Commercial announcements
- From: jkl[ AT
- Subject: Commercial announcements
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 16:56:26 EDT
Dear Subscribers to Comp.Chem.List
I would like to ask for the end of discussion on Commercial Postings
(Yes, I am a Stalinist Hitler). We had it before and it resulted in a set
of rules which are described in the help file (to get help file for the list
send a message:
send help from chemistry
to OSCPOST[ AT ] or OSCPOST[ AT ]OHSTPY.bitnet).
You might accuse me of making rules to suit myself but please be reminded
that I do not work for any software company and do not intend to at the moment.
If you want to send me flames, please direct them to my mailboxes:
I will appreciate your comments.
However, the rules are the rules and I try not to break them.
Believe it or not, they are a compromise from the previous discussion
on this topic. Compromise means that everybody loses, but this is life.
My posting of Commercial Adveritisement was in accord with the rules of the
list and please give me a break...
Jan Labanowski
Your friendly Hitler
jkl[ AT ]
chemistry-request[ AT ]