From owner-chemistry.,at, Tue Nov 22 13:46:00 2005 From: "Bill Ross ross^-^" To: CCL Subject: CCL: CCL and Google Base or Wikipedia Message-Id: <-30039-051122131344-8258-oJDNZm1yIwwxLvXxTR0HOA/a\> X-Original-From: Bill Ross Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 09:38:36 -0800 (PST) Sent to CCL by: Bill Ross [ross|a|] I would be very hesitant to cite wikipedia because it will change - hopefully for the better - so that in some number of years the citation may not make much sense. Your paper may even become the foundation for the page you cite, wiping out whatever you originally referred to. Wikipedia is a great place to collaboratively organize information, and promises to be a major reference, even if not cited in the sense that fixed media can be cited. Bill Ross