Apache Web Server / JServ|mod_jk / Tomcat / SSL Installation on UNIX
Disclaimer for lawyers: Everything in this directory and in the whole
site which is written by Jan Labanowski, is a pure nonsense.
Do not trust anything what he wrote. Ask a competent lawyer
instead. They know everything better and will help you for a fee.
Apache is supposedly the most popular server on the planet. Its advantage
is not only that it is free, but also that it is, for UNIX platform, as good
as some of the most prominent commercial Web servers. The pain is, however,
that you are on your own, and you will not get a nice glossy manual and
the number to call.
I also started to play with Oracle to explore JDBC. You can look at
some notes of mine at: https://server.ccl.net/cca/software/UNIX/oracle/.
I also have some write-ups on the firewall/netfilter/NAT etc
at https://server.ccl.net/cca/software/UNIX/netfilter/
Installing Apache with SSL (mod_ssl + openssl) and JServ or Tomcat
is often confusing. Since I had to do it a number of times under Linux
and Sparc Solaris, I hope that by sharing my experience I will save you
some time. I am dumping my notes to this directory when I had to reinstall
stuff due to new releases which show up
I wrote a small FAQ,
tomcatfaq.shtml which
you may want to read before following the installation logs above.
Before you read any of this, you should read the original Tomcat docs.
Start from: http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-3.2-doc/index.html
Installation logs below usually describe installation from scratch, i.e.,
everything is compiled and installed -- no binary preloads. It assumes that
you have basic GNU stuff installed (gcc, gtar, gmake, gzip, ...). On Linux
it is given, on Solaris it is not. The installation of JDK and JSDK is
also described. If you see typos and bugs,
please tell me, since I do not want
to spread disinformation and having you cursing my soul for your
lost time.
- Binary install of Tomcat 4.1.18 for Linux Red Hat 8.0 is here
- Install of Apache 2.0.43 on Solaris 2.8 is here
- Binary install of Tomcat 4.0.5 is here
- Binary install of Tomcat 4.1.12 is here
- The install of Apache 1.3.26 on RedHat 7.3 is here (Aug. 30, 2002).
- The install of Apache 1.3.26 on Solaris 2.8 is here (Aug. 30, 2002).
- I gave recently the talk about Web/Tomcat/etc to Open Source club
of Columbus, Ohio. The slides from the talk are in:
- There is a nice overview by Dave Tobey on Tomcat 3.3 and Apache on
RH7.1. Check out: http://www.tobeyhutchison.com/cgi-bin/xslt?file=/dave/tomcat-apache.html.
- Installation of
Tomcat on Debian. Kindly contributed by Matthew Danish
Uncompressed PostScript
version (85kB) and Compressed
Postscript -- debian-tomcat.ps.gz (36kB) of the document are
also available.
- Irix 6.5
Apache (1.3.14), mod_ssl, openssl, Tomcat 3.2.1, mod_jk
Installation notes for IRIX, with scripts to start Apache/Tomcat
on bootup, and modifications to the original sturtup/shutdown
scripts. Making of test certificates using openssl.
- Linux
Red Hat 7.0, Apache (1.3.14), Tomcat 3.2.1, mod_jk
Installation notes for binary distribution
of Apache which comes with RedHat 7.0 Linux, + Binary distribution
of Tomcat. Notes on compiling mod_jk on Linux. Modified script for
starting Apache/Tomcat combo on bootup. Making of test certificates.
- Linux
Red Hat 7.0, Apache (1.3.14), Tomcat 3.2.1, mod_jk
Compilation from scratch and installation notes for source distribution
of Apache and source distribution of Tomcat. Notes on compiling
mod_jk on Linux. Modified scripts for starting Apache/Tomcat combo
on bootup. Making of test certificates.
- Apache(1.3.14) Tomcat 3.2 final,
mod_jk (not jserv!) MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Solaris/SPARC.
These are detailed notes on how to install Tomcat 3.2 final
latest production apache, and MOD_SSL/OPEN SSL,
Extended API. I do not hide anything (oh, well, maybe not...).
This is fairly new stuff, so please correct my mistakes and save others
from doom. It is slow... However, I did not try options to
switch off servlet reloading. This may help...
- Apache(1.3.14) Tomcat 3.2 beta 5,
mod_jk (not jserv!) MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Solaris/SPARC.
These are detailed notes on how to install Tomcat 3.2 beta5
(beta 6 did not work for me), latest apache, and MOD_SSL/OPEN SSL,
Extended API. I do not hide anything (oh, well, maybe not...).
This is fairly new stuff, so please correct my mistakes and save others
from doom. Also, I am not sure, I would switch from Tomcat 3.1 to 3.2
now. While the URL rewriting is great (possibly, I did not try yet),
it is also VERY SLOW!!! The response time I am getting is TERRIBLE.
But we are working at the bleeding edge, like riding an iron horse...
- Apache (1.3.12)
+ Tomcat 3.1 (final) + JServ 1.1.1 + MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Solaris/SPARC
These are very detailed notes on how to run under the same Apache
server both the Tomcat 3.1 (Servlet Spec 2.2) and the JServ 1.1.1 (Servlet
Spec 2.0). Also many tricks and other Jars/Packages installed.
Copies of all installation files and scripts are provided.
- Apache (1.3.12) + Tomcat 3.1 (final),
+ MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Linux RH6.2/Intel
- Apache 1.3.12 + Tomcat 3.1_Beta_1
+ MOD_SSL/OPENSSL) on Solaris. The Solaris installation has
more features than Linux one, since I had to do some more complicated
- Apache (1.3.12) + Tomcat 3.1_Beta_1
+ MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Linux This is installation for
the Red Hat Linux 6.1.
- Apache (1.3.11) + JSERV1.1
+ MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Linux This is installation for
the Red Hat Linux 6.1. I am pretty condident that
it will also work on other LINUCES. But who knows...
- Apache (1.3.11) + Tomcat 3.0
+ MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Linux This is installation for
the Red Hat Linux 6.1. I am pretty condident that
it will also work on other LINUCES. But who knows...
- Apache (1.3.11) + Tomcat 3.1
+ MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Linux This is installation for
the Red Hat Linux 6.1. I am pretty condident that
it will also work on other LINUCES. But who knows...
- Apache (1.3.12) + Tomcat 3.1 Beta 1
+ MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Linux This is installation for
the Red Hat Linux 6.1. I am pretty condident that
it will also work on other LINUCES. But who knows...
- Apache (1.3.11) + JSERV1.1
+ MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Solaris This is installation for
the Sparc Solaris 2.7.
- Apache (1.3.11) + Tomcat 3.0
+ MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Solaris This is installation for
the Sparc Solaris 2.7.
- Apache (1.3.11) + Tomcat 3.1
+ MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Solaris This is installation for
the Sparc Solaris 2.7.
- Apache (1.3.12) + Tomcat 3.1 Beta 1
+ MOD_SSL/OPENSSL on Solaris This is installation for
the Sparc Solaris 2.7.
Also look at my TOMCAT 3.1 Beta 1 FAQ
since it has some answers to questions which I could not find anywhere else
(maybe I did not know where to look).
Again... Please tell me about typos and mistakes, since write-ups like
these are usually committed late at night when my head hits the keyboard...
Jan K. Labanowski
1224 Kinnear Rd
Columbus, OH 43212-1163
E-mail: jkl@ccl.net