NCSA programs for Mac

I am forwarding the message of Joe Golab to the list:
 The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) has
 quite a few programs that run on Macs (IIs) that can draw contour
 maps (in color) as well as more elaborate procedures.  All of
 these programs (and the corresponding documentation) are public
 domain and available on an anonymous ftp server at NCSA.
 I would assume that the specific application you need is "NCSA
 Contours for the Macintosh Version 1.1" but you may find other
 software on the server better serves your needs.
 To gain access to these programs, one should enter:
          % ftp -OR-
          % ftp
 Use anonymous for the name and your local login name as the
 password.  I would suggest that you get the README.FIRST file and
 review it for the specific information and instructions on finding
 your particular program.  The contents of the server can be quite
 confusing to the novice.
 Happy Computing!
 *                               |                           *
 * Joe Golab                     | jgolab -x- at -x- -OR- *
 * NCSA - University of Illinois | 12688 -x- at -x- ncsavms[.bitnet]    *
 * 4025 Beckman Institute        |                           *
 * MC 251 - DRAWER 25            | IN CASE OF EMERGENCY:     *
 * 405 North Mathews Avenue      | (217) 244 2756 (Voice)    *
 * Urbana, Illinois 61801        | (217) 244-2909 (FAX)      *
 *                               |                           *