From owner-chminf-l@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU Mon Jun 2 08:16 EDT 1997 From: Milan Antonijevic <AMILAN@NASTAVA.TF.BOR.AC.YU> Subject: 97.11.04 Corrosion and Materials Protection To: CHMINF-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU CALL FOR PAPERS This message is being sent to several lists. Sorry about duplicates. Second Announcement and Guide for Authors 16th SYMPOSIUM ON CORROSION AND MATERIALS PROTECTION - with international partipitation- 4th - 5th November 1997 Location: BELGRADE , Serbia , Yugoslavia W E L C O M E T O B E L G R A D E Serbian Association of Corrosion Engineers and Technicians for Materials Protection and University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty Bor collaborate to organize the Syposium. The following topics will be on the Symposium: - MATERIALS CORROSION IN EXPLOATATION CONDITIONS - CORROSION RESEARCH METHODS - CORROSION OF METALS AND ALLOYS - CORROSION OF NONMETALLICS - BIOCORROSION - CORROSION INHIBITORS - CATHODIC AND ANODIC PROTECTION - PAINTS AND PAINT COATINGS - ELECTROCHEMICAL COATINGS - CORROSION PROTECTION IN CONSTRUCTION - ORGANIC MATERIALS DEGRADATION AND AGEING - WOOD PROTECTION - SURFACE PROTECTION AND ISO STANDARDS G U I D E F O R A U T H O R S Papers may be submitted in the following forms : OPTION 1 : Diskette plus One Hard Copy OPTION 2 : Two Hard Copy However , authors are requested to make every effort to elect OPTION 1 since thhe conference proceedings will be published using desktop publishing techniques and a diskette containing the paper will greatly facilitate the editing and publishing process. It is expected that OPTION 2 will be used only by authors who do not have access to a suitable computer facility. Requirements for the diskette and hard copies are outlined below. DISKETTE ------------ The diskette should contain the full text of the paper including the tables, all written with an IBM compatibile word processor. MS Word 6.0 is preferred but other word processors are also acceptable. DOS operating system should be used in all cases. The diskette can be 3.5 inch or 5.25 inch and low-intensity or high-intensity type. The diskette should be labelled with the name of the author, an abbreviated title of the paper, the name(s) of the file(s) and the word processing system using. HARD COPY --------- The hard copy of the paper should normaly be arranged in the following order : - Title of the paper - Full name(s) of the author(s) - Affiliation(s) and mailing address(es) of the author(s) - Abstract - Introduction - Experimental - Results and discussion - Conclusions - References - Tables - Figure captions - Copies of figures - Originals of figures - Photographs Text should be typed in 1.5 spacing ( max ten pages ). When accompanied with a diskette , the hard copy should be an exact printout of the file(s) contained in the diskette. TABLES ------- Tables should be typed on separate sheets of paper and using the same word processor as for the text. These will be placed at appropiate locations in the text during editing. FIGURES ------- Enclose the original and one copy of each figure. Original figures should be supplied as camera-ready, publication quality drawings. Figure captions should not be shown on the drawings but given as a separate list. Each drawing should be identified in one corner at the back with the figure number and the name of the author. REFERENCES ----------- Indicate references in the text using normal size numeric superscripts in consecutive order. Do not put numbers in parantheses. List references at the end in order of their appearance. Give names of all authors (do not use " et al." ). Exclude article titles in journals. PHOTOGRAPHS ------------ Photographs should be avoided unless they are of high contrast, clear, black and white , glossy prints. SUBMISSION DATE & ADDRESS Please send your paper as soon as it becomes available and no lather then September 15 , 1997 , to : Professor dr Milan M. Antonijevic Technical Faculty Bor University of Belgrade POB 50 , 19210 BOR, Serbia Yugoslavia Tel: 381 30 24 555 Fax: 381 30 21 078 e-mail: REGISTRATION FEE is 300 DM.