From Mon Jul 22 15:15:00 EDT 1996 Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 22:13:24 +0300 Message-Id: <> From: (foton263) To: Subject: 97.10.05 VIII Int. Symp. on Magnesium VIII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MAGNESIUM International Society for Magnesium Research (SDRM) Heraklion, Crete, Greece October 5-9, 1997 FIRST CIRCULAR Under the auspices of: National Technical University of Athens Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology of Greece National Organization of Tourism of Greece President: Vice-Presidents: Theophanides T. Anastassopoulou J. Mountokalakis T. Honorary President: Honorary Vice- Presidents: Durlach J. Chhapparwal B. Classen H.G. Halpern M.J. Itokawa Y. National Organizing Committee: Theophanides T., chairman Anastassopoulou J., vice-chairman Mountokalakis T., vice-chairman Kirezoglou G. Adamopoulos G. Kritikos A. Elisaf M.S. Nastos A. Galeas Th. Sarros G. Local Organizing Committee: Theophanides T., chairman Anastassopoulou J, vice-chairman Mountokalakis T., vice-chairman Adamopoulos G. Nastou H. Fotopoulos N. Nastos A. Korbaki V. Peppas V. Kougionas V. Sarros G. International Scientific Board: (as of May 1996) Abdulla M. (Sweden) Leefmans J.A. (Mexico) Alouane I. (Tunisia) Rayssiguier Y. (France) Anastassopoulou J. (Greece) Reyes A.J. (Uruguay) Chhaparwal B. (India) Rijkers G.T. (Netherlands) Cittalini A. (Italy) Ryan M.P. (Ireland) De Leeuw I. (Belgium) Saito N. (Japan) Dhalla S. (Canada) Saris N.E. (Finland) Djurhuus S. (Denmark) Smetana R. (Austria) Escanero J. (Spain) Spatling L. (Germany) Halpern M.J. (Portugal) Stendig -Lindberg G. (Israel) Kiss S. (Hungary) Vink R.. (Australia) Kummerow F. (U.S.A.) Zeana C. (Romania) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Mail to: Prof. Theophilos Theophanides National Technical University Chemical Engineering Department Radiation Chemistry and Biospectroscopy Zografou Campus Zografou 15 780, Athens, Greece Tel: +30-1-772 3133 / +30-1-772 3183, Fax: +30-1-772 3184 e-mail: theophan @ central . ntua . gr INVITATION The organizing Committee cordially invites you to participate in the 8th International Symposium on Magnesium which will be held at the Rinela Beach Hotel, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, on October 5-9, 1997. You will have the opportunity to present your most recent work, attend lectures describing the current state-of-the-art, discuss and exchange ideas with other scientists in a scenic environment by the Mediterranean sea. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM The scientific program will include invited lectures, voluntary oral presentations, and posters. The abstracts of all contributions will be published in the Book of Abstracts as a supplement to Magnesium Research by John Libbey (England), and will be available at the Registration Desk. Mini symposia for specialized topics could also be organized covering mostly Plenary Lectures SCOPE OF THE SYMPOSIUM The scope of the Symposium is to cover all aspects of Magnesium Research. 1. BASIC SUBJECTS Theoretical Aspects: -Formal theoretical models in Mg Research -Mathematical and non-mathematical modeling Biological Aspects -Mg-drug interactions and molecular design -Mg hydration studies -Mg heating in solution -Mg solubility, solvent effects, anion effects -Mg in health, Mg and sports -Biology -Chemistry (fundamental, bioinorganic, organic, ,analytical) -Physical Chemistry - Pharmacology, Physiology (in vitro, in vivo) -Toxicology -Analytical methods 2. APPLIED TOPICS Agronomical Aspects: -Agricultural processes -Breeding -Food processes (nutrition), cereals Clinical Aspects: - Allergy, Cardiology, Dermatology, Diabetes, Diabetelogy, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Immunology, Medicine, Nutrition, Obstetrics, Oncology, Ophtalmology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Sports, Surgery. -Mg deficiency in internal medicine (therapeutic uses) -Mg-water-drug interactions -Neurobiology-psychiatry -Metabolism Contributions dealing with mathematical models and aspects including sample size calculations and structural aspects on magnesium salts and the structure of water in the presence of Mg-salts are especially welcome. GENERAL INFORMATION The official language of the Symposium will be English. SOCIAL PROGRAM A social program, including the get together mixer and sight-seeing tours to Crete and other archeological sites in the surroundings, will be arranged for all participants and accompanying guests. There is also possibility to arrange pre- and post-Symposium tours to mainland Greece and to the Greek Islands. Details will be given in the Second Circular. HOW TO COME TO THE SYMPOSIUM The Rinela Beach Hotel is situated 15 km from the airport of Heraklion Crete, Greece. It is located on a sandy beach on the coast of Kokkini Hani with Aegean sea architecture and it reminds the ancient Theatre of Epidaurus. ACCOMMODATION Accommodation will be available at the Rinela Beach Hotel. Prices will include breakfast and half pension and will be given in Second Circular. PRELIMINARY REGISTRATION All those willing to receive the Second Circular are requested to complete the attached preliminary registration form and mail it to us before October 30, 1996. The Second Circular, which will include the call for papers, the list of titles of Invited lectures, details on travelling, social events and the program for accompanying guests, will be released in January 1997. REGISTRATION FEES Full participants: 100.000DRA (1US$=246DRA) Stud+ents: 35.000DRA Accompanying persons: 50.000DRA Registration at the Conference: 125.000 DRA DEADLINES Preliminary Registration: May 31, 1997 (100.00 DRA) Second Circular: January 31, 1997 Submission of Abstracts: May 31, 1997 CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Prof. Theophilos Theophanides National Technical University Chemical Engineering Department Radiation Chemistry and Biospectroscopy Zografou Campus Zografou 15 780, Athens, Greece Tel: +30-1-772 3133 / +30-1-772 3183, Fax: +30-1-772 3184 e-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - National Technical University of Athens Radiation Chemistry & Biospectroscopy Heraklion, Crete, Greece October 5-9, 1997 FIRST CIRCULAR VIII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MAGNESIUM Heraklion, Crete, Greece October 5-9, 1997 VIII MAGNESIUM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM PRE - REGISTRATION FORM Surname_______________________First & Middle names_________________ Title: Prof/Dr/Mrs/Mr Mailing Address____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Postal Code____________City________________ Country________________ Tel._______________Fax________________ E-mail______________________ I intend to submit a paper Yes( ) No( ) Topic: ________________ I will be probably accompanied by ____person(s) Book me for ____ nights ___________________________________________________________________ Please complete and return this form, before October 31, 1996, if you want to receive the Second Circular. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS VIII MAGNESIUM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Prof. Theophilos THEOPHANIDES NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Radiation Chemistry & Biospectroscopy, Zografou Campus Zografou 15780, ATHENS, GREECE Tel: +30-1-772 3133 / +30-1-772 3183, Fax: +30-1-772 3184 e-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]