From Thu Jan 18 15:28:55 1996 From: <> Subject: 97.06.09 9th Internat. Congr. Quantum Chem ICQC 97 To: THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY 9th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry Emory Conference Center Hotel Emory University Atlanta, Georgia June 9-14, 1997 SECOND CIRCULAR is now available at Those who returned the First Circular will receive a hard copy of the Second Circular in a few weeks by mail. Organized under the auspices of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Sciences EMORY CONFERENCE CENTER HOTEL EMORY UNIVERSITY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, USA JUNE 9-14, 1997 ___________________________________________________________________ ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Ernest R. Davidson Kieji Morokuma (Chair) Henry F. Schaefer, III LOCATION AND DATES Emory Conference Center Hotel, Emory University Atlanta, Georgia USA >From Monday, June 9, 1997 (Gathering) to Saturday, June 14 (Closing Session, Banquet) CORRESPONDENCE Keiji Morokuma 9th ICQC '97 Department of Chemistry Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322 USA Tele: (404) 727-2180 Fax: (404) 727-6586 Email: PROGRAM The program will include plenary and invited lectures and posters. The conference will be in English. PLENARY SPEAKERS Reinhart Ahlrichs, Institut f=9Fr Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie, Karlsruhe, Germany Michele Parrinello, Max-Planck-Institut f=9Fr Festk=9Arperforschung, Stuttgart, Germany Martin Quack, Laboratorium f=9Fr Physikalische Chemie, ETH , Z=9Frich, Switzerland PARTIAL LIST OF INVITED SPEAKERS Alml=9Af Clementi Heller Mayer Apeloig Cremer Hirao Musaev Armentrout Dixon Houk Nascimento Baerends Dunning Iwata Robb Bauschlicher Dykstra Jemmis Scuseria Becke Eisenstein Koch Shaik Bondybey Frenking Koga Stanton Bowers Fu Kozlowski Taylor Carsky Galabov Lischka Urban Cederbaum Gauss Light Yang Ceyer Hall Lorquet Zerner Cioslowski Head-Gordon Makri SESSION TOPICS Methods - Parallel Computation - quantum chemistry code implementation - DFT - Perturbation, Coupled Cluster, etc. (all non-variational methods) - Multi-reference Approaches - Basis Sets and Corrections for Inadequacy - Hybrid Methods (QM/MM, etc.) Applications - Photochemistry - Non-adiabatic Effects - Electronic Structure in Condensed Media - Intermolecular Interactions - Spectroscopy - Chemical Reactivity - Organic Reactions - Homogeneous Catalysts - Solid Surface, Heterogeneous Catalysis - Materials, Solid States - Biological Applications - Dynamics of Nuclear Motion - Statistical Applications - Industrial Applications SATELLITE MEETINGS 1. Density-Functional Theory and Computation Dates: June 3-7, 1997 Location: Duke University Durham, North Carolina Contact: Weitao Yang Dept. of Chemistry Duke University Durham, NC 27708-0346 Organizers: Mel Levy and Weitao Yang Email: 2. Theoretical Chemistry in Biology: From Molecular Structure to Functional Mechanisms Dates: June 3-7, 1997 Location: Savannah, GA or Charleston, SC Contact: Michael Zerner Quantum Theory Project Univ. of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611 Organizers: Peter Kollman, Harel Weinstein, and Michael Zerner Email: 3. Structural and Mechanistic Organic Chemistry: A Tribute to Professor Norman L. Allinger Dates: June 5-7, 1997 Location: Athens, Georgia Contact: H.F. Schaefer, III Ctr. for Comp. Quan. Chem. Univ. of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602-2556 Organizers: H.F. Schaefer and P. Schleyer Email: 4. Coupled Cluster Theory and Electron Correlation Workshop Dates: June 15-19, 1997 Location: Cedar Key, Florida Contact: Rodney Bartlett Quantum Theory Project University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611 Email: 5. Interplay between Theory and Experiment in Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics Dates: June 15-18, 1997 Location: Memphis, Tennessee Contact: Peter Pulay Dept. of Chem. & Biochem. Univ. of Arkansas Fayetteville, AK 72701 Organizers: Daniel Chapman, Tom Cundari, David Dixon, B. Andes Hess, Bruce Hudson, Henry Kurtz and Peter Pulay Email: __________________________________________________________ Updated information concerning the congress can also be obtained on the internet at The second circular containing registration and accommodation information will be mailed in the fall of 1996 to those who return the following response form via fax, mail or email []. ___________________________________________________________ Last name First Name Institution Department Address Telephone Fax E-mail ( ) I intend to aprticipate ( ) I intend to present a poster ( ) Please send the second circular [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]