Re: summer school info

While (ab initio) calculations will only be a part of this school, there
 is a NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Molecular Spectroscopy: Recent
 Experimental and Theoretical Advances" in The Azores (Portugal),
 Aug. 30 - Sep. 11, 1992. The programs we expect to have include
 Gaussian 92, MOPAC, molecular mechanics (CFF from Rasmussen and possibly
 MMX from Allinger), and PROAIM (density analysis from Bader),
 running on Convex, IBM RS/6000, "PC", PS/2 and MAC computers.
 There will also be FT-IR, UV/Vis and (we hope) FT-Raman
 instruments available, and NMR data processing software.
 Tutorial sessions will be a significant part of the ASI, with instruction
 provided on how to use all the theoretical and experimental tools.
 Contact Dr. R. Fausto (fcqmrui "-at-" for more info.
 A mailing address is
 	Director of NATO-ASI on "Molecular Spectroscopy",
 	The University Chemical Department,
 	P-3049  COIMBRA, Portugal.
 Mike Peterson, U/Toronto Department of Chemistry
 Tel: (416) 978-7094                  Fax: (416) 978-8775