From owner-chemistry "-at-" Sun Apr 28 01:12:01 2024 From: "David Shobe shobedavid|*|" To: CCL Subject: CCL: suggestions for density functionals for polycyclic heteroaromatic compounds Message-Id: <-55132-240428011047-30710-ReCmgWKlqEyDZ/> X-Original-From: David Shobe Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0000000000004e347f061721287d" Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 00:10:27 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: David Shobe [shobedavid(_)] --0000000000004e347f061721287d Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" I realize that "best" density functionals is a controversial topic, but I could use some help. I want to do a DFT study of a variety of polycyclic heteroaromatic compounds with heteroatoms including B, N, O, P, and S. Mostly I am interested in relative energies of isomers, bond lengths, and electron distribution within the molecule. The last of these might be summarized by di- and quadrupole moments and/or by atomic charges (another controversial topic!). I will also want to calculate monocyclic species and carbocyclic species for comparison. There are now a bewildering number of density functionals, and I haven't really kept up. Have there been any good studies or comparisons of density functionals for heteroaromatic compounds? --David Shobe --0000000000004e347f061721287d Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I realize that "best" density functionals is a c= ontroversial topic, but I could use some help.

I want to= do a DFT study of a variety of polycyclic heteroaromatic compounds with he= teroatoms including B, N, O, P, and S. Mostly I am interested in relative e= nergies of isomers, bond lengths, and electron distribution within the mole= cule. The last of these might be summarized by di- and quadrupole moments a= nd/or by atomic charges (another controversial topic!). I will also want to= calculate monocyclic species and carbocyclic species for comparison.

There are now a bewildering number of density functiona= ls, and I haven't really kept up. Have there been any good studies=C2= =A0or comparisons of density functionals for heteroaromatic compounds?

--David Shobe
