With the conversion of most office computers to Windows '95, an annoyance has been introduced with regards to passwords. Everyone with network access needs a password to get onto the network. In addition, Windows '95 requires users to have a password. Initially, these two passwords are the same, and logging onto the Stark network also allows you to get into Windows '95.
However, most users have Stark network passwords that change periodically. Once the network password is changed, Windows '95 no longer recognizes your password (you just changed it), so you must use your old password to get into Windows '95. This document describes how to reset your system so that both passwords are the same.
If you get a message stating that your network password is about to expire, you need to change your network password. To change your network password, select the START button and choose Run....
Selection of the RUN Command.
A "Run" dialog box should appear. Type "SETPASS" to get into the network password program (which will appear in a DOS window), and follow the on-screen prompts. When you are done, you can close the Window by selecting the "X" box in the upper-right hand corner of the window.
Running the SETPASS
To change your Windows '95 password, select the control panel using the START button as shown below. From the Control Panel, select the Passwords icon and press the "Change Windows Password" button and fill in the appropriate boxes.
Selection of the Control Panel
Last modified March 18, 1997
Kent State University - Stark Campus
Department of Chemistry
This Page Written and Maintained by
Dr. Clarke Earley
email: cearley@stark.kent.edu