After many questions about NCSA, the following information should be
  helpful in obtaining the software I mentioned.  You can access their
  anonymous ftp site and get the software from there if you are on
  internet and have an ftp program.  The address is
  The software packages are in subdirectories.  If you have a problem,
  you can call the NCSA consultants at (217)244-1144.  Improved versions
  of the software is also available commercially  from Spyglass (Mac.)
     Andy Holder
                               DR. ANDREW HOLDER
 Department of Chemistry              ||  BITNET Addr:   AHOLDER { *at * }
 University of Missouri - Kansas City ||  Internet Addr: aholder { *at * }
 Kansas City, Missouri 64110          ||  Phone Number:  (816) 235-2293