),u(3),v(3),w(3),z(3),x(3),uu(3),vv(3),ww(3),zz 1 (3),uv(12) equivalence(ka,ia(1)),(kb,ia(2)),(kc,ia(3)),(kd,ia(4)) equivalence (uv(1),uu(1)),(uv(4),vv(1)),(uv(7),ww(1)),(uv(10),zz(1 1 )) dimension bmat(ncmax,nqmax),xa(1),ya(1),za(1) integer tipus,typ,we,wort,blank,tlast data tipus/4hstre,4hinvr,4hbend,4hout ,4htors,4hlin1,4hlin2,4htor2 1/ data wort/1hk,1h ,1h*/ data anull/1.0d0/ data blank/4h / ncard=0 o=1.0d0 nab=nek nab=nab/3.0d0+0.1d0 i=0 c1=0.0d0 ccx=0.0d0 tlast=blank if(wri) write(iout,1901) 1901 format(/,1x,34hdefinition of internal coordinates ,/) 311 read(inp,1101) we 1101 format(a1) backspace inp do 3301 k=1,2 if(we.eq.wort(k)) goto 3302 3301 continue c1=dsqrt(1.0d0/c1)*ccx qq(i)=qq(i)*c1 if(qonly) goto 310 do 6601 k=1,nek bmat(k,i)=bmat(k,i)*c1 6601 continue go to 310 3302 continue ncard=ncard+1 read(inp,1100) we,cc,c,typ,a 1100 format(a1,f9.5,f10.4,a4,6x,5f10.4) if(typ.eq.blank) typ=tlast tlast=typ if(cc.eq.0.0d0) cc=1.0d0 if(we.eq.wort(1)) ccc=ccx if(we.eq.wort(1)) ccx=cc if(c.eq.0.0d0) c=1.0d0 if(we.eq.wort(2)) c1=c1+c**2 if( goto 9109 if(i.eq.0) goto 9107 if(wri) write(iout,5300) 5300 format(1x) c1=dsqrt(1.0d0/c1)*ccc if(qonly) goto 6610 do 6600 k=1,nek bmat(k,i)=bmat(k,i)*c1 6600 continue 6610 qq(i)=qq(i)*c1 9107 i=i+1 qq(i)=0.0d0 c1=c**2 if(qonly) goto 9109 do 107 j=1,nek bmat(j,i)=0.0d0 107 continue 9109 do 108 k=1,4 ia(k)=a(k)+0.1d0 108 continue do 109 k=1,8 if(typ.eq.tipus(k)) goto 15 109 continue error=7 write(iout,1902) i 1902 format(/,1x,38hundefined int.coordinate type at no. ,i3,/,10(4h** 1**)) goto 1111 15 if(wri) write(iout,7000) i,typ,ia,c,ccx 7000 format(1x,i3,1h.,a8,4i10,f12.5,f12.6) if( 1310 if( 1310 if( 1310 goto(1,7,2,3,4,5,6,8),k c..... stretch 1 call vektor(uu,r1,ka,kb,xa,ya,za) uu(1)=uu(1)*anull uu(2)=uu(2)*anull uu(3)=uu(3)*anull vv(1)=-uu(1) vv(2)=-uu(2) vv(3)=-uu(3) ia(3)=0 ia(4)=0 qq(i)=qq(i)+r1*c goto 1500 c... inverse 7 continue call vektor(uu,r1,ka,kb,xa,ya,za) rm1=1.d0/r1 rm2=rm1*rm1 uu(1)=-rm2*uu(1)*anull uu(2)=-rm2*uu(2)*anull uu(3)=-rm2*uu(3)*anull vv(1)=-uu(1) vv(2)=-uu(2) vv(3)=-uu(3) ia(3)=0 ia(4)=0 qq(i)=qq(i)+rm1*c goto 1500 c.....bending 2 call vektor(u,r1,ka,kc,xa,ya,za) call vektor(v,r2,kb,kc,xa,ya,za) co=scalar(u,v) si=s2(co) do 420 l=1,3 uu(l)=(co*u(l)-v(l))/(si*r1) vv(l)=(co*v(l)-u(l))/(si*r2) ww(l)=-uu(l)-vv(l) 420 continue ia(4)=0 qq(i)=qq(i)+c*darcos(co) goto 1500 c.....out of plane 3 call vektor(u,r1,ka,kd,xa,ya,za) call vektor(v,r2,kb,kd,xa,ya,za) call vektor(w,r3,kc,kd,xa,ya,za) call normal(v,w,z) steta=scalar(u,z) cteta=s2(steta) cfi1=scalar(v,w) sfi1=s2(cfi1) cfi2=scalar(w,u) cfi3=scalar(v,u) den=cteta*sfi1**2 st2=(cfi1*cfi2-cfi3)/(r2*den) st3=(cfi1*cfi3-cfi2)/(r3*den) do 430 l=1,3 vv(l)=z(l)*st2 ww(l)=z(l)*st3 430 continue call normal(z,u,x) call normal(u,x,z) do 431 l=1,3 uu(l)=z(l)/r1 zz(l)=-uu(l)-vv(l)-ww(l) 431 continue cx=-c if( cx=c qq(i)=qq(i)-cx*darcos(cteta) goto 1500 c..... torsion 4 call vektor(u,r1,ka,kb,xa,ya,za) call vektor(v,r2,kc,kb,xa,ya,za) call vektor(w,r3,kc,kd,xa,ya,za) call normal(u,v,z) call normal(w,v,x) co=scalar(u,v) co2=scalar(v,w) si=s2(co) si2=s2(co2) do 440 l=1,3 uu(l)=z(l)/(r1*si) zz(l)=x(l)/(r3*si2) vv(l)=(r1*co/r2-1.00000000d0)*uu(l)-r3*co2/r2*zz(l) ww(l)=-uu(l)-vv(l)-zz(l) 440 continue co=scalar(z,x) u(1)=z(2)*x(3)-z(3)*x(2) u(2)=z(3)*x(1)-z(1)*x(3) u(3)=z(1)*x(2)-z(2)*x(1) co2=scalar(u,v) s=darcos(-co) if( s=-s if( s=s-6.2831853072d0 qq(i)=qq(i)-c*s c.... remember that the range of this coordinate is -pi/2 to 3*pi/2 c.... in order to shift the discontinuity off the planar position goto 1500 c..... torsion2 (only other range as in tors) 8 call vektor(u,r1,ka,kb,xa,ya,za) call vektor(v,r2,kc,kb,xa,ya,za) call vektor(w,r3,kc,kd,xa,ya,za) call normal(u,v,z) call normal(w,v,x) co=scalar(u,v) co2=scalar(v,w) si=s2(co) si2=s2(co2) do 880 l=1,3 uu(l)=z(l)/(r1*si) zz(l)=x(l)/(r3*si2) vv(l)=(r1*co/r2-1.00000000d0)*uu(l)-r3*co2/r2*zz(l) ww(l)=-uu(l)-vv(l)-zz(l) 880 continue co=scalar(z,x) u(1)=z(2)*x(3)-z(3)*x(2) u(2)=z(3)*x(1)-z(1)*x(3) u(3)=z(1)*x(2)-z(2)*x(1) co2=scalar(u,v) s=darcos(-co) if( s=-s if( 0d0) s=s-6.2831853072d0 qq(i)=qq(i)-c*s c.... remember that the range of this coordinate is 0 to pi/2 c.... use it for perpendicular geometries goto 1500 c......linear complanar bending 5 call vektor(u,r1,ka,kc,xa,ya,za) call vektor(v,r2,kd,kc,xa,ya,za) call vektor(x,r2,kb,kc,xa,ya,za) co=scalar(v,u) co2=scalar(x,v) qq(i)=qq(i)+c*(3.1415926536-darcos(co)-darcos(co2)) call normal(v,u,w) call normal(u,w,z) call normal(x,v,w) call normal(w,x,u) c..... coordinate positiv if atom a moves towards atom d do 450 l=1,3 uu(l)=z(l)/r1 vv(l)=u(l)/r2 ww(l)=-uu(l)-vv(l) 450 continue ia(4)=0 goto 1500 c.....linear perpendicular bending 6 call vektor(u,r1,ka,kc,xa,ya,za) call vektor(v,r2,kd,kc,xa,ya,za) call vektor(z,r2,kb,kc,xa,ya,za) call normal(v,u,w) call normal(z,v,x) do 460 l=1,3 uu(l)=w(l)/r1 vv(l)=x(l)/r2 ww(l)=-uu(l)-vv(l) 460 continue ia(4)=0 co=scalar(u,w) co2=scalar(z,w) qq(i)=qq(i)+c*(3.1415926536-darcos(co)-darcos(co2)) 1500 if(qonly) goto 311 do 16 j=1,4 m=ia(j) if(m.le.0) go to 16 m=m-1 j1=3*(j-1) do 170 l=1,3 m1=3*m+l l1=j1+l bmat(m1,i)=uv(l1)*c+bmat(m1,i) 170 continue 16 continue go to 311 1310 error=6 write(iout,1903) i 1903 format(/,1x,41hatoms erronously defined,coordinate no. ,i3,/,1x, 110(4h****)) 310 nq=i 1111 return end function darcos(x) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) if( goto 100 if(x.le.-1.0d0) goto 200 x1=dsqrt(1.0d0-x**2) if(dabs(x).lt.1.0d-11) goto 300 s=datan(x1/x) if( s=s+3.1415926536d0 darcos=s return 100 darcos=0.0d0 return 200 darcos=3.1415926536d0 return 300 darcos=1.5707963269d0 return end subroutine vektor(u,r,i,j,xa,ya,za) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension u(3),xa(1),ya(1),za(1) u(1)=xa(i)-xa(j) u(2)=ya(i)-ya(j) u(3)=za(i)-za(j) r= dsqrt(scalar(u,u)) call norm(u) return end subroutine osinv (a,n,d,tol,l,m) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) c c parameters: a - input matrix , destroyed in computation and repla c by resultant inverse (must be a general matrix) c n - order of matrix a c d - resultant determinant c l and m - work vectors of lenght n c tol - if pivot element is less than this parameter the c matrix is taken for singular (usually = 1.0e-8) c a determinant of zero indicates that the matrix is singular c dimension a(1), m(1), l(1) d=1.0d0 nk=-n do 180 k=1,n nk=nk+n l(k)=k m(k)=k kk=nk+k biga=a(kk) do 20 j=k,n iz=n*(j-1) do 20 i=k,n ij=iz+i c c 10 follows c if (dabs(biga)-dabs(a(ij))) 10,20,20 10 biga=a(ij) l(k)=i m(k)=j 20 continue j=l(k) if (j-k) 50,50,30 30 ki=k-n do 40 i=1,n ki=ki+n holo=-a(ki) ji=ki-k+j a(ki)=a(ji) 40 a(ji)=holo 50 i=m(k) if (i-k) 80,80,60 60 jp=n*(i-1) do 70 j=1,n jk=nk+j ji=jp+j holo=-a(jk) a(jk)=a(ji) 70 a(ji)=holo 80 if (dabs(biga)-tol) 90,100,100 90 d=0.0d0 return 100 do 120 i=1,n if (i-k) 110,120,110 110 ik=nk+i a(ik)=a(ik)/(-biga) 120 continue do 150 i=1,n ik=nk+i ij=i-n do 150 j=1,n ij=ij+n if (i-k) 130,150,130 130 if (j-k) 140,150,140 140 kj=ij-i+k a(ij)=a(ik)*a(kj)+a(ij) 150 continue kj=k-n do 170 j=1,n kj=kj+n if (j-k) 160,170,160 160 a(kj)=a(kj)/biga 170 continue d=d*biga a(kk)=1.0d0/biga 180 continue k=n 190 k=k-1 if (k) 260,260,200 200 i=l(k) if (i-k) 230,230,210 210 jq=n*(k-1) jr=n*(i-1) do 220 j=1,n jk=jq+j holo=a(jk) ji=jr+j a(jk)=-a(ji) 220 a(ji)=holo 230 j=m(k) if (j-k) 190,190,240 240 ki=k-n do 250 i=1,n ki=ki+n holo=a(ki) ji=ki+j-k a(ki)=-a(ji) 250 a(ji)=holo go to 190 260 return end subroutine relax(c,fi,qq,nq,qq1) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension c(1),fi(1),qq(1),qq1(1) common /files/ inp,iout,ix,ipun,nshout data ajoule/.22936758d0/,zero/0.0d0/,half/0.5d0/ etot=0.d0 ij=0 edecr=zero do 480 i=1,nq s=zero do 470 j=1,nq ij=ij+1 s=s+c(ij)*fi(j) 470 continue qq1(i)=-s edecr=edecr-half*s*fi(i) 480 continue edec=edecr*ajoule et=etot+edec write (iout,490) edecr,edec,et 490 format(//,1x,26hprojected energy lowering=,f13.8,4x,7hajoule,4x, *f13.8,8h hartree,4x,15h total energy= ,f13.8,8h hartree) write (iout,1200) write (nshout,1200) do 500 i=1,nq qq(i)=qq(i)+qq1(i) write (iout,1160) i,qq1(i),qq(i) write (nshout,1160) i,qq1(i),qq(i) 500 continue 1160 format(2x,i2,4x,2f12.7) 1200 format(/1x,44hgeometry change and new internal coordinates,/) return end subroutine conver(x,f,natoms,qq,fi,nq,xm,idsp,ncard) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) logical fail dimension x(1),f(1),qq(1),fi(1),xm(1) common/work/bb(180,180),xa(60),ya(60),zza(60),ccc(16290), 1cc(180),l(180),m(180) common /files/ inp,iout,ikk,ipun,nshout common /ite/ iter,intnl,fail,iix ix=iix do 10 i=1,natoms ii=3*i-2 xa(i)=x(ii) ya(i)=x(ii+1) 10 zza(i)=x(ii+2) 1140 format(/,5x,16h determinant = ,d16.5) 1150 format(/1x,34hinternal coordinates and gradients,/) 1160 format(2x,i2,4x,2f12.7) 1170 format(8f10.7) rewind ix nek=3*natoms ncmax=180 nqmax=180 n=natoms nq=0 call machb(nek,bb,ncmax,nqmax,xa,ya,zza,qq,n,ix,iout,nq,.false., 1 .false.,ncard) i1=0 do 2240 i=1,nq do 2240 j=1,nq i1=i1+1 s=0.d0 do 2230 k=1,nek 2230 s=s+bb(k,i)*bb(k,j)*xm(k) 2240 ccc(i1)=s tol=1.d-8 call osinv(ccc,nq,d,tol,l,m) if( write (iout,1140)d if( write (iout,1150) write (nshout,1150) do 2260 i=1,nq ttt=0.0d0 do 2250 j=1,nek 2250 ttt=ttt+bb(j,i)*f(j)*xm(j) 2260 cc(i)=ttt ij=0 do 320 i=1,nq ttt=0.d0 do 2280 j=1,nq ij=ij+1 2280 ttt=ttt+ccc(ij)*cc(j) fi(i)=ttt write (iout,1160) i,qq(i),fi(i) write (nshout,1160) i,qq(i),fi(i) write (ipun,1170) qq(i),fi(i) 320 continue return end subroutine displ(x1xx,qd,natoms,nq,xm,symb,ncard,ccin) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) logical ltex,fail dimension x1xx(1),qd(1),xm(1),symb(1),ccin(180) common /info/ xcc(180),nat,ika,mult,ia(60),nnn common /work/ bb(180,180),xa(60),ya(60),zza(60),ccc(16290), 1cc(180),f(180),fi(180),xy(180),qq1(180),qq(180),xin(180), 2ndtt(12) common /files/ inp,iout,ikk,ipun,nshout common /ite/ iter,intnl,fail,iix integer symb ltex=.true. ix=iix idsp=1 call conver(x1xx,f,natoms,qq,fi,nq,xm,idsp,ncard) do 200 i=1,nq xin(i)=i 200 qq1(i)=ccin(i) nek=3*natoms ncmax=180 nqmax=180 n=natoms tol=1.d-8 rewind ix write (iout,1250) write (iout,1260) (qq(j),j=1,nq) write (iout,1270) (xin(j),ccin(j),j=1,nq) write (nshout,1270) (xin(j),ccin(j),j=1,nq) irep=0 do 640 i=1,n xy(i)=xa(i) j=i+n xy(j)=ya(i) j=j+n xy(j)=zza(i) 640 continue 650 continue irep=irep+1 ij=0 do 670 i=1,nq s=0.0d0 do 660 j=1,nq ij=ij+1 s=s+ccc(ij)*qq1(j) 660 continue fi(i)=s 670 continue do 690 i=1,nek s=0.0d0 do 680 j=1,nq s=s+bb(i,j)*fi(j) 680 continue qq1(i)=s*xm(i) 690 continue i3=0 do 700 i=1,n i3=i3+3 xy(i)=xy(i)+qq1(i3-2) j=i+n xy(j)=xy(j)+qq1(i3-1) j=j+n xy(j)=xy(j)+qq1(i3) 700 continue i2=2*n+1 do 710 i=1,ncard backspace ix 710 continue call machb (nek,bb,ncmax,nqmax,xy(1),xy(n+1),xy(i2),qq1,n,ix, 1iout,nq,.false.,.true.,ncard) write (iout,1280) irep write (iout,1260) (qq1(i),i=1,nq) qmax=0.0d0 do 720 i=1,nq qd(i)=qq1(i) qq1(i)=qq(i)+ccin(i)-qq1(i) if( qmax=dabs(qq1(i)) 720 continue if ( go to 650 if ( write (iout,1330) if ( write (nshout,1330) write (iout,1290) write (ipun,1300) (xin(i),ccin(i),i=1,4) i3=0 do 740 i=1,n i3=i3+3 ym=1.0d0/xm(i3) xiat=ia(i) j=i+n j1=j+n x=xy(i)-xa(i) y=xy(j)-ya(i) z=xy(j1)-zza(i) write (iout,1310) i,xiat,x,y,z,xy(i),xy(j),xy(j1),ym xa(i)=xy(i) ya(i)=xy(j) zza(i)=xy(j1) if(ltex) write (ipun,1320) symb(i),xiat,xy(i),xy(j),xy(j1),ym 740 continue do 760 i=1,n j=i+n j1=j+n i1=3*i-2 i2=i1+1 i3=i2+1 x1xx(i1)=xy(i) x1xx(i2)=xy(j) x1xx(i3)=xy(j1) 760 continue 1250 format (/1x,30horiginal internal coordinates ,/) 1260 format (2x,5f12.7,3x,5f12.7) 1270 format (/,1x,21hinternal displacement,4(f4.0,f12.6)) 1280 format (1x,5hstep=,i4) 1290 format (/,1x,53hcartesian displacements and new cartesian coordina 1tes,/) 1300 format (7hdispl. ,4(f3.0,1h,,f6.4),3x,3(a4,a6)) 1310 format (1x,i2,2h n,f3.0,3f10.6,1x,3f11.7,1x,f6.3) 1320 format (2hn=,a4,4x,5f10.6) 1330 format (/,1x,48h*****caution,within 15 steps no convergence*****/) return end subroutine setup(ih,lopt,iop,nfix,ifix,kell,tol,natp,m,nqlim,inp x ,iout,xita,wk,iix) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension wk(iop),lopt(iop),ifix(nqlim) character*4 wk,wo character*8 a(10),astp parameter(one=1.0d0,ten=10.d0) data astp/'stop'/ c c set some deault parameter c m=1 tol=1.d-4 ih=0 nfix=0 c c read options c 10 read(inp,500) wo,x do 20 i=1,iop if(wk(i).eq.wo) goto 30 20 continue write(iout,511) wo 30 continue if(i.eq.7) then backspace inp 50 read(inp,502) a write(iix,502) a if(a(1).eq.astp) goto 40 goto 50 endif lopt(i)=1 write(iout,510) wo,x if(i.eq.3) kell=x+0.01d0 if(i.eq.4) then iex=x+0.01d0 tol=ten**(-iex) endif if(i.eq.5) ih=2 if(i.eq.8) then nfix=nfix+1 ifix(nfix)=x+0.01d0 endif if(i.eq.9) then ih=x+0.01d0 if( if(ih.eq.1)ih=1 endif if(i.eq.10) natp=x+0.01d0 if(i.eq.6)xita=one goto 10 40 continue 500 format (a4,6x,f10.5) 510 format(1x,a4,2x,13hoption is on ,2f10.5) 511 format(1x,'not such option',2x,a4) 502 format(10a) return end subroutine objet(xc,en,g,natoms,inp2,iout,natp,nmax,inp1,nshout, x niter,symb,xm) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) common/vari/type(50),numb1(50),numb2(50),chg(50),iatno1(50) integer type,numb1,numb2,symb dimension xc(nmax,3),g(*),symb(*),xm(*),ia(50) data one/1.0d0/ rewind inp2 read(inp2,900)niter write(iout,910)niter write (iout,530) na=0 do 70 i=1,natp read(inp2,920)type(i),numb1(i),numb2(i),chg(i),iatno1(i) numb=numb2(i) do 71 j=1,numb na=na+1 i3=na*3 symb(na)=type(i) ia(na)=chg(i)+0.1 read(inp2,930)xc(na,1),xc(na,2),xc(na,3),xm(i3) if (xm(i3).eq.0.0) xm(i3)=1.0 write (iout,550) na,ia(na),xc(na,1),xc(na,2),xc(na,3),xm(i3) xm(i3)=one/xm(i3) xm(i3-1)=xm(i3) xm(i3-2)=xm(i3) 71 continue 70 continue natoms=na if( to 72 write(iout,520)na stop 'objet' 72 continue nek=3*na read (inp1,560) (g(i),i=1,nek) c do 73 i=1,nek c g(i)=-g(i) c 73 continue write (iout,570) write (iout,580) (g(i),i=1,nek) write (nshout,570) write (nshout,580) (g(i),i=1,nek) xfqx=g(1) do 80 i=2,nek 80 xfqx=xfqx+g(i) if (dabs(xfqx).gt.1.0d-5) write (iout,590) xfqx if (dabs(xfqx).gt.1.0d-5) write (nshout,590) xfqx if (dabs(xfqx).gt.1.0d-5) stop 'objet' 520 format (1x,16htoo many nuclei ,i5) 530 format (20x,'nuclear coordinates in a.u.'/) 550 format (5x,i2,3x,i2,3f12.7,3x,f12.6) 560 format (3d15.7) 570 format (//,1x,'gradients'/) 580 format (1x,3f12.6) 590 format (/,1x,26hforces do not vanish, sum=,f15.7,/) 900 format(i4) 910 format('1',/t21,'program "gdiis 1.0"', + //t10,'algorithm to optimizing molecular geometry', + /t10,'the version based on subroutin in program "geomo"', + /t10,'from p. csaszar and a.g. csaszar, elte budapest', + //t10,'reference:',t25,'p. csaszar and p. pulay,', + ' j. mol. struct. 114, 31 (1984).', + //t10,'programmed by: peter g. szalay', + /t25,'institute for theoretical chemistry', + /t25,'of univesity vienna', + /t25,'waehringer str 17, a-1090 wien ', + /t25,'austria', + /t25,'phone (222)43-61-41/70', + /t25,'bitnet: a8441gad at awiuni11' + //t10,'version date:',t25,'06-aug-87', + //////,' iteration number',i4,///) 920 format(a3,2i3,f3.0,i3) 930 format(4f14.8) return end subroutine dump(m,kell,nq,natoms,niter,xita,x,natp,lopt,gdiisf, x hh,inp2,iout,xm,nshout) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) common/work1/xx(180,60),ee(180,60),gg(180,60),qq(180,60) common/vari/type(50),numb1(50),numb2(50),chg(50),iatno1(50) integer type,numb1,numb2 parameter(iop=10) dimension x(*),hh(*) ,lopt(iop),xm(*) integer gdiisf rewind gdiisf if((lopt(5).gt.0).or.(kell.le.1)) goto 201 write(gdiisf) m lang=kell-1 if( lang=m-1 write(gdiisf) kell,lang,nq,natp,lopt c&& c print*,' m',m,' kell',kell,' lang',lang c&& write(gdiisf)((ee(i,j),j=1,lang),i=1,nq) write(gdiisf)((qq(i,j),j=1,lang),i=1,nq) write(gdiisf)((gg(i,j),j=1,lang),i=1,nq) nqq=nq**2 write(gdiisf)(hh(i),i=1,nqq) write(gdiisf) xita 201 rewind inp2 write(inp2,900) niter write(iout,772) write(nshout,772) jj=0 do 491 i=1,natp write(inp2,920)type(i),numb1(i),numb2(i),chg(i),iatno1(i) numb=numb2(i) xiat=chg(i) do 492 j=1,numb jj=jj+1 jj1=(jj-1)*3+1 jj2=jj1+1 jj3=jj2+1 xa=x(jj1) ya=x(jj2) za=x(jj3) xxmk=1.d0/xm(3*jj) write(inp2,940)xa,ya,za,xxmk write(iout,792)jj,xiat,xa,ya,za,xxmk write(nshout,792)jj,xiat,xa,ya,za,xxmk 492 continue 491 continue if((lopt(5).gt.0).or.(kell.le.1))then jj=1 do 485 i=1,nq ij1=jj+i-1 write(inp2,720)(hh(j),j=jj,ij1) jj=jj+nq 485 continue 101 format(10i8) 102 format(10a8) 720 format (8f10.5) 772 format(/' cartesian coordinates in a.u.'/) 792 format(1x,i3,4h n,f3.0,4f12.7) 900 format(i4) 920 format(a3,2i3,f3.0,i3) 940 format(4f14.5,24x) endif return end subroutine rest(m,kell,lang,nq,xita,lopt,gdiisf,hh,natp) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) common/work1/xx(180,60),ee(180,60),gg(180,60),qq(180,60) c common/vari/type(50),numb1(50),numb2(50),chg(50),iatno1(50) c integer type,numb1,numb2 parameter(iop=10) dimension hh(*) ,lopt(iop) integer gdiisf rewind gdiisf read(gdiisf) m if(m.le.1) stop ' m in rest kleiner als 2' read(gdiisf) kell,lang,nq,natp,lopt print*,' m=',m,'kell=',kell,'lang=',lang read(gdiisf)((ee(i,j),j=1,lang),i=1,nq) read(gdiisf)((qq(i,j),j=1,lang),i=1,nq) read(gdiisf)((gg(i,j),j=1,lang),i=1,nq) nqq=nq**2 read(gdiisf)(hh(i),i=1,nqq) read(gdiisf) xita lang=lang+1 101 format(10i8) 102 format(10a8) return end subroutine dzero(n,a,ia) c c zero the elements of the vector a(). c n = number of elements in the vector. c a = working precision vector. c ia = spacing between vector elements. c c written by ron shepard. c double precision a(ia,*) double precision zero parameter(zero=0d0) c if(n.le.0)return do 10 i=1,n 10 a(1,i)=zero return end real*8 function dot() dot = 0.d0 write (6,'('' ****** error''/'' ****** dot called'')') stop 'gdiis called dot' end real*8 function updot() updot = 0.d0 write (6,'('' ****** error''/'' ****** updot called'')') stop 'gdiis called updot' end