From chemistry-request -x- at -x- Mon Mar 4 02:12:06 1991 Date: Fri, 1 Mar 91 15:27:49 EST From: "Peter S. Shenkin" Subject: Re: Purpose of this mailing list To: at -BRL.MIL, grfamini- at Status: RO George Famini writes: > > I have watched, over the past several weeks, different types of messages come > from this mailing list..... > There are several, however, that I do not feel are appropriate.... > > I guess my concerns really date back to the lambasting Joe Leonard took when > he posted a "request" as to whether is was ok to post "product information" > to this mailing list (I admit I was one). Since then, there have been > several notices of post-doc availability and other job openings, graduates > seeking jobs, and other product announcements either through academic > institutions, or directed at them (I am purposefully avoiding names here > lest I inadvertantly offend anyone). I find these no different from what > Joe wanted to do.... One of the things that happens on these lists is that sometimes lengthy discussions take place about what the list should be used for. I'm afraid I'm going to add to this one. Speaking thermodynamically (ie, philosophically, rather than expediently (kinetically) ), the way things have to settle down in the long run is for as list as broadly construed as this one to explode into separate lists with narrower scopes. This happens all the time on usenet. In the long run, perhaps there should be a list called chem-products and even one called chem-software; one called chem-jobs and perhaps even once called chem-post-docs (as distinct from "real" jobs ). This could happen as soon as inspired individuals agree to moderate and publicize such lists. Then George and the rest of us can say, "Keep me on this one, but leave me off that one." Putting on my kinetics hat for a moment, the moderators of this list could help by encouraging the formation of separate lists; their role adds weight to their opinions. If they believe a separate list should be spun off on some special topic, they could open the subject for discussion her, and ask for volunteers among the readership for administrating such a list. Thus, they could serve as catalysts. Personally, I feel that brief commercial announcements (per the moderators' recent guidelines) and post-doc solicitations are highly appropriate. Perhaps the latter could be kept a little shorter. -P. -- ************************f*u*cn*rd*ths*u*cn*gt*a*gd*jb************************** Peter S. Shenkin, Department of Chemistry, Barnard College, New York, NY 10027 (212)854-1418 shenkin&$at$& shenkin&$at$&cunixf.BITNET ***"In scenic New York... where the third world is only a subway ride away."*** ---