Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 15:40:12 -0400 From: mfrancl (Francl Michelle M) To: srusso Subject: chelp.f X-UIDL: 800307735.006 C C CHELP C C (Net Atomic) Charges fit to ELectrostatic Potentials C C M.M. Francl C L.E. Chirlian C c platform: c runs on SGI under Iris 4.0.5 c c ab initio interface: c currently uses Spartan archive files as input for c wavefunction c c code history: c C April 1985 C Princeton Chemistry Department VAX 11/780 C VMS 3.7 c C modified 6/91 mmf Bryn Mawr College c to do point selection via random number algorithm cc c modified 2/94 mmf Bryn Mawr College c to eliminate dipole constraint c c c modified 6/94 mmf Bryn Mawr College c to fit to selected subset of charges c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) c c read in data from checkpoint file c call readin c c choose random points within a user-selected box until a pre-set c maximum has been reached c call select c c calculate the electrostatic potential using first order Hartree-Fock c perturbation theory c call ep c c using method of Lagrange multipliers, fit by least squares the charges c to the electrostatic potential, constraining the fit to reproduce the c total molecular charge and the molecular dipole moment c call fit c c print out table of results c call out c end c SUBROUTINE READIN C C written by M.M. Francl for the C Princeton Chemistry Department VAX 11/780 under VMS 3.4. c modified by L.E. Chirlian under VMS 3.7. C This version is compatible with GAUSSIAN 82 from Carnegie- C Mellon University and is designed for the input of MO and C basis information from checkpoint files. This version is C to be used for the determination of atomic charges from C electrostatic potentials determined by first order Hartree c Fock perurbarion theory. c c modified 5/29/91 to read in size of VDW envelope (FACTOR) c and step size between shells (DELR) c mmf cc modified 6/3/91 to deal with random # point selection c mmf c c modified 1993 to use Spartan archive file C.Carey C C limitations: no more than 256 basis functions C no more than 80 shells C implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) character*8 title1, title2, title3 integer*4 shella,shelln,shellt,shellc,aos,aon,shlAdf character*40 arcfil character*80 temp character*8 word,beta C COMMON /IO/ IN,IOUT common /mol/ natoms,icharge,multip,nae,nbe,ne,nbasis,ian(101), $ atmchg(100),c(3,100) common /b/ exx(1000),c1(1000),c2(1000),c3(1000),cf(1000), $ shladf(1000),x(1000),y(1000),z(1000), $ jan(1000),shella(1000),shelln(1000),shellt(1000), $ shellc(1000), $ aos(1000),aon(1000),nshells,maxtyp common /ipo/ ipo(10) common /xout/ title1(10),title2(10),title3(10),arcfil, 1 dipx, dipy, dipz, q(104), nd,rms,percent common /charge/ coef_alpha(9000),coef_beta(9000),iUHF common /sphere/ vdwr(104), npts, nvect,vect(3,3074) common /points/ p(3,50000), maxpnts common /envelope/ factor,factor2,xlen,ylen,zlen common /pot/ eigen(300),eigenII(300) common /tobefit/ isfit(100),nfit C DATA MAXbas /300/ DATA NPO/ 10/ data iunit/ 3/, iread/ 2/, ifind/11/ in = 5 iout = 6 C C checkpoint file name C READ(IN,1000) ARCFIL 1000 FORMAT(a40) C C INPUT INFORMATION C read (in,1010) (title1(i),i=1,10) 1010 format(9a8,a7) read (in,1010)(title2(i),i=1,10) if (title2(1) .eq. ' ') then goto 24 end if read (in,1010) (title3(i),i=1,10) if (title3(1) .eq. ' ') then goto 24 end if 24 continue c C C read in print options C 3000 READ(IN,*) (IPO(I),I=1,NPO) c c read in # of d functions c note: if the basis set uses 5 d function, nd must be c set equal to 1 to accomodate the integral package. c if the basis set uses 6 d functions, nd is set equal to c 0. c read(in,*) nd if (nd .ne. 5 .and. nd .ne. 6) then stop '# of d functions must be 5 or 6' end if if (nd .eq. 5) then nd = 1 goto 15 end if nd = 0 15 continue c c read in dipole moment - TURNED OFF NOW c the three components are read in seperately c cdip read (in,*)dipx,dipy,dipz c C*********************************************************************** C C open archive C open(iunit, file=arcfil,status='OLD') open = FALSE C IWWRIT = IPO(1) C C*********************************************************************** C C open SPARTAN Archive C C read banner and title - discard C read(iunit,1030) temp read(iunit,1030) temp C C*********************************************************************** C C read #atoms, #basis fns, #shells, #gaussians, molecular charge, and C spin multiplicity. C (NORB is the #of orbitals stored on archive. for open shells: total C alpha = total beta) C read(iunit,9002) natoms,nbasis,nshells,ngauss,icharge, $ multip,norb,irs C C*********************************************************************** C C more than 300 basis fns C if ( stop 'exceeds masbas' C C read filler line C read(iunit,1020) word C C read atomic numbers and cartesian coords - these are in bohrs C do 10 i=1,natoms read(iunit,*) ian(i),(c(j,i),j=1,3) 10 continue C C read filler line C read(iunit,1020) word C C*********************************************************************** C C read basis set info C icnt=1 do 29 i=1,nshells read(iunit,*) shellt(i),shelln(i),shella(i),jan(i), $ shellc(i) x(i)=c(1,jan(i)) y(i)=c(2,jan(i)) z(i)=c(3,jan(i)) if (shellt(i).lt.2) then shladf(i)=0 else shladf(i)=shella(i) endif if (i.eq.1) then aos(i)=icnt else if ( ((ian(jan(i)) .le. 2) .and. (shellt(i) .eq. 0)) $ .or. ((ian(jan(i)) .gt. 2) .and. (ian(jan(i)) .le. 18) $ .and. (shellt(i) .le. 1)) .or. ((ian(jan(i)) .gt. 18) $ .and. (ian(jan(i)) .le. 54) .and. (shellt(i) .le. 2)) ) then aos(i)=icnt else aos(i)=aos(i-1) endif endif if (shellt(i).eq.0) icnt=icnt + 1 if (shellt(i).eq.1) icnt=icnt + 4 if (shellt(i).eq.2) icnt=icnt + 6 if (shellt(i).eq.3) icnt=icnt + 10 29 continue C C*********************************************************************** C exx- gaussian exponent C c1 - a coefficient C c2 - p coefficient C c3 - d coefficient C cf - f coefficient C do 30 i=1,ngauss read(iunit,*) exx(i) read(iunit,*) c1(i),c2(i),c3(i),cf(i) 30 continue C C*********************************************************************** C read filler line read(iunit,1020) word C C read hf and mp2 energies - discard read(iunit,*)ehf,emp2 C C read filler line read(iunit,1020) word C C*********************************************************************** C C read in molecular energies (to discard) and the alpha coefficients C read(iunit,*) (eigen(i),i=1,nbasis) C do 40 imo=1,norb read(iunit,*) (coef_alpha(nbasis*(imo-1)+j),j=1,nbasis) 40 continue iUHF=0 c C*********************************************************************** C C read in molecular energies (to discard ) and the beta MO coefficients C read(iunit,1020,END=80) word C if (word.eq.'BETA ') then read(iunit,*) (eigenII(i),i=1,nbasis) iUHF=1 C do 41 imo=1,norb read(iunit,*) (coef_beta(nbasis*(imo-1)+j),j=1,nbasis) 41 continue open=TRUE endif 80 continue C close(iunit,status='KEEP') C C*********************************************************************** C C calculations C ne=0 do 99 i=1,natoms ne=ne + ian(i) 99 continue ne=ne - icharge C itmp=ne - multip + 1 nae=itmp/2 + mulitp - 1 nbe=itmp/2 C maxtyp=0 do 999 i=1,nshells if (shellt(i).gt.maxtyp) maxtyp=shellt(i) 999 continue C C*********************************************************************** C C read in sphere data (van der Waals radii, # of points to fit) C read (in,*) (vdwr(i),i=1,natoms) read (in,*) maxpnts if (maxpnts .gt. 49999) then stop 'Maximum number of points must be less than 49,999' end if c c set maximum van der waals radii to 4 c vmax=4. do 20 i=1,natoms if (vdwr(i) .gt. vmax) then write (iout, 2500) i 2500 format (3x, 'The van der waals radii of atom', i3, 1 'is out of range') stop end if 20 continue c C************************************************************************ C C read in the size of VDW envelope and step size - STEP SIZES MUST BE in Angstroms C read(in,*) factor,factor2,xlen,ylen,zlen C C*********************************************************************** c c read in the numbers of charges to be fit and the atoms numbers c at which the charges should be centered c read(in,*) nfit read(in,*) (isfit(i),i=1,nfit) c c********************************************************************* IF(IWWRIT .NE. 1) GOTO 170 WRITE(IOUT,8000)(C(1,I),C(2,I),C(3,I),I=1,natoms) 8000 FORMAT(/1X,'Coordinates'/(1X,3F12.6)) WRITE(IOUT,8020) natoms,icharge,multip,nae,nbe,ne,nbasis $ ,nshells,maxtyp 8020 FORMAT(/1X,'natoms = ',I3 $/1X,'icharge = ',I3 $/1X,'multip = ',I3 $/1X,'nae = ',I3 $/1X,'nbe = ',I3 $/1X,'ne = ',I3 $/1X,'nbasis = ',I3 $/1x,'nshells = ',i3 $/1x,'maxtyp = ',i3) WRITE(IOUT,8030) (ian(I),I=1,natoms) 8030 FORMAT(/1X,'ian'/(1X,20I3)) WRITE(IOUT,8050) (jan(I),shellt(I),shella(I),I=1,NSHELL) 8050 FORMAT(/1X,'center type shella'/(1X,3I7)) WRITE(IOUT,8055) shella(NSHELL+1) 8055 FORMAT(1X,14X,I7) WRITE(IOUT,8060) (EXX(I),C1(I),C2(I),I=1,nshells) 8060 FORMAT(/1X,12X,'EXPON',8X,'EXPCOF(S)',8X,'EXPCOF(P)', $/(1X,3E17.9)) write(iout,8070) (c3(i),cf(i),i=1,nshells) 8070 FORMAT(/1X,12X,'EXPCOF(D)',8X,'EXPCOF(F)', $/(1X,2E17.9)) write (iout,3010) nd, dipx, dipy, dipz 3010 format(/1x,'# of d functions',i1,/,6x,'dipole-x',f6.3,6x,' 1 dipole-y',f6.3,6x,'dipole-z'f6.3) write (iout,3575) 3575 format(/,15x,'atom #',15x,'v.d.w. radii') do 3500 i=1,natoms write (iout,4000)i,vdwr(i) 4000 format (15x,i5,20x,f5.2) 3500 continue write (iout,4500) maxpts 4500 format(/2x,'number of points to fit',i6) 170 CONTINUE C C****************************************************************************** C return C 1020 format(A8) 1030 format(A80) 9002 format(8I4,1X) END C C****************************************************************************** c subroutine ep c c routine to calculate the electrostatic potential from first order c perturbation theory c c M.M. Francl April 1985 c modified version of a MEPhisto routine c restricted to closed shell molecules c uep is version for unrestricted Hartree-Fock wavefunctions c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer*4 shella,shelln,shellt,aos,shellc,aon,handle C common /io/ in,iout common /ipo/ ipo(10) common /b/ exx(1000),c1(1000),c2(1000),c3(2500), $ x(1000),y(1000),z(1000), $ jan(1000),shella(1000),shelln(1000),shellt(1000), $ shellc(1000),aos(1000),aon(1000),nshells,maxtyp common /mol/ natoms,icharge,multip,nae,nbe,nel,nbasis,ian(101), $ atmchg(100),c(3,100) common /points/ p(3,50000),maxpnts common /elp/ elecp(50000) common /charge/ coef_alpha(9000),coef_beta(9000),iUHF common /xout/ title1(10),title2(10),title3(10),arcfil,dipole(3), $ q(104),i6to5,rms,percent C dimension hpert(45150),index(300) C data iptchg/1.0/ DATA ZERO/0.0/, TWO/2.0/, vnucmax/30.0/ C c divert to routine uep if wavefunction is unrestricted c Hartree-Fock wavefunction c if (iUHF .eq. 1) then call uep return end if c c initialize timing c handle = 0 C c set up the indexing table for hpert c do 100 i=1,nbasis index(i) = (i-1)*i/2 100 continue C c begin loop to calculate electrostatic potential C nocc = nel / 2 c do 200 npnt=1,maxpnts x1 = p(1,npnt) x2 = p(2,npnt) x3 = p(3,npnt) C C CALCULATE THE ONE-ELECTRON INTEGRALS C if (ipo(7).eq.1) then write(iout,3010) 3010 format(1x,'Time for integrals') end if c CALL INTGRL (HPERT,X1,X2,X3,IPTCHG,i6to5) c if (ipo(4).eq.1) call linout (hpert,nbasis,0,0) c if (ipo(7).eq.1) then write(iout,3000) 3000 format(1x,'Time for transform') end if C C FORM THE HPERT MATRIX ELEMENTS C e = zero ICOEFI = -NBASIS C C sum over occupied MOs C DO 220 II=1,NOCC ICOEFI = ICOEFI + NBASIS c c Calculate electrostatic potential c DO 221 IP=1,NBASIS cpi = coef_alpha(icoefi+ip) ipdex = index(ip) c do 222 iq=1,ip e = e + cpi * coef_alpha(icoefi+iq) * hpert(ipdex+iq) 222 continue do 223 iq=ip+1,nbasis e = e + cpi * coef_alpha(icoefi+iq) * hpert(ip+index(iq)) 223 continue c 221 continue 220 CONTINUE C C Calculate nuclear part of electrostatic potential C vnuc = zero do 300 iatom=1,natoms del1 = c(1,iatom) - x1 del2 = c(2,iatom) - x2 del3 = c(3,iatom) - x3 ra = dsqrt(del1*del1 + del2*del2 + del3*del3) if ( then vnuc=vnucmax goto 310 end if vnuc = vnuc + ian(iatom) / ra 300 continue 310 continue c elecp(npnt) = (e * two + vnuc * iptchg) if (ipo(7) .eq. 1) write(iout,*) 'e(',npnt,') = ',e 200 CONTINUE END subroutine uep c c routine to calculate the electrostatic potential from first order c perturbation theory c c M.M. Francl July 1985 c modified version of a MEPhisto routine c restricted to unrestricted Hartree-Fock wavefunctions c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer*4 shella,shelln,shellt,aos,shellc,aon,handle C common /io/ in,iout common /ipo/ ipo(10) common /b/ exx(1000),c1(1000),c2(1000),c3(2500), $ x(1000),y(1000),z(1000), $ jan(1000),shella(1000),shelln(1000),shellt(1000), $ shellc(1000),aos(1000),aon(1000),nshells,maxtyp common /mol/ natoms,icharge,multip,nae,nbe,nel,nbasis,ian(101), $ atmchg(100),c(3,100) common /points/ p(3,50000),maxpnts common /elp/ elecp(50000) common /charge/ coef_alpha(9000),coef_beta(9000),iUHF common /xout/ title1(10),title2(10),title3(10),arcfil,dipole(3), $ q(104),i6to5,rms,percent C dimension hpert(45150),index(300) C data iptchg/1.0/ DATA ZERO/0.0/, TWO/2.0/, vnucmax/30.0/ C c intialize timing c handle = 0 C c set up the indexing table for hpert c do 100 i=1,nbasis index(i) = (i-1)*i/2 100 continue C c begin loop to calculate electrostatic potential C do 200 npnt=1,maxpnts x1 = p(1,npnt) x2 = p(2,npnt) x3 = p(3,npnt) C C CALCULATE THE ONE-ELECTRON INTEGRALS C if (ipo(7).eq.1) then write(iout,3010) 3010 format(1x,'Time for integrals') end if c CALL INTGRL (HPERT,X1,X2,X3,IPTCHG,i6to5) c if (ipo(4).eq.1) call linout (hpert,nbasis,0,0) c if (ipo(7).eq.1) then write(iout,3000) 3000 format(1x,'Time for transform') end if C C FORM THE HPERT MATRIX ELEMENTS C c alpha code c e = zero ICOEFI = -NBASIS C C sum over occupied alpha MOs C DO 220 II=1,nae ICOEFI = ICOEFI + NBASIS c c Calculate electrostatic potential c DO 221 IP=1,NBASIS cpi = coef_alpha(icoefi+ip) ipdex = index(ip) c do 222 iq=1,ip e = e + cpi * coef_alpha(icoefi+iq) * hpert(ipdex+iq) 222 continue do 223 iq=ip+1,nbasis e = e + cpi * coef_alpha(icoefi+iq) * hpert(ip+index(iq)) 223 continue c 221 continue 220 CONTINUE C c beta code c ICOEFI = -NBASIS C C sum over occupied beta MOs C DO 420 II=1,nbe ICOEFI = ICOEFI + NBASIS c c Calculate electrostatic potential c DO 421 IP=1,NBASIS cpi = coef_beta(icoefi+ip) ipdex = index(ip) c do 422 iq=1,ip e = e + cpi * coef_beta(icoefi+iq) * hpert(ipdex+iq) 422 continue do 423 iq=ip+1,nbasis e = e + cpi * coef_beta(icoefi+iq) * hpert(ip+index(iq)) e = e + cpi * coef_* hpert(ip+index(iq)) 423 continue c 421 continue 420 CONTINUE C C Calculate nuclear part of electrostatic potential C vnuc = zero do 300 iatom=1,natoms del1 = c(1,iatom) - x1 del2 = c(2,iatom) - x2 del3 = c(3,iatom) - x3 ra = dsqrt(del1*del1 + del2*del2 + del3*del3) if ( then vnuc=vnucmax goto 310 end if vnuc = vnuc + ian(iatom) / ra 300 continue 310 continue c elecp(npnt) = (e * two + vnuc * iptchg) if (ipo(7) .eq. 1) write(iout,*) 'e(',npnt,') = ',e 200 CONTINUE END subroutine fit c c routine to use method of Lagrange multipliers to obtain best c least square fit with constraints c c M.M. Francl c April 1985 c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer*4 which1 character*40 arcfil c common /io/ in,iout common /ipo/ ipo(10) common /elp/ e(50000) common /points/ p(3,50000),maxpnts common /xout/ title1(10),title2(10),title3(10),arcfil,dipole(3), $ x(104),i6to5,rms,percent common /mol/ nats,icharge,multip,nae,nbe,nel,nbasis,ian(101), $ atmchg(100),c(3,100) common /tobefit/ isfit(100),nfit c dimension a(104,104),y(104),is(2,104),iad1(104),iad2(104) dimension d(104),which1(3),sx(100) c c debye = conversion from debyes to au c data one/1.0/, zero/0.0/, debye/0.393427328/, maxdim/104/ data au2cal/627.51/, half/0.5/, hundred/100.0/ c c -DIPOLE CONSTRAINT TURNED OFF- c c determine number of dipole constraints to impose. If molecule c is planar, since the charges are constrained to be placed at c atomic centers, by definition the component of the dipole in c the direction perpendicular to the plane will be zero c c call constraints (nconstr,which1) nconstr = 1 c c set up number of atoms to be fit c natoms = nfit c c set up matrix of linear coefficients, A c c begin loop over rows c do 100 k=1,natoms kat = isfit(k) c c begin loop over columns c do 200 mu=1,natoms muat = isfit(mu) c sum = zero do 400 i=1,maxpnts rik = (p(1,i)-c(1,kat))**2 + (p(2,i)-c(2,kat))**2 + $ (p(3,i)-c(3,kat))**2 rik = dsqrt(rik) rimu = (p(1,i)-c(1,muat))**2 + (p(2,i)-c(2,muat))**2 + $ (p(3,i)-c(3,muat))**2 rimu = dsqrt(rimu) sum = sum + one / (rik * rimu) 400 continue c a(k,mu) = sum 200 continue c c fill out columns corresponding to Lagrange multipliers c a(k,natoms+1) = half c c disregard coordinate information if corresponding dipole c constraint is not being used c cdip jcon = natoms + 1 cdip do 300 icon=1,3 cdip if (which1(icon) .eq. 1) goto 300 cdip jcon = jcon + 1 cdip a(k,jcon) = c(icon,k) * half cdip 300 continue c 100 continue c c fill out the rows corresponding to constraints c do 500 mu=1,natoms a(natoms+1,mu) = one c c don't include data for rows corresponding to dipole moment c components which are not being considered explicitly as c constraints c cdip jcon = natoms + 1 cdip do 550 icon=1,3 cdip if (which1(icon) .eq. 1) goto 550 cdip jcon = jcon + 1 cdip a(jcon,mu) = c(icon,mu) cdip 550 continue c 500 continue c c fill out the block which connects Lagrange multipliers to c constraints c cdip do 600 k=natoms+1,natoms+nconstr cdip do 600 mu=natoms+1,natoms+nconstr cdip a(k,mu) = zero cdip 600 continue c a(natoms+1,natoms+1) = zero c c****debug***** c if (ipo(3) .eq. 1) then write(iout,*) 'A matrix' do 699 k=1,natoms+nconstr write(iout,1699) (a(k,mu),mu=1,natoms+nconstr) 1699 format(1x,10f10.4) 699 continue end if c*************** c c construct column vector, Y c do 700 k=1,natoms kat = isfit(k) sum = zero do 710 i=1,maxpnts rik = (p(1,i)-c(1,kat))**2 + (p(2,i)-c(2,kat))**2 + $ (p(3,i)-c(3,kat))**2 rik = dsqrt(rik) sum = sum + e(i) / rik 710 continue y(k) = sum if (ipo(3) .eq. 1) write(iout,*) k,y(k) 700 continue c c construct the portion of y corresponding to Lagrange multipliers c c convert dipole moment to atomic units and reverse it, the c convention for dipole moments in Gaussian 82 is opposite that of c the actual charge distribution c y(natoms+1) = dfloat(icharge) c c disregard dipole moment components which are not being used for c explicit constraints c cdip jcon = natoms + 1 c do 750 icon=1,3 c if (which1(icon) .eq. 1) goto 750 c jcon = jcon + 1 c y(jcon) = -dipole(icon) * debye c 750 continue c if (ipo(3) .eq. 1) $ write(iout,*) 'col vectr y', (y(kk),kk=1,natoms+nconstr) c c solve matrix equation Ax = y; c where x = (q1,q2, ... qn,l1,l2, ... ,ln) c c x = A(inv)y c c invert A c call inv(a,natoms+nconstr,is,iad1,iad2,d,maxdim) c c****debug***** c if (ipo(3) .eq. 1) then write(iout,*) 'A inverse' do 799 k=1,natoms+nconstr write(iout,1699) (a(k,mu),mu=1,natoms+nconstr) 799 continue end if c************** c c perform matrix multiplication A(inv)y c call multay(a,y,x,natoms+nconstr,maxdim) c if (ipo(3) .eq. 1) then write(iout,*) 'Charges: ' do 899 i=1,natoms write(iout,*) isfit(i),ian(isfit(i)),x(i) 899 continue end if c compute rms deviation and mean absolute % deviation c of electrostatic potential c rms = zero percent = zero do 800 i=1,maxpnts eq = zero do 810 j=1,natoms jat = isfit(j) dist = (p(1,i)-c(1,jat))**2 + (p(2,i)-c(2,jat))**2 + $ (p(3,i)-c(3,jat))**2 dist = dsqrt(dist) eq = eq + x(j) / dist 810 continue rms = rms + (e(i) - eq)**2 percent = percent + dabs((e(i) - eq) / e(i) * hundred) cc if (ipo(3) .eq. 1) write(iout,*) 'actual,calc ',e(i),eq 800 continue if (ipo(3) .eq. 1) write(iout,*) 'sum of squares ',rms resid = dsqrt( rms / (maxpnts - 2)) if (ipo(3) .eq. 1) write(iout,*) 's y/x ',resid rms = dsqrt(rms / maxpnts) * au2cal percent = percent / maxpnts if (ipo(3) .eq. 1) write(iout,*) 'rms, %',rms,percent c c calculate the standard deviations on the charges c do 10 j=1,natoms jat = isfit(j)