PDB file format description in PS

Yes, it is me again.
 Thanks to Torence P. Lo from U. British Columbia in Vancouver CAN we have
 fixed few typos in the LaTeX/Postscript version of Protein Data Bank
 Coordinate and Bibliographic Entry Format Description (see my posting
 on 91/12/10). The good news is that some of these typos were not ours
 but were diligently retyped from the original PDB document.
 Anyhow, I have put the new version in archives now. If you want it,
 read postings from 91/12/10 (you can get them by sending a message:
   send 91/12/10 from chemistry
 to OSCPOST : at : ccl.net or OSCPOST : at : OHSTPY.BITNET)
 and you will learn how to download them
 Jan Labanowski
 Ohio Supercomputer Center
 jkl : at : ccl.net