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Submit Conference Listing to CCL


For computer security reasons you have to retype this number: GIF TEST in this box: . Your submission will not be accepted without it.

Please fill in all fields below and click on when finished. You will be given a chance to edit your entries and adjust formatting later.
First/Given Name
Middle Name
Last/Sur/Family Name
E-mail (e.g.,
CCL Support Method: [ More Info...]

If you choose to support CCL and this Concerence Listing, the form will generate invoice for 50 USD (more in PAYING FOR IT? above). Another way to support this service is to place the link to any CCL Web Page (e.g., its Home Page: or Conference Page: on your Web site. This will generate more traffic to both sites when search engine robots see sites crosslinked. We need an address of the person who placed the order (or just posted the conference), and the billing address. Even if you are not paying, please enter the information about yourself under Ordered by (it will not be shown on the Web) so we have your contact information:

  Ordered by: Billing Address:
(Leave all blank if the same)
Title & Full Name:
Address Line 1:    
Address Line 2:    
City, State/Province, Code:    

Please enter the FIRST DAY OF THE CONFERENCE. It is a very important entry, since conferences are ordered by the starting date in the index. If you are not sure, provide your best estimate. We can correct it later or you can resubmit updated information via this page.

Conference Starts on:     - -

Please enter a one-line conference description providing Title and Location (e.g., Bioinformatics Workshop, Universite de St. Jean, Menton, France). Make sure that it fits the space provided.


Please enter detailed description of the conference as plain text (preferably) though HTML is also supported. Remember to provide the link to conference Web site and/or e-mail address of organizers. Please read the FORMATTING TIPS for detals. This will tell you how to deal with long lines. Also consult the EXERCISE PAGE to see how to do it in practice.


Click on the button when finished. You will need to preview and/or edit your entries. Make sure that your e-mail address is correct. Then, you will receive a short e-mail message requesting that you confirm your submission. Please use the instructions in this message to finalize your submission. After your job page is posted on the Web you will receive an invoice for 50 USD for this service. You may ignore it if you have to, or pay us later when you collected your registration fees. Contact us at: if you need any assistance (e.g., you submitted an updated conference description and need to remove the old one). We would be also grateful for your comments about this Web interface, since it would help us in improving it. Thank you for your support.