From bunte- at -ARL.MIL Wed Nov 1 14:01:34 1995 Received: from for bunte%!at!%ARL.MIL by (8.6.10/950822.1) id NAA14762; Wed, 1 Nov 1995 13:54:40 -0500 Date: Wed, 1 Nov 95 18:47:15 GMT From: Steven Bunte (PFD|ICB) To: chemistry*- at -* Subject: Partial Charges Message-ID: <9511011847.aa13570 |-at-| TBD2.ARL.MIL> Dear CCl'ers- I have been calculating spin densities and partial charges in the presence of a backgound charge distribution using the CHARGE keyword in G94. I'm using the charge distribution to simulate charges in a protein environment, however, I don't know how the external point charges are included in the Hamiltonian. The reference given in the G94 manual only discusses how the spherical Gaussian density basis functions are implemented, not the point charges. Can anyone direct me towards a reference(s) on how this is done?? I'll post a summary of responses... Steve Bunte