From chemistry-request |-at-| Wed Feb 26 12:32:25 1992 Date: Wed, 26 Feb 92 12:11 EDT From: Subject: Questions about Gaussian on the net To: chemistry "-at-" Status: R Dear OSC-netters: I have noticed that several Gaussian-related questions have been posted on the OSC-net recently. This is to inform all interested parties that questions regarding Gaussian should be sent directly to Gaussian, Inc. Your question will be answered more expediently, and you will avoid bothering the other subscribers on the OSC-net. If you have questions regarding available versions of Gaussian, licensing, or ordering the program, etc., please direct your e-mail to orders # - at - # If your question is of a technical nature, you should direct your e-mail to help {*at*} You may also send questions directly to me at moses $#at#$, and I will be happy to assist you. Thanks. David Moses Gaussian, Inc. moses%!at! 412-621-2050 (Voice) 412-621-3563 (Fax)