This program was retrieved from anonymous ftp on This programs fits a function (given as a FORTRAN expression) to data. Read fitinstr.txt for more information. Before you can try to use it on your system, you need to change all accurances of /usr/local/src/splx to the path where the source files for this program really reside. You need a Freelib.a to link this program. To make this library get stuff from freeread directory in software/SOURCES/FORTRAN and run make on it. Jan Labanowski -------------------- The fit utility will generate, compile, link, and execute a FORTRAN program to fit a set of data points to a user-provided equation using the SIMPLEX algorithm. The data points and initial guesses for the adjustable parameters will be read from a file. The equation for the function has to be provided when prompted as a single, correct FORTRAN statement evaluating a variable called YCALC, e.g. : YCALC = A(1) + A(2)*X(1) + A(3)*X(2) where the A(i)'s represent the parameters to be determined, and the X(i)'s the independent variables. The equation can be non-linear in either the parameters or the variables. Both the variables and the parameters have to be given in the same sequence that they appear in the input file, and the indeces have to be continuously increasing, unless refering to a previously defined variable or parameter, i.e. : the equation YCALC=A(1)+A(2)*X(1)+A(4)*X(2) is NOT valid since the sequence of A's is broken. the sequence YCALC=A(1)+A(2)*X(1)+(A(1)+A(2))*X(2) is valid. the input equation is terminated by a , thus a single line must be used. This line can however be up to 256 characters long and wraps around when the edge of the screen is reached. The equation is parsed, converted to lower case, and broken into all the necessary FORTRAN lines by this utility. The input file should contain in the first line the initial guesses for the values of all the parameters in the sequence established by the indeces assigned in the equation. The remaining lines should contain the values for all the variables in the sequence of their assignement, followed by the "observed" value of the dependent variable (Y). All these values are read in free format and the program will recognize normal real, exponential, or integer numbers as input. The only requirements are that all the values for the independent and dependent variables are given in the same line for each point, and that they are separated by at least one blank. Alphanumeric text or comments can be present and the program will ignore them.