From owner-chemistry /at\ Tue Jan 11 01:07:00 2011 From: "Davor Sakic davor.sakic],[" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Force field calculations-getting started Message-Id: <> X-Original-From: Davor Sakic Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Apple-Mail-16-738273861 Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 06:59:29 +0100 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v1082) Sent to CCL by: Davor Sakic [davor.sakic!A!] --Apple-Mail-16-738273861 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1250 Hi Aaron, Although I haven't extensively used FF calculations, I used Tinker for = some tautomer/isomer search. Molden can = generate everything you need.=20 Hope for the best. Sincerely Davor Sakic Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb Ante Kovacica 1 10000 Zagreb Croatia davor.sakic|| dsakic|| On 11. sij. 2011., at 05:34, Alavi, Saman Saman.Alavi!A! = wrote: > Hi Aaron, > =20 > You may want to look at DL_FIELD which is a new utility for = constructing the FIELD file for use in DL_POLY. It is free of charge and = only requires registration. > > =20 > An alternative is to use the AMBER "antechamber" program to determine = the atom types, count (and list) bounds between the atoms (and harmonic = force constants between them,) angles and harmonic angle bend harmonic = force constants, dihedrals (proper and improper) along with the related = parameters, etc. according to the AMBER force field functions. = Parameters for many types of potential (including OPLS) are available in = AMBER. Once you get the list of bonds, angles, dihedrals from the = antechamber program, it is a much easier task to prepare the DL_POLY = FIELD file. I can send a more detailed description of the procedure if = you have access to AMBER and antechamber. > =20 > I hope this helps. > =20 > Best regards, > Saman Alavi > =20 > From:{:} = [{:}] On Behalf Of = Deskins, N Aaron nadeskins++WPI.EDU [owner-chemistry{:}] > Sent: January-10-11 9:29 AM > To: Alavi, Saman > Subject: CCL: Force field calculations-getting started >=20 > Hello fellow CCL=92ers, > =20 > I find myself increasingly in need of running some force field = calculations (e.g. OPLS) for organic/biological molecules, and am = looking for the best way to get started. I come from an electronic = structure background where making an input file is pretty = straight-forward. Choose atomic coordinates (xyz), basis set, = methodology, and run the calculation. > =20 > Setting up an input file for the various molecular mechanics methods = however seems more complicated. You can start with the xyz atomic = coordinates, but you also have to worry about various atom types for the = same element, atom connectivity, etc. > =20 > Can anyone suggest some software/website/tutorial that would help in = setting up an input file? > =20 > I=92m leaning towards using DL_POLY (I have experience with this = code for =91simpler=92 systems) with the OPLS force field, but this = isn=92t set in stone. OPLS seems to be widely used for the types of = molecules I=92m interested in (organics). > =20 > Thank you,=20 > =20 > N. Aaron Deskins > Assistant Professor > Chemical Engineering Department > Worcester Polytechnic Institute > Worcester, MA > > =20 > =20 --Apple-Mail-16-738273861 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1250 Hi Aaron,
Although I haven't extensively used = FF calculations, I used Tinker for some tautomer/isomer search. Molden = = can generate everything you need. 
Hope for the = best.

Davor = Sakic

Department of General and Inorganic = Chemistry
Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry,
University of = Zagreb
Ante Kovacica 1
10000 = Zagreb

On 11. sij. 2011., at 05:34, Alavi, Saman = Saman.Alavi!A! wrote:

Hi = Aaron,
You may want to look at DL_FIELD which is a new utility = for constructing the FIELD file for use in DL_POLY. It is free of charge = and only requires registration.