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Up Directory CCL METMOD1
      Name                   Last modified     Size  Description

dimer_adduct 08-Sep-98 02:29 127246 arameter set of {W[C(CH2)3CH2](OCH2tBu)2Br2}2

and {W[C(CH2)3CH2](OCH2tBu)2Br2}.GaBr3

complexes osborn 08-Sep-98 02:31 131058 parameter set of W(CR1R2)(OR3)nX4-n (Osborn)

type carbene complexes osborn.Si_S 08-Sep-98 15:33 2107 osborn.fluoride 08-Sep-98 02:29 991 additional parameter set to file osborn.iodine 08-Sep-98 02:31 714 wclcarb 08-Sep-98 15:33 124627 parameter set of WCl4CR1R2 type complexes

Modified: Wed Nov 11 16:37:59 1998 GMT
Page accessed 6219 times since Sat Apr 17 21:26:03 1999 GMT